Han Solo - Rebal Dawn Part 3

Han Solo - Rebal Dawn -

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But one Hutt was too intent on his holo-cast unit to even notice the weather. Durga, the new leader of the Besadii clan since his parent Aruk's untimely death six months ago, had eyes and attention only for the full-sized holo-image projected into his office.

Two months 'after Aruk% death, Durga had hired a team of the best forensic examiners in the Empire to journey to Nal Hutta and conduct a rigorous autopsy on his parent's bloated corpse. He'd had Aruk frozen, then placed in a stasis field, because Durga was convinced that his parent had not died from natural causes.

When the examiners had arrived, they'd spent sev-eral weeks taking samples of every kind of tissue to be found in the Hutt leader's ma.s.sive corpse, and running tests on them. Their early results had turned up noth-ing, but Durga insisted that they keep on looking-and he was the one paying, so the forensic specialists did as ordered.

Now Durga stared at the coalescing holo-image of the leader of the team of forensic specialists, Myk Bid-lor. He was human, a light-skinned, slightly built male with Pale hair. He wore a lab coat over his rumpled clothing. As Bidlor saw Durga's image forming before him, he bowed slightly to the Hutt Lord. "Your Excel-lency. We have received the results from the latest round of tests on the tissue samples we brought back to Cornscant... I mean, to Imperial Center."

Durga waved a small, impatient hand at Bidlor, and addressed the man in Basic. "You are late. I was expect-ing your report two days ago. What have you learned?"

"I regret, your Excellency, that the test results were somewhat delayed," Bidlor apologized. "However, this time, unlike our other rounds of tests, we have discov-ered something I believe you will find very interesting. Unexpected, and unprecedented. We had to contact specialists on Wyveral and they are currently checking to see if they can discover where it was manufactured.

The morbidity factor has been difficult to test, since we have no pure quant.i.ties, but we are persisting, and when we tested the PSA count of the specimenS-"

Durga slammed his small hand down on a nearby ta-ble, sending it cras.h.i.+ng over. "Get to the point, Bidlor! Was my parent murdered?"

The scientist drew a deep breath. "I cannot say for certain, Your Excellency. What I can tell you is that we have discovered a very rare substance concentrated in the tissues of Lord Aruk~ brain. The substance is not natural. None of my team has ever encountered it be-fore. We are running tests even now to discover its properties."

Durga~ birthmarked face grew even uglier as his scowl deepened. "I knew it," he said.

Myk Bidlor raised a cautioning hand. "Lord Durga, please... allow us to finish our tests. We will continue our work, and we will report back as soon as we have something definitive to report."

Durga waved a dismissive hand at the forensics ex-pert. "Very well. See that you report to me instantly when you discover what we are dealing with here."

The man bowed. "You have my a.s.surance, Lord Durga."

With a muttered curse, the Hutt Lord broke the connection.

Durga was not the only unhappy Hutt on Nal Hutta. Jabba Desilijic Tiure, second-in-command of the pow-erful Desilijic clan, was both depressed and displeased.

Jabba had spent the entire morning with his aunt, jili-ac, the leader of Desilijic, trying to finish the final re-port on the losses to Desilijic that had resulted from the Imperial attempt to raze Nar Shaddaa and subjugate Nal Hutta. The Empire~ attack had failed, mostly due to Jabba and Jiliac's successful bribe of the Imperial Ad-miral, but it would be a long time before business on Nar Shaddaa was back to normal.

Nar Shaddaa was a large moon that orbited Nal Hutta. The other name for Nar Shaddaa was "the Smuggler~ Moon," and it was apt, for most of its deni-zens lived there because they were connected with the illegal trade that moved through Nar Shaddaa every day. Running spice, running guns, fencing stolen trea-sures and antiquities . . . Nar Shaddaa saw all of that and more.

"s.h.i.+pping is down forty-four percent, aunt," Jabba said, his comparatively small, delicate fingers touching the data-pad expertly. "We lost so many s.h.i.+ps, so many cap-tains and crews when that thrice-cursed Sam s.h.i.+ld mounted that attack. Our spice ~ustomers have been com-plaining that we can't move our product the way we used to. Even Han Solo lost his s.h.i.+p, and he~ our best pilot."

Jiliac glanced at her nephew. "He has been flying our s.h.i.+ps ever since the attack, Nephew."

"I know, but most of our s.h.i.+ps are older models, aunt. Slower. And, in our business, time equals credits." Jabba did another calculation, then made an exasper-ated sound. "Aunt, our profits this year will be the low-est we've experienced in ten years."

