The Right Woman Part 4

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Sarah reached into her purse and pulled out a card. She wrote a number on the back. "This is my cell phone. You can reach me today or tomorrow, any time you want to talk. On Monday make an appointment at the office. Dr. Mason usually handles these cases for the hospital. She's very good and you'll like her."

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Somehow Sarah was hoping she'd say that. For so long she'd refused to open those doors that were so painful, but by helping Brooke she could also help herself.

"I remember you talking about your family last night," Brooke said. "Are you close to your twin now?"

"Yes, we are."

"I have two sisters younger than me and I don't know what to say to them."

"I think you'll find that you won't have to say much. They'll just want to comfort you."

"Yeah. People have been real nice. Detective Garrett was here earlier and he's so nice and good-looking. I just thought that cops in the movies were that handsome."

Was Daniel handsome? Of course he was. He was tall, lean, with dark eyes and hair. At times his hair curled into his collar. His features were strong and chiseled, his nose straight and his lips... Oh, my. She touched her warm cheek. She'd noticed Daniel more than she'd ever thought. Denial-she'd been firmly in denial. But not anymore.

She was going to take her own advice and make an effort to move on with her life. She couldn't remember the last time she had actually laughed, felt silly or giddy. It was time for a change.

Brooke's parents entered and Sarah stood. Lois ran to her daughter and hugged her. Her father did the same.

"The doctor said you can go home soon." Bob Wallace wiped away an errant tear.

"I don't know."

Brooke seemed afraid and before Sarah could say anything Bob added, "Don't worry. No one's ever gonna hurt you again. Not as long as I'm around."

Brooke's fears eased and Sarah knew she was going to be okay with the love and support of her family.

"I'll go," she said. "If you need anything, just call."

"Thank you, Ms. Welch," Brooke replied. "Will the police still be questioning me?"

"Yes." Sarah glanced at Bob. "Call if you need me, but I feel your father can handle them."

"Yeah." Brooke nodded confidently and Sarah slipped out of the room.

WHEN SARAH GOT IN her car, she grabbed her cell phone. She had to talk to Serena. Serena, please, please, be home. The phone rang and rang then the answering machine came on. She clicked off, wondering where Serena could be. This wasn't like her. But Sarah still wasn't worried.

She drove toward Fort Worth and home, and realized it was almost noon. She had the house to clean and laundry to do yet. But the emotional tennis ball in her head kept bouncing back and forth with a ferocity she couldn't ignore, couldn't deny any longer. She had to sort through what she was feeling, about Daniel, about her life, and the only way to do that was to talk, as she'd told Brooke. She could talk to Karen-she had many times-but she didn't open up to her colleague the way she did with Serena. She had to talk to her sister. Where are you, Serena?

She drove into the garage and smiled. Ethan's truck was parked to the side. Serena was home. Sarah jumped out and ran to the house. The door burst open and flew toward her, her red hair in a ponytail, bouncing.

"Sari, Sari, Sari, it's me," she shouted.

Sarah dropped her purse and caught, swinging her around and into her arms, then she just held her tight.

"Look at me, look at me." wriggled and leaned away from Sarah. "Look how big I get. Daddy says I grow like a weed. Daddy says he's gonna put a rock on my head. Daddy says I getting too big for my britches."

Sarah kissed her cheek. "Daddy says a lot."

"Yeah. Daddy knows everything."

Jasmine Marie was the light in her father's eyes and she wors.h.i.+ped him. Serena taught school and Ethan kept while Serena was at work. Ethan had retired from the FBI and he occasionally did P.I. work, but since's birth he only took care of his daughter. He'd been married before and had lost a son, so he tended to be overprotective. That's why Serena made him go away for the odd weekend. She wanted to be around other people.

"Where's Daddy Says?" She teased her little niece, using the name that Sarah called Ethan because every other word out of's mouth was "Daddy says."

"In the house with Mommy and Gran. Mommy said I could watch for you and I saw you first."

The door opened again and Serena came toward them.

"I gonna go tell Daddy you're here." She slipped from Sarah's arms, ran around her mother and back into the house.

The sisters embraced. Two identical young women-same red hair, same blue eyes, same height and body shape and weight, except Serena's hair was now shorter and hung in a natural style past her shoulders. Sarah's was still long and wound into a knot at her nape.

Sarah clung to her sister, then she did something out of character. She burst into tears.

Serena just held her.

Finally, Sarah pulled away and brushed away tears. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little emotional or I'm just really glad to see you."

Serena looked into her eyes. "Sarah, what is it?"

Sarah blinked and admitted something that she hadn't been able to before. "I need to talk. I need help."


SARAH QUICKLY GOT HERSELF under control. "I don't want to see me crying. We'll talk later."

