The Right Woman Part 21

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Russ opened the folder and laid some papers in front of Arnie. "Boyd transferred the owners.h.i.+p of clubs after each rape and murder to you. Of course, the clubs were in one of Boyd's fictional names, but we still found the transfers. Why?"

"Because he owed me the money, dammit. I'm an attorney and I don't work for free."

"You sure don't." Russ placed more papers in front of him. "Boyd gave you power of attorney over his bank account-the only one that wasn't seized by the cops five years ago. There's a tidy sum in the account, more than enough to cover your services."

"Where did you get that information?" Arnie pulled out a handkerchief and mopped his forehead. He was getting nervous. That was good, Daniel thought. Now maybe they could get some straight answers.

"Does it matter?" Russ asked. "You're in these rapes and murders up to your bugged-out eyes. Unless you want a cell next to Boyd's, you'd better tell me who's doing this."

Arnie mopped his forehead again. "I want an attorney."

"Really." Russ raised an eyebrow. "Earlier you said you didn't want one-that you could represent yourself."

"I've changed my mind."

"That's your prerogative." Russ stood. "All I want is a name. An A.D.A. is out in the hall and she might take the death penalty off the table if you cooperate."

"I didn't kill anyone. You can't scare me and you can't prove a d.a.m.n thing."

Russ moved away and nodded to Daniel.

Daniel stepped forward. "If I were you, I'd be very scared, Arnie. In Texas it doesn't matter if you committed the murders or not. All that matters is that you ordered them. Two young girls are dead and one's in the hospital and another's life has been threatened. Boyd's signature is all over this. He's ordering the rapes from prison through you, trying to finagle a new deal, trying to save his sorry a.s.s. That's not happening. Neither the D.A. nor the governor is dealing with Boyd. His execution is going forward and you'll be left holding the bag. We're being pressed to make an arrest and right now you're our number one suspect."

"I want an attorney."

"Think about what we said."

Arnie raised his head, his eyes narrowed. "Maybe you should think about it, Garrett. If Boyd dies, a lot of innocent people will, too."

Daniel frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Sarah Welch is very beautiful and Boyd's not gonna let her live." The words were meant to taunt and goad him. It worked.

Before Daniel knew what he was doing, he'd jumped across the table and had Arnie by the neck. Russ pulled him off.

"Now you're really p.i.s.sing me off, Arnie," Russ said.

"I'm filing charges against him for police brutality." Arnie rubbed his throat.

"File away, you slimeball," Daniel said, getting himself under control. "Before this night is over, I'm going to nail your a.s.s to the wall."

He could hear Arnie laughing as Russ ushered him into the hall.

"That wasn't very professional," Hannah said to Daniel. "I expect that kind of behavior from Russ, but not from you, Daniel. Get your priorities straight."

"I'm sorry. I lost it. That creep knows what's going on. He knows everything and he's calling the shots."

"Still that doesn't..."

"Can it, Hannah," Daniel shouted. "I'm not in a mood to listen to Arnie Bishop's rights."

"Calm down," Bill ordered. "Or I'll take you off this case."

Daniel turned away, taking several deep breaths. The moment Arnie'd mentioned Sarah's name he'd seen red and he'd wanted to shake the life out of him. That was the first time he'd lost it with a suspect. He was in too deep. He wasn't being taken off this case, though. He had to apologize.

Bill held up a hand, stopping him. "Get this case solved-today-without losing your temper."

"We'll have to let him go by tonight," Hannah said. "We don't have anything to hold him on."

"Don't you worry." Russ spoke up. "I'll find something-littering, his dog doesn't have a leash, anything."

Hannah frowned. "I want real charges."

Russ bowed. "Yes, ma'am."

She ignored him and spoke to Bill and Charles. "Call me if you get anything." Saying that, she strolled away, her high heels clicking on the floor.

"b.i.t.c.h," Russ muttered.

"Don't start," Charles warned.

"The meeting's in a few minutes," Bill said. "Charles and I will see you in the conference room." The two lieutenants walked down the hall.

Russ patted Daniel on the back. "We've been around each other too long. You're starting to act like me."

"Oh, G.o.d," Daniel groaned.

Russ grinned. "Don't worry, it'll pa.s.s." His face became serious. "We've clashed a lot over the years because we do our jobs differently. You're always calm, factual and methodical, but sometimes I have to be brusque and insensitive to stomach this job, or else it gets to me."

"Yeah," Daniel agreed, seeing a side of Russ he thought he never would-his vulnerable side. "It takes a lot to stomach this job on a good day and vermin like Arnie just..."

"We'll get Arnie," Russ vowed. "With a little more pressure, he'll crack like a rotten watermelon."

"I hope so." Daniel turned away. "I have to check on Sarah before the meeting."