Jiliac replied with a mighty belch. Jabba looked up and saw that she was eating again, some high-sustenance goop she smeared on the backs of her swamp-wrigglers before stuffing them into her enormous mouth. Ever since becoming pregnant last year, Jiliac had been under-going one of the typical Hutt growth spurts most adult Hutts experienced several times in their adult lives.

In the s.p.a.ce of a year, Jiliac was nearly a third again the size she had been before her pregnancy.

"You'd better be careful," Jabba warned. "Those wrigglers gave you terrible indigestion the other day. Remember?"

Jiliac belched again. "You're right. I should cut back... but the baby needs the nourishment."

Jabba sighed. Jiliac~ infant was still spending much u of its time inside its motherb pouch. Baby Hutts de-pended upon their mothers for all their nourishment for the first year of their lives.

"Here is a message from Ephant Mort," Jabba said, seeing that his "message" indicator was blinking on his comlink. Quickly the Hutt Lord scanned the commu-nique. Vile says I should return to Tatooine. He is run-ning my business interests as ably as he can, I am sure, but the Lady Valarian is taking full advantage of my pro-longed absence to try and move in on my territory."

Jiliac turned her bulbous eyes on her nephew. "If you must go, Nephew, go. But see that it is a quick trip. I will need you to handle the conference with the Desili-jic representatives from the Core Worlds in ten days." "But, Aunt, it would do you good to handle it your-self. You have gotten rather out of touch with those reps," Jabba pointed out.

Jiliae burped delicately, then yawned. "Oh, I shall plan to attend, Nephew. But the baby is so demanding .... I will need you to be there and handle things when I must rest."

Jabba started to protest, then forced back the words. What good would it do? Jiliac simply wasn't interested in the affairs of Desilijic the way she had been before motherhood. It was probably hormonal ....

For months now, Jabba had been working to recoup the losses the Desilijic kajidic suffered in the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. He was getting tired of shouldering- speaking figuratively, of course, for Hutts did not really have shoulders-the burden of running Desilijic.

"Here is a note that should interest you, Aunt," Jabba said, examining another message. "Repairs to your yacht have been completed. The Dragon Pearl is fully opera-tional again."

In the old days, Jiliac~ first question would have been "how much?" but she did not ask it. The bottom line was no longer her primary interest in life ....

Jiliac's yacht had been hijacked by some of the de-fenders of Nar Shaddaa, and had suffered considerable damage in the battle. For a long time Jabba and his aunt had thought the s.h.i.+p lost 'altogether, then a Hurt smuggler had spotted the vessel drifting among the abandoned hulks that were scattered in orbit surround-ing the Smuggler's Moon.

Jabba had ordered the Pearl towed into s.p.a.cedock, and had spent a goodly sum in bribes, but he'd never been able to discover which of the smugglers had hi-jacked the vessel and used it in the battle.

In the old days, Jabba reflected sadly, news of her precious s.h.i.+p would have been of major concern to his aunt. But the Dragon Pearl had been damaged because Jiliac had forgotten to have the s.h.i.+p brought safely to Nal Hutta before the battle. "The stress of mother-hood," as she'd put it.

Well, the "stress of motherhood" had cost Desilijic well over fifty thousand credits in repairs. Just because Jiliac had been careless.

Jabba sighed, and absently reached for a wriggler from his aunt~ snackquarium. He heard a snort, then a buzzing nasal rumble, and turned to see that Jiliac's ma.s.sive eyes were closed, and her mouth was half-open as she snored.

Jabba sighed again, and went back to work ....

That same night, Durga the Hutt was eating his eve-ning repast with his cousin, Zier. Durga did not like Zier, and he knew that the other Hutt lord was his chief rival for the leaders.h.i.+p of Besadii, but he tolerated him because Zier knew better than to oppose Durga in any overt fas.h.i.+on. Remembering Aruk's advice to "keep your friends close . . . and your enemies even closer," Durga had informally made Zier his lieutenant, entrust-ing him with matters pertaining to the administration of Besadii clan~ vast Nal Hutta enterprises.

Durga kept Zier on a very short leash, however, and trusted him not at all. The two Hutt lords fenced back and forth verbally as they ate, each watching the other as a predator regards prey.

Just as Durga was lifting a particularly succulent morsel to his mouth, his majordomo, a servile, pale Chevin humanoid, appeared. "Master, there has been a message sent. You are to expect an important holo-transmission from Coruscant within a few minutes. Do you wish to take it here?"

Durga gave Zier a quick glance. "No. I'll take it in my office."

