Modern Icelandic Plays Part 6

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_Enter Halla with a wooden mug filled with porridge and milk.

The lid is turned back and some meat, dried fish, and b.u.t.ter are placed upon it._


You get nothing but skimmed milk. I thought you would rather have that than wait until the cows had been milked. (_Lets down the table-leaf._)

_Arnes (sits down and reaches for the mug)._

G.o.d bless you, woman! I am used to having it on my knees. (_Pulls out his pocket-knife and eats._)

_Halla (stops in front of Kari and looks at him)._

You are working hard; there are drops of sweat on your forehead.


Are there? (_Wipes his forehead; looks up._) Should you like to know your life beforehand? (_Stands up and raises both arms to the ceiling._) I have lived where I could touch the roof over my head with my clenched fists, and I have lived where my eyes could not reach it. (_Sits down._) Can you remember how few clothes I had when I came here?

_Halla (sitting down)._

I can well remember the green knitted jerkin you wore-- you have it yet-- and your coat and brown breeches. (_Smiling._) There was a big black patch on the left knee.


The rags on my back were all I had in the world, and now I own two new sets and even more underclothes. You deserve that I should put teeth of gold in your rake.

_Halla (smiling)._

That rake would be too heavy for me.

_Kari (looking at Halla)._

So many things come back to me to-night that I have not thought of before. You gave me leave to work in the smithy in my spare time instead of doing the wool-carding. You saw to it that I should be one of the men who gather the sheep down from the hills in the fall, because you knew I liked it.


That was only natural, since you are so swift of foot.


And for my bed you knitted a coverlet with seven colors in it. You have always been good to me.


Now you are getting far too grateful. (_To Arnes._) Do you think you have enough food there, Arnes? I can get you some more, if you want it.

_Arnes (patting his stomach)._

I don't even know if I can make room for the porridge.

_Kari (looking at Halla)._

If I were to leave this place, I should miss you more than any other living being I have ever known. (_Rises, pushes the box under the bed._)


I hope you will stay here for many years yet.


n.o.body knows what the morrow may bring. [_Exit._

(_Halla follows Kari with her eyes. Silence._)

_Arnes (puts the wooden mug on the table)._

Now I give thanks for the meal. Will you let me lie in one of your barns to-night?


You would surely sleep better in a bed. You can lie with Magnus.


I never sleep better than in old dry hay.

_Enter Gudfinna._


Is it true, Arnes, that you can tell what the birds are talking about?


Do they say that?


In olden times there were wise folks who understood all such things, but people nowadays are backward in that as in so many other ways. (_Sits down._)

_Halla (smiling)._

Yes, young people are not good for much, in your opinion.


We need only think of the sagas. Where have we men now like Skarphjedinn and Grettir Asmundsson? There are none such in these days.

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