Modern Icelandic Plays Part 58

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You were glad when you saw us?


I was so glad that I don't know yet what I am saying. I was afraid you had been caught under the ruins. I thought that was to be my punishment.

_Sveinungi (stroking her hair)._

Have you done anything you should be punished for?

_Ljot (taking his hand)._

Be fond of me, father! Be very, very fond of me!

_Enter Einar and Slvi._


Thank G.o.d, you are safe! Then you had time to get out?


No, we were in there.


Were you in there? (_Goes to the ruins._) How weird it looks!

_Sveinungi (goes to the ruins)._

It is only the one post that holds it all. If that had snapped, you would never have laid eyes on us again.

_Einar (looks into the ruins)._

It's a miracle it didn't break.


Yes, if it had not been G.o.d's will, we should not be here now.

_Einar (turns from the ruins)._

It was not any too cheerful out on the _hraun_ either. The place seemed suddenly to have become alive.


What in the world made you go out there?


There was a flock of ducks flying over the _hraun_, and I wanted to try a shot at them.

_Sveinungi (to Ljot)._

And why did you go with him?


I was not with him. Slvi and I stayed behind.


Do you sit alone with a stranger in the middle of the night? (_To Slvi._) And you, why are you here at this time? I will not have you go hunting on my land without asking my leave.


I was not hunting on your land.


But you are picking up stones, and I forbid you to take as much as a single pebble from my land. Now you know that.


Why do you say that, father?


You can go into the tent, Ljot. You have nothing to do here.


I have something to say to you.


What is it? (_Ljot is silent. To the Servants._) You can go. To-morrow I shall have a talk with you, Einar, which you will remember.


It was not my fault.

_Sveinungi (to the Servants)._

Go! What are you waiting for? [_Exeunt Servants._

_Sveinungi (to Ljot)._

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