Prince Vampire Part 3

Prince Vampire -

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"No." Aureliann had been surprised at the pa.s.sion of their meeting but not scared. "I just didn't know what to do."

Temperance nodded in understanding. "Yep, I know that feeling. Vampires are just like you or me except for the whole teeth and blood thing. They want to be loved." She tapped her finger on her lips and was quiet for a moment. "You know I'm thinking if he came to you through the book then maybe you have a connection that cannot be broken."

Is that what I want? "Like it was meant to be?" Yes.

"Aureliann, I can't tell you what to do. I think you already know but you need to accept it. But call me if you need help." Temperance reached out and squeezed her arm in rea.s.surance. "This just may be the love of your life or a terrible mistake."

"It's not a mistake." If Aureliann knew nothing else, she knew that.

"See how quickly you answered that? You'll know what to do when you have to do it."

Victor had come to the mortal world and tracked down the woman called Aureliann. He knew Valdemar was caught up in his quest for true love. That suited Victor as it weakened his cousin and made him careless.

Victor was surprised as he stood watching his woman talking to another. There was nothing particularly special about this Aureliann. The women in their own homeland were more beautiful than her.

"So this is the woman my do-gooder sap of a cousin is in love with?" Victor was only too aware that tradition decreed that the men in his family married mortal women. It was said to give them strength. Any male children from the bond were vampires. Victor had never understood how such pale and uninteresting creatures could provide the strong heirs that they did. They seemed too weak and placid to him and he believed that being mated to one of these women was where the problems started. It weakened a vampire being attached to a mortal. He had seen it in his father. He had been besotted with his mother. Victor had never understood the attraction. While he had respected his mother, Victor had never taken the woman seriously. She had not been a vampire and therefore she had been inferior in his eyes.

Oh yes, this woman looked beddable enough with those buxom curves but she was not someone who would be anything more than a good f.u.c.k. And yet, like all of his line, Victor was expected to hear the call of a woman and fall victim to her and lose his immortality.

"I will never answer any call. I will not fall. I refuse to," he spat the words out angrily as he watched the woman. If he helped his cousin with the woman then his cousin was weakened and that worked in Victor's favor. However he also knew it was believed that the right woman strengthened his kinsman and the kingdom. Victor blew out an angry sigh. Killing Valdemar would be the best option as whatever power the woman had over him would die as well. The problem was that Victor knew the people of the realm would rise up against him. He had too few allies there. That was another reason he had come to this city of Brisbane. He was looking for some sc.u.m-of-the-earth mercenary vampires to aid him. They lurked in all cities. Victor planned to find them and promise them anything they wanted in order to help him succeed.

"Then I will crush them as I plan to crush the plebs."

Chapter Four.

"He doesn't even know where I live so why am I getting all worked up over nothing?" Aureliann paced around her living room wringing her hands. The talk with Temperance had helped but the problem still remained. Was Prince Valdemar who he said he was?

"Do I believe him or do I check myself into a hospital room with rubber walls? The laundromat thing could have been a fluke and- Oh great, now I'm talking to myself." She threw her hands up into the air. "I just know he knows where I am." Aureliann felt it in her bones and as much as this scared her, she wanted him to come to her. She walked over and peered outside the window once more. The street outside looked the same as it did any other night. Aureliann had changed outfits a dozen times since showering, finally settling on a nightdress to indicate she did not care whether he came or not. "Anyway, that's the plan," she muttered and jumped when the doorbell rang. She had not meant to race to answer it.

"But then I never meant to have s.e.x in a laundromat." Aureliann threw the door open. The three small bodies belonging to the kids across the road clutching books of raffle tickets stood there. "Oh what are you kids doing wandering around in the dark?" She grabbed her purse and bought some raffle tickets as they knew she would. She was a soft touch. "Now go home." Aureliann stood and waited until they were safely inside their own home before shutting the door. She looked down at the tickets. "Great. Just what I need. A trailer full of beer."

"I have never understood the human need for intoxication."

Aureliann screamed and the tickets and her purse flew out of her hands. She swung around and saw him.

He was everything she remembered and more. She felt hot and dizzy like she had drunk too much wine.

"How did you get in here? What took you so long? Why are you here?" The questions shot out of her mouth before she gave herself time to think.

Valdemar laughed in delight. "Hmm, which question do I answer first, lovely?" He moved toward her. "I have the ability to appear when I want. I wanted to give you some time to think and you know why I'm here, Aureliann."

Oh boy. The look in his eyes made Aureliann's heart beat wildly. I want him. I want him. I want him.

"I don't need you," she lied as she backed away from him. If he came any closer, Aureliann knew she was going to indulge in something really dumb and wonderfully delicious.

"Liar," Valdemar responded, the words soft and filled with knowing, as he circled her.

The way he stalked her made Aureliann s.h.i.+ver in antic.i.p.ation. She moved as he did. "You're an interruption in my life." She knew her boring, tedious life would never be the same again.