"Are you sure?" Serena asked with a worried frown. "Ethan's an expert at taking care of our daughter."

"Yes. Right now I just want to enjoy my family."

Arm-in-arm they walked into the house. Ethan immediately got up and hugged Sarah. Tall and lanky, with dark good looks, Ethan was one of a kind. He'd been shot in the hip while working for the FBI and now walked with a slight limp, but since he was in such good shape it was hardly noticeable. If she had to use a word to describe Ethan, it would be honorable.

Daniel was a lot like that. Where did that thought come from?

"See, Daddy," said, crawling into Ethan's lap. "I told you Sari was here. I saw her first."

Ethan pulled her ponytail. "Yes, you did."

"Were you surprised to see me, Sari?" asked.


"Mommy said we were going to surprise you."

"You certainly did that. Gran and I were concerned. We both tried calling and got no answer."

"I called last night and before six this morning," Gran told them.

Ethan looked lovingly at Serena. "Serena was feeling a little down yesterday so I took her out to dinner last night. That didn't help a whole lot and I knew it was time for a visit. We were on the road at three this morning."

"Isn't he wonderful?" Serena asked of no one in particular, her eyes on her husband.

"Daddy Says gets my vote for wonderful," Sarah teased.

"We love Daddy," chirped in. "Daddy says he put me in the truck, but I don't 'member. Daddy says I was sleeping like a log."

"I'm just so glad you're here. I was feeling a little down, too, and I needed this. But I haven't had a chance to do the housework or anything."

"It's all done." Serena smiled.


"Gran was doing laundry when we got here so I helped her finish, then I made the beds and put linens in our room. I dusted, mopped and vacuumed. Ethan took out the trash and swept outside."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted us to have a chance to visit and now we do." Serena linked an arm through Sarah's.

Almost on cue, Ethan stood. "I'll take and see if I can track down Daniel. I haven't talked to him in a while."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat. Should she tell Ethan that Daniel was quitting his job? No. She'd let Daniel do that.

"What about lunch?" clapped her hands. "I'm gonna get a Happy Meal. Mommy said I could."

Ethan grimaced. "Daddy's really looking forward to this." heard the displeasure in Ethan's voice. Her bottom lip dropped. "Mommy said I could."

Serena quickly took her out of Ethan's arms and kissed her. "Yes, my baby. Since you did so well in your gymnastics cla.s.s I said you could have a treat."

"I jump real high, don't I, Mommy?"

"Higher than anyone else."

"And I can turn a flip, too." She looked at Sarah. "Wanna see?"

Serena held her tighter to keep her from getting down. "You can put your shorts on tonight and show Sari and Gran everything you can do. I think Daddy's ready to go." Serena kissed her again. "Have a good time."

Ethan took from Serena, giving his wife a lingering kiss in the process. "See you later," he whispered to Serena, then walked out the door with talking non-stop.

Sarah opened the refrigerator. "I made chicken salad last night so I wouldn't have to cook today. I'll cut up some fruit and we'll have lunch."

"I'll make the tea," Serena offered.

For the next thirty minutes they were busy preparing and eating the meal. Gran sat back and smiled.

"It's so good to have my girls together, but now I'm going to take a nap. I haven't worked this hard in ages."

After Gran left, they cleaned the kitchen. Sarah poured more tea into their cups. "Let's go into the den."

Serena curled up in a comfortable chair and Sarah sat on the sofa. She kicked off her shoes and drew up her knees.

Serena sipped her tea and waited.

"How are things in Junction Flat?" Sarah asked, unable to say the words she wanted to, had to, say.

"Great. I love the peace and quiet and I love teaching."

"I don't have to ask how you and Ethan are doing. You're still so in love."

"Yes." Serena grinned. "That will never change, but no marriage is perfect. We have problems, too."

"Ethan's overprotectiveness with"

Serena brushed back her hair. "It was such a battle to let her take gymnastics and it all stems from his fear of losing her like he lost Ryan. His son was about's age when he fell off those boxes and died from the injuries to his head."

"It has to be devastating to lose a child."

"Yes, and Ethan knows he goes overboard. He's just so afraid, but I've told him that we can't keep her locked up away from the world. We have to let her grow."

"What did he say?"

"He understands, but it's difficult for him to do. I explained the running and jumping would be good for her. She'd learn how to fall."

"Did he agree?"

"Not for an instant and he was so nervous watching her I thought I'd have to tie him to his seat."

"He just loves her," Sarah said.

"Yes. Ethan loves very deeply. That's one of the things I love most about him."

"You're very lucky."

"Hmm." Serena's eyes grew dreamy. "And I have a solution to our problem."

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