Modern Icelandic Plays Part 46

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No, the others will bring it to me. [_Exit to the left._

_Enter Sveinungi._


Are you here? Won't you come in and talk to your father? (_Patting her shoulder._) This is the happiest day in my life since the time I got your mother. [_They go in._

_Enter Jakobina with a plate of chicken-feed in her hand; goes to the door of the smithy._


Is Frida there? Can you spare her while she runs over to the chickens for me with their food?


Yes, indeed. [_Frida goes with the chicken-feed._

_Jakobina_ (_sits down on the horse-block_). I had such a queer dream last night. I thought I was standing out there in the yard, and I saw a giant come striding across the _hraun_. I saw him stop right there-- he stood with arms stretched out and bent down over the house.


_A gra.s.s-grown yard, some rocks partly sunk in the ground. In the foreground, farthest to the right, a tent. In the background, to the left, the farm-house. In the outskirts of the yard a sheep-house with the roof and part of the walls in ruins. Beyond it, the "hraun,"

a lava-field stretching for miles, studded with jutting rocks and lava formations._

_It is evening of the same day._

_The Servants_ (_seated, singing_).

G.o.d the power unending Rests with Thee alone.

Cherubim are bending, Low before Thy throne.

From Thy Heaven hear me!

Weak and soiled am I, Wounds and sorrows sear me, Fainting I draw nigh.

Is there then another way?

Sorrow's rising hills may they Not reach up to heaven, pray?

Help me-- lest I die.

(_They cover their eyes in prayer. Silence._)

_Jorunn (uncovers her eyes)._

The peace of G.o.d be with us.

(_The Servants rise and shake hands._)

_Jorunn_ (_patting Frida's cheek_). Now you must not be afraid of the earthquake any more. When we trust in Him, no harm can befall us.

(_Gathers the hymn-books._) Please take the books back to the tent, Ljot; it's a little too early yet to go in. (_Ljot goes with the books._) And you may fetch the shoes I was sewing. I left them in there.

(_Some sit on the rocks, others squat in the gra.s.s. Only Sveinungi remains standing._)

_Ljot (coming from the tent)._

Here are the shoes, mother.


Thank you, daughter.

(_Ljot lies down in the gra.s.s, gazing out over the "hraun."_)


Did you hear the church-bells ringing?


I did not hear them.


I did. They rang of themselves.



Where were you, Thora, when the shock came?


In the kitchen.


It's your week, isn't it?


I don't know how I ever got out, for the whole floor heaved under me, so that I was thrown right against the wall, and you should have seen me when I came out-- all black from the falling soot.


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