Modern Icelandic Plays Part 53

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No. I could not stay there any longer. I saw your house standing, and that was a relief. (_Looking at Ljot._) Yet I had to come.


What do you think? Do you believe the earthquake is over?

(_Slvi fails to answer; looks at Ljot._)


My father and mother are sleeping in the house.


Why in the world are they doing that!


We were ready to go to bed, but father would not come into the tent.

Mother begged him to stay, but it was no use, and when father went back to the house, mother went with him.


But the buildings may fall at any moment if there should be another shock.


Sveinungi knows that as well as we do, but he would not let the house stand forsaken.


We must hope that no harm will come to them. So that is why you are still up. Have the others been in bed long?


No, they went in a little while ago.


May I look at your gun?


As much as you like.


Is it loaded?


It is. (_To Ljot._) You are not angry with me for coming so late? It seemed an eternity till Sunday.


I knew you would come.


You knew it! Won't you sit down? I have something to show you. (_Ljot sits down. Slvi opens the game-bag; takes from it a large fern._) I found this out on the _hraun_. Is it not beautiful? (_Sits down._) Look, the stem is no thicker than a hair, while the leaf can easily hide your whole face. (_Holds it up before her face._) It trembles when your breath touches it.


You have pulled it up by the roots. May I have the moss that came with it? (_Slvi loosens the moss from the roots. Ljot lays it in her hand; smiles._) When it withers, I'll keep it in my shoes.


Will you keep it in your shoes? See these two small ferns on one root.

They look like two slim hands. (_Looks at Ljot._)

_Einar (puts the gun aside)._

It's a fine one. It must have cost a good deal. Perhaps you bought it yourself abroad?


I did. (_Lays down the fern. To Ljot._) If you have time, you can plant it to-morrow. It won't hurt it to lie overnight in the wet gra.s.s.

_Einar (goes to Slvi)._

How long were you abroad?


Seven years.


That's a long time. (_Sits down._)


My father was angry with me for keeping your bird's skin.


Was he? And I was thinking of asking you to visit me at Hol some time before I leave.

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