He undulated 'after the Chevin, Osman, until he reached his office. The "connection" light was just be-ginning to flash. Is it Myk Bidlor with news about the substance found in my parent~ brain tissues? the Hutt wondered. He had clearly gained the impression from the human that it would be some time, perhaps months, before they would complete their investigation.

Waving the bowing Chevin humanoid out of the room, Durga activated the security locks, keyed on the "s.h.i.+elded frequency" field, and then accepted the communication.

A blond human female suddenly stood before him, nearly life-sized. Durga wasn't very familiar with human standards of attractiveness, but he recognized that she appeared fit and limber. "Lord Durga," she said. "I am Guri, aide to Prince Xizor. The prince would like to speak with you personally."

Oh, no/If Durga had been human, he would have broken out in a sweat. But Hutts did not sweat, though their pores did secrete an oily substance that kept their skin comfortably moist and slick.

Aruk the Hutt had not raised a fool, however, so none of Durga~ unease showed. Instead he inclined his head, the closest a Hutt could come to a humanoid bow. "The prince honors me."

Before Durga's eyes, the figure of Guri stepped to one side of the transmission field, and was almost in-stantly replaced by the tall, imposing form of the Falleen prince, Xizor, the leader of the huge criminal empire known as Black Sun.

Xizor~ people, the Falleen, had evolved from a rep-tilian species, though the prince was very humanoid in appearance. His skin had a definite greenish cast, and his eyes were flat and expressionless. His body was mus-cled and lithe, and might have been in his mid-thirties (though Durga knew his age was closer to one hun-dred). Xizor% skull was bare save for a topknot of long black hair that fell to his shoulders. He wore an expen-sive surcoat over a one-piece garment that resembled a pilot% jumpsuit.

As Durga gazed at Xizor, the leader of Black Sun in-clined his head in a faint nod. "Greetings, Lord Durga. It has been several months since I have heard from you, so I thought it best to see for myself that you are well. How is Besadii doing in the wake of your esteemed par-ent~ untimely death?"

"Besadii is doing well, Your Highness," Durga said.

"Your help was most appreciated, I a.s.sure you."

When Durga had first succeeded to the leaders.h.i.+p of Besadii, he'd faced so much opposition from other lead-ers in the clan-mostly due to the young Hutt~ unfor-tunate facial birthmark, which Hutt lore held to be an extremely bad omen-that he'd had to ask Prince Xizor for help. Within a week after his request, Durga~ three main opponents and detractors had died in "unrelated" accidents. Opposition had grown far quieter after that ....

Durga had paid Xizor for his help, but the princek fee had been so modest, so much less than the young Hutt lord was expecting, that Aruk% heir knew he hadn't seen the last of Black Sun.

"I was only too glad to provide whatever a.s.sistance you needed, Lord Durga," Xizor said, spreading his hands apart in a gesture that conveyed sincerity. Durga didn't have any trouble believing the Falleen Prince was sincere. The Besadii Lord had known for a long time that Black Sun would be only too happy to gain a foothold in Hutt s.p.a.ce. "And I must say, it is my most humble wish that we will have cause to work together again."

"Perhaps we will, Your Highness," Durga said. "At the moment, 'all my time is taken up with running the affairs of my clan, and I have little time for anything outside Nal Hutta."

"Ah, but surely you have time for Besadiik Ylesian in-terests," Xizor said, as if doing nothing more than musing aloud. "Such an impressive operation, such efficiency, .all of it achieved in such a comparatively short span of time. Most impressive."

Durga felt his stomach contract around his supper. So that is what Xizor wants, he thought. Ylesia. He wants a share of the Ylesian profits.

"Of course, Your Highness," Durga said. "Ylesia is essential to Besadii's business interests. I take my duties toward our Ylesian enterprise most seriously."

"That does not surprise me at all, Lord Durga," the Falleen Prince said. "I would have expected no less. Your people are akin to mine in their efficiency in run-ning their business affairs. So much better than many of the other species that pride themselves on their busi-ness, frankly... like the humans, for instance. All their dealings colored by emotion, rather than re-maining rational and a.n.a.lytical."

"Indeed, Your Highness, you are entirely correct," Durga said.

"However, both our peoples have regard for family ties," Xizor said, 'after a moment's pause.

What in the name of all the denizens of s.p.a.ce is he getting at? Durga wondered. The Hutt Lord was com-pletely in the dark, and that irritated him greatly. "Yes, that is also true, Your Highness," Durga agreed after a moment, keeping his voice neutral.