Valdemar nodded as he continued his pursuit. "As you are to mine but I welcomed it when you called me."

Aureliann gulped. It would take nothing to rush into his arms and taste him once more yet this was all too soon, too sudden. Surely there had to be something wrong with this? Why can't I work out what?

"But many women must read that book and call out to you." And when did I accept you were Prince Valdemar? Or have I always known?

"There are no women for me but you, Aureliann." He reached forward and took her hand.

Aureliann trembled as his lips grazed her palm. "That's all very romantic but I think my desperation for s.e.x called you more than any idea of linked souls calling out to one another." Having an obsession for the book was one thing. Making someone, even a paperback prince, believe it was another. It was wrong to lead anyone on.

"No, I'm here because I have waited for years for you to call. I have dreamed of finding you, touching you, loving you." Valdemar's voice was low and husky with emotion. "Maybe there is a desperation in that.

Needing to be with the only one you could love can make it so."

Love? Aureliann felt hot and cold chills run through her body. "Dreams are one thing, prince, but reality is another. And I want more than just s.e.x." The Vampire's Kiss was more than just s.e.x. It was about love and longing and the desire to be who you wanted to be with the only person who understood you.

"As do I."

When she looked into his eyes, Aureliann wanted to believe the whole fairytale she was caught up in. "I don't do uncomplicated s.e.x. The laundromat was unusual." Bizarre. Crazy. Wonderful.

Valdemar pulled her body against his and sighed. "I want complicated with you, Aureliann."

"I am the queen of complicated and this is not rational," she squirmed against him, unsure whether she was trying to free herself or mold her body to his. "You're not supposed to exist."

He smiled. "Yet I do."

"Yes." The heat of his body was so good against hers that she gave in and relaxed against him.

"What are you thinking?" Valdemar placed soft kisses on her forehead, then her temples.

Oh boy. When he kissed her nose and rubbed his against hers, she sighed. He was so s.e.xy and sweet it was hard to concentrate on all the reasons she shouldn't be curling her arms around his body.

"You don't know me and what I know about you I have learned from a book." And yet as silly as that sounded, Aureliann knew that was not the reason she was fighting what she was feeling. She was scared of giving too much of herself and being left wanting more.

Valdemar kissed each cheek then sucked on her chin. He grinned as she gasped. "Let's learn more about each other." His hands slipped the straps of her nightie down.

Aureliann grabbed at the fabric before it could fall at her feet. "You want to learn by s.e.x?"

"It's a good way to start or we can chat," Valdemar added, his voice light and casual even though they both knew the moment was anything but. "Tell me about your life, your family." The sudden pain in her eyes was evident to him. He reached out to her.

"They're all gone now." Aureliann explained in a calm voice what had happened. Maybe it should not still hurt as much as it did but it was not a feeling she could stop no matter how much she told herself to toughen up. "My cousin was the last one left and he couldn't deal with the pain of my parents' pa.s.sing. He killed himself." Even though it had happened two years ago, the pain was still raw.

"Life is not fair sometimes."

"No." But whining about it got you nowhere. She wanted to get back to the topic at hand. "Why are you here? Why me?" Aureliann was no more special than anyone else.

"I told you why." The answer was obvious to Valdemar.

His total faith was amazing. "Yeah but it has to be more than just some strange woman calling your name."

Valdemar shrugged his shoulders. "Why? Can't it be something as simple as love?"

Could she love this man? Oh yes. "What if I'm not the one? What if you have it wrong? What if I wake up and-"

"And I'm gone?" he added.

"Yes." The proverb about it being better to "have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" was a load of c.r.a.p in Aureliann's mind. It did not fit the real world.

"That will never happen. I am not a man who makes decisions lightly, Aureliann. I am ruled by instinct and fact. The fact is we are meant to be together." Valdemar took her hands and placed them on his chest. Her nightdress slithered to the floor. "I feel it in my heart."

His heart was beating at the same pace as hers. When Aureliann looked into his eyes she wanted to believe him and she rarely felt that way about anyone.

"If you really feel that this is wrong for you then tell me to walk away and I will, Aureliann. I would never ask anything of you that you did not wish to give freely."

And that was the thing. She could not tell him that. Those words would be impossible to speak. "I can't say that."

"Then let me love you as you should be loved. That's all I ask."

There was only one possible answer to his request. "Yes." She gathered up her courage and stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. Kissing Valdemar was such a sensual treat, as he made her mouth feel like it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted as he devoured, sucked and licked. "You have too many clothes on," she mumbled breathlessly as they parted. If she was going to do this, Aureliann wanted it done properly.

Valdemar did not need to be told twice. He undressed so quickly that he stumbled against her in his haste.

Once naked, his c.o.c.k jabbed at her stomach, bringing back memories of the first moment she held him within her. "Turn around. I want to see your royal a.s.s, your highness."

Valdemar grinned and turned at her request. He jumped when Aureliann stroked the tattoo.

