Modern Icelandic Plays Part 42

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I have told Ljot. [_Goes in._


Here, give me a hand! (_Indridi lifts the sack to Helgi's back; Helgi carries it out to the left._)

_Jon (coiling the last ropes)._

We can start carrying the lumber into the shed.

_Enter Ljot from the house._


Good day to you, Ljot!


Good day! You wished to see me?


You won't be angry with me?-- I thought perhaps you would like this.

(_Takes the skin of a duck from his knapsack._) I shot it on the creek the other day, and I thought it was so pretty that I took off the skin and dried it. Do you think you could make use of it-- say for a riding-cap?


It is beautiful.


When you hold the wing this way the spot is blue, and when you hold it so it is green; it's the way the light falls.


I doubt if I dare take it. I scarcely know you.


You would make me very happy if you would take it.


Then I will, and thank you. (_Gives him her hand._) How lovely it is!

_Slvi (lowering his voice)._

Do you never go for a walk by yourself in the _hraun_?


Why do you ask?


You know the pretty spot by the old roan tree; it is not more than a good ten minutes' walk from here. I thought perhaps you might go there sometimes on Sundays.

_Ljot (blushes)._

I don't know--


I shall be there all day Sunday. Good-bye, Ljot.

_Ljot (confused)._



I shall be there at sunrise, and I shall be there when the sun goes down. [_Exit to the left._

_Enter Sveinungi, hurriedly._


Who was it that went just now?


Is he gone? It was Slvi.


What did he want here?


He got a cup of milk.

_Sveinungi (to Ljot)._

It seemed to me he was talking to you. What have you there?

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