"My sources reveal that you may need some a.s.sis-tance in discovering the truth behind your parent's death, Lord Durga," Xizor said. "Apparently some . . . irregularities have surfaced."

How did he learn about the forensic report so quickly? Durga wondered, then he mentally shook himself. This was Black Sun he was talking to, the greatest criminal or-ganization in the entire galaxy. It was possible that not even the Emperor himself had better spy networks.

"My people are conducting investigations," Durga said, neutrally. "I will let you know if I require a.s.sis-tance, Your Highness. But I am gratified by your wish to help me in my bereavement."

Xizor inclined his head respectfully. "Family must be honored, debts must be paid, and, when necessary, vengeance must be swift, Lord Durga. I am sure my sources could be of considerable a.s.sistance to you." He looked Durga square in the eye. "Lord Durga, let me be frank. Black Sun's interests in the Outer Rim are not being served as capably as they could be. It seems to me that we would do well to 'ally ourselves with the natural masters of that region of s.p.a.ce-the Hutts. And it is very evident to me that you, Lord Durga, are N'al Hutta's rising star."

Durga was not flattered by Xizor's words, nor reas-sured. Instead he flashed back to a conversation with his parent. Prince Xizor had contacted Aruk several times in the past two decades, and had made the Be-sadii lord several similar offers. Aruk had always refused as gracefully as possible. The Besadii Lord knew better than to anger Xizor, but he did not want to become one of the Falleen prince's lieutenants, or, as Xizor termed them, 'Wigos."

"The power of Black Sun is seductive, my child," Aruk had said. "But beware it, for there is no turning back as long as Prince Xizor is 'alive. Easier in some way to say no to the Emperor himself. Give Black Sun a kilometer, and they will take a Remember this, Durga."

I remember, Durga thought, and faced the holo-image squarely. "I will think upon your words, Prince Xizor," Durga said. "But at the moment, Hutt custom demands that I pursue my investigations and possible vengeance as a sacred... and solo... trust."

Xizor inclined his head again. "I quite understand, Lord Durga. I shall look forward to hearing from you when you have had the time to ponder my proposal."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Durga said. "Your con-cern honors me, and your friends.h.i.+p pleases me."

For the first time, Xizor smiled faintly, then he reached out and broke the connection.

The moment the prince's holo-image vanished, Durga let himself slump. He felt exhausted 'after fencing with the Falleen prince, but congratulated himself that he'd held up rather well.

Ylesia. He wants a share in Ylesia, he thought. Well, Xizor could want all he pleased, but wanting wasn't the same thing as getting, as every sentient child soon discovers.

If Xizor knew that I had authorized another colony on Ylesia, and sent survey teams to Nyrvona to begin choosing the best spot for a new Pilgrim planet, he'd be twice as eager, he thought. Good thing he'd been very close-mouthed about his ambitions for the new Besadii expansion.

Durga had a sudden, vivid vision of a whole handful of Ylesias, worlds where raw spice was turned into pure profit by contented, happy Pilgrims. Perhaps I could even expand into the Core Worlds, he thought. Palpa-tine would not stop me, he values the slaves I sell his minions ....

The Hutt lord smiled, and went gliding back to his interrupted dinner, appet.i.te fully restored.

Far away, on Imperial Center, Prince Xizor turned away from his comm unit. "Not just a crafty Hutt, but an eloquent one, it seems," he commented to his human-replica droid, Guri. "Durga is proving more of a challenge than I expected."

Tile HRD who bore the seeming of a surpa.s.singly beautiful human woman-made a very subtle move-ment of one hand. Yet the meaning-and menace-in her gesture were unmistakable. "Why not eliminate him, then, my prince. Easy enough to do ...."

Xizor nodded. "For you, Guri, not even a Hutt~ thick skin would prove a challenge, I know," he said. "But killing a potenti'd opponent is not nearly so efficient and effective as making him a dedicated subordinate."

"The young Besadii lord~ control of his clan and his kajidic is still tenuous, by 'all report, my prince," Guri said. "It is possible that Jabba the Hutt might prove a better candidate?"

Xizor shook his head. "Jabba has been of use to me in the past," he said. "We have traded information- 'almost 'all of which I 'already knew-and I have done him some favors. I would rather have him beholden to me, so that when I choose to have him return these favors, he will do so with... enthusiasm. Jabba respects Black Sun. Fears it, too, though he would never admit it."

Guri nodded. Most beings in the galaxy who had any sense-and any knowledge of Black Sun, which the vast majority of sentients did not-were afraid of Black Sun.