Daniel found her reading through the files. Her red hair was pinned at the back of her head and several tendrils hung around her face, softening her features that were once so tight. She wore a white knit top and jeans, an outfit so unlike the business suits he was used to seeing her in. But then, their lives had changed drastically.

She looked up and smiled. "Hi."

He smiled back. "How you doing?"

"Better now that you're here."

He sat beside her, his pulse quickening from her nearness. "The meeting's in a few minutes. Chad's outside the door and policemen are up and down the hall. That's about as secure as it gets."

"Did Arnie Bishop say anything?"

"No, but we'll keep pressuring him. I'm just hoping for something to happen in this meeting."

She tapped a file. "All I see are hardworking cops with problems like everyone else."

"Whoever the snitch is has made sure that he'll never be found. He's covered all his tracks, but he's going to slip up and I'm hoping today is his day." He stood. "I'd better go."

At the door he stopped. "If you need anything, just tell Chad."

She looked into his eyes. "I don't need anything but you. I need you."

He wavered slightly. "If I come over there, I'll never leave this room."

"I know." She tucked a tendril behind her ear. "I just wanted to tell you that."

He nodded and left the room.

Sarah sat in silent wonder at the changes in her life. A few days ago she was suppressing her emotions and in complete denial. Today she was talking, sharing and loving, and maybe soon she and Daniel would be free to get on with their lives. They hadn't talked about the future-they were too busy fighting to have one-but she knew their future would be together. First they had to stop Boyd.

She heard voices and got up and went to the door. She opened it a crack and Chad immediately appeared.

"Do you need anything, Ms. Welch?"

"No. I was just wondering what the noise was."

"Officers summoned by Lieutenant Tolin and Lieutenant Bauer are filing into the big conference room for the meeting."

"Oh," she murmured, seeing men in plain clothes and in uniforms making their way into a room down the hall. She didn't see Daniel, but she saw Russ, Joel and a few other cops she was acquainted with. Then her breath lodged in her throat. She saw a gun in a holster she'd seen before. The holster was on a man's hip and the leather was worn through from many years of use. She remembered it clearly and she knew exactly where she'd seen it.

"Chad," she said. "Get Daniel."

"They're closing the doors and I can't go in unless it's an emergency."

"This is an emergency."

Chad seemed perplexed. "Ms. Welch..."

"Do it-now."

"Yes, ma'am," Chad responded, and called down the hall. "Ray, come here." A uniformed officer walked over.

"What do you want?"

"Guard this door until I get back."

"Where you going?"

"Into the meeting."

"You're not allowed in there."

"Guard the d.a.m.n door. I'll be back in a sec."

Sarah pushed the door to and leaned against it, her heart hammering wildly. Hurry, Daniel, hurry. I know who the snitch is.


SARAH PACED BACK and forth. What was taking so long? She went back to the door and looked out again; the hall was empty except for the uniformed cop who was looking rather confused. She continued her pacing, her nerves ready to snap. Hurry, Daniel.

The door opened and she swung around. Daniel walked toward her, wearing a worried frown.

"What is it? Chad said it was an emergency."

She took a deep breath. "I think I know who the snitch is," she said in a rush.

"What! How? Did you find something in the files?"

She took a gulp of air, feeling as if she'd run a marathon. "No. I glanced out the door and saw some men walking down the hall to the meeting. Who's the tall man, almost bald, with nice starched clothes and a pistol on his hip that has a worn leather holster?"

Daniel frowned. "That's Tom Hudson. He's been with me on narcotics for years."

"He could be the snitch."

Daniel seemed shocked. "No, he can't..." He took her arm and led her to a chair. He sat facing her, holding both her hands. "Tell me how you know this?"

"When Boyd was making me strip, there was always guards to escort me back to my room. I never looked at anyone's face. I looked down, trying to pretend that I wasn't there, but I remember seeing a gun on a man's hip-the leather was really worn-just like Tom's. He was talking to Boyd, so I a.s.sumed he was one of his henchmen. It's the same holster and gun. I remember it."

"Was this man there every night?"

"No. I only saw the holster a couple of times."

"Sarah, be very sure about this."

"I am."

He wanted to deny it-didn't want to believe that Tom, his friend of many years, was the snitch. But Daniel saw that Sarah was dead serious.

"We've all razzed him about that holster, but it belonged to his father, who was also a cop, and he didn't want to get rid of it. He's a family man with three kids. I've eaten at his and Carol's house many times. His kids are in all kinds of sports and he coaches baseball. This is so out of character."

"Maybe he loaned his gun to someone?"

Daniel shook his head. "No. He'd never let anyone have that gun."

"Maybe he was there pressuring Boyd to find out what happened to Greg."

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