"Very nice." The dark blue ink etched the intricate ankh perfectly into his flesh. It was even better than she had imagined it would be. His b.u.t.t muscles flexed under the caress of her hand.

"It's all for you, lovely."

"You say the nicest things."

He turned and moved toward her. "You make me want to be nice." Before she could speak his arm curved around her waist and his mouth was on her nipple, sucking hard.

Aureliann's hands moved to his hair and tugged at the leather tie. She wanted to see the beautiful hair flowing free over his shoulders. On any other man it would not have looked s.e.xy but on him it was so hot that she felt a rush of moisture between her legs. "Oh Val, you are gorgeous." And he is mine.

Valdemar's head jerked up and his eyes met hers. "You called me Val."

"You don't like it?" Aureliann was not big on nicknames herself but the name just seemed to come naturally to her. His response was to kiss her so hard that she staggered against him.

"I love it." His head once more went to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, lapping at her soft flesh.

Valdemar's hands were on her a.s.s and Aureliann knew that his control was shot just like hers. Her legs. .h.i.t the sofa. "Condom." She was on fire with need.

"Of course." He let go of her and rifled through his pockets, retrieving several. Valdemar's eyes glowed with hunger. "On the sofa on your hands and knees, lovely."


"a.s.s up."

"Oh..." Aureliann had a flabby a.s.s and it was not something she wanted on display.

Valdemar shook his head. "Stop agonizing about unimportant things." He ripped the condom from its packaging.

His c.o.c.k was pointing skyward and any thoughts of her fat a.s.s melted. He was right. It wasn't important, only their being together was. Aureliann climbed on the sofa on her hands and knees. She looked down. "Oh look, a two-dollar coin and my red hair clip. I have been looking everywhere for that." s.e.x was indeed a good thing. Valdemar laughed at her words. "No one is like you, Aureliann." He moved behind her on the sofa.

She heard the intake of his breath as his hands went to her a.s.s. The heat of them meeting her bare flesh was exquisite.

"I want to come just looking at your a.s.s, lovely."

"Really?" Aureliann usually wanted to puke when she saw it. She had spent most of her life covering her b.u.t.t. She could feel his c.o.c.k prodding at the crack. Now he was going to cover her a.s.s and that was better than any fabric. She spread her legs wider to receive him. Aureliann sighed when he leaned over her body and his hair fell down to brush against her skin. "You are so s.e.xy."

"But only for you." Valdemar thrust inside her in one long stroke then pulled out completely and did it again.

Aureliann cried out each time as he filled her fast and left just as quickly. It was an exciting rush of feeling that made her want more. As he impaled her once more, she said, "Stay." His growl of satisfaction made her push her a.s.s back for more. Aureliann dropped her face down against the cus.h.i.+ons and enjoyed the man who rode her with such a furious pa.s.sion. When he slipped his finger into her a.n.u.s and moved it back and forward in time with his c.o.c.k, she gasped. It was such an unusual and not unwelcome feeling. When a second finger pushed through the muscle, she moaned incoherently against the padding below.

"What?" Valdemar asked as he stopped momentarily and kissed under her ear.

"I said you are f.u.c.king fantastic," she told him, neglecting to add the bit she mumbled about loving him.

That had come as a surprise to her and Aureliann wanted to sit on that feeling for a while.

Valdemar laughed at her words and spanked her b.u.t.t with his free hand. "Want me to stop?" he teased.

"I will kill you if you do." Aureliann never wanted this feeling to stop. It was all about heat and pa.s.sion and a need so urgent that it was beyond rational explanation.

"I can't have that, lovely. We have much to enjoy in our lives." He started pumping in and out of her once more.

Aureliann yelled into the cus.h.i.+oning as the o.r.g.a.s.m tore through her body. His c.o.c.k and his fingers drove on relentlessly, making her shake as waves of intense pleasure exploded throughout her body. "You are so good at this," she panted as she gripped the sofa and tried to give back what Valdemar had given her. The man was a human pile driver as he pistoned on within her. When she felt him shake and shudder, Aureliann smiled. She was not the only one out of control here.

Valdemar fell forward over her body, squas.h.i.+ng her down against the cus.h.i.+ons. "You exhaust me, woman, but I like it." He pulled out from her body and rolled them around so she lay at his side. "And I love you, Aureliann."

She was not ready to say those words back, instead she kissed his lips and snuggled against him to enjoy the moment.

Valdemar smiled. This was the happiest he had been in a long time. His woman was wrapped in his arms and there was a peacefulness he felt with Aureliann that he felt with no other. I would give up the crown just to be with her. He sighed. Unfortunately it wasn't as simple as that. If he gave up and Victor won then his people would be under constant threat and he could not allow them to suffer because his cousin was jealous of him.

"You will like my home." Valdemar knew the simple act of having Aureliann by his side would make a huge difference in his life. He wanted to share his days, his thoughts and his concerns with the woman he loved. He wanted to shake off the loneliness of immortality. He wanted those things that only true love could bring.

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