"Also, Jabba is too... independent, too used to hav-ing his own way," Xizor continued, thoughtfully. "On the other hand, Durga is equ'dly intelligent, and, unlike Jabba, he is still young enough to be effectively . . . molded... into what I wish him to be. He would make a valuable addition to Black Sun. Hutts are ruthless and venal. In short, ideal."

"Understood, my prince," she replied, composedly. Guri was always composed. She was, 'after 'all, an artifi-ci'd creation-though she was as far above most of the clanking, clumsy droids most people thought of when they thought of droids as Prince Xizor was above one of the slithering creatures that were his distant evolution-ary cousins.

Xizor walked over to his form-chair and dropped into it, stretching almost lazily while the chair hastily con-formed to his every move. Thoughtfully, he stroked one sharp-nailed finger down his cheek, the talon barely grazing his greenish skin. "Black Sun needs a foothold in Hutt s.p.a.ce, and Durga is my best chance of gaining it. Also... Besadii controls Ylesia, and that operation, though small in sc'de compared to most of Black Sun~ enterprises, impresses me. Lord Aruk was a most cun-ning old Hutt. He would never work for me... but his son may be a different matter."

"What is your plan, my prince?" Guri asked.

"I shall give Durga time to re'dize just how much he needs Black Sun," Xizor replied. "Guri, have Durga~ in-vestigations into Aruk~ death closely monitored. I want our operatives to stay ahead of Durga~ own knowledge of the forensics team's findings. I wish to know how Aruk died before the Besadii lord does."

She nodded. "As you wish, my prince."

"And if the discoveries of Durga~ forensics team provide links back to Aruk~ murderer-most likely Jili-ac or Jabba-then I want that link eliminated in the most subtle way. I do not want Durga to realize that he is being deliberately thwarted in his search for his father's killer... is that clear?"

"It is, my prince. It shall be as you wish."

"Good." Xizor looked pleased. "Let Durga play de-tective if he wishes for a few months . . . even a year. Let him chase his own slimy tail. The frustration will build, until he is only too happy to throw in his lot-and a goodly percentage of Ylesia-with Black Sun."

Han Solo arrived back at his shabby flat on Nar Shaddaa in the early hours of the morning to find the a.s.sorted denizens of his motley household still fast asleep. That didn't last long, though. "Hey, everyone!" the Corellian bellowed. "Chewie! Jarik! Wake up! I won! Lookit this!" He ran through the apartment, yelling and waving a stack of credit vouchers thick enough to choke a bantha.

Han and Chewie shared their dilapidated fiat with his young friend Jarik and an ancient droid named ZeeZee Han had "won" off Mako Spince in a recent friendly game of sabacc. After spending a month or two in ZeeZee's company, however, Han was pretty sure that Mako, an experienced card sharp, had "cooked" that deck to make sure he lost.

As a house-droid, ZeeZee had proved a twittery, stammering nuisance rather than a help. Hah had got-ten so annoyed with the droid's efforts to clean up the place that several times he'd considered junking the blasted antique, but somehow he'd never gotten around to it. Finally, in disgust, Han had ordered ZeeZee to "leave everything the way it is!"

Jarik "Solo" was a street kid from the depths of Nar Shaddaa. About a year ago he'd introduced himself to Han as a distant relative. He'd obviously been in awe of Han, who was known far and wide as one of the hottest pilots around. Jarik was a brash, good-looking kid, and he reminded Han a little of himself when he'd been in his late teens. The Corellian had had Jarik's claim inves-tigated, and turned up the truth-Jarik had no more right to the name "Solo" than Chewie did. But by the time Han knew for sure they weren't related, that Jarik was lying, he'd gotten kind of attached to the boy. So he'd let him hang around, even fly with them, and Jarik had turned into a pretty fair gunner.

Despite the youth's fears, he'd proven himself at the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, shooting down several TIE fighters, and helping Han, Lando and Salla Zend turn the tide of the engagement. So Han had never told the youth that he knew the truth. It was important for Jarik to have a sense of ident.i.ty, even if it was a false one. And Han was willing to let the kid "borrow" his last name.

Now, as he raced around his apartment, Han was bouncing off the walls with excitement as his groggy friends gathered around. "C'mon, wake up!" Han shouted. "I won, guys! And I won the Falcon from .Lando!"

Hearing the exciting news, Chewbacca roared, Jarik cheered, and poor ZeeZee was so confused by the ex-citement that the elderly droid short-circuited and had to be reset. After a round of back-slapping and con-gratulations, Han, Chewie and Jarik headed immedi-ately for Lando's used-s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p lot, with Lando's marker in hand.

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