Modern Icelandic Plays Part 39

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He is the same as ever.

[_Bjrg and Rannveig carry the milk into the store-house._

_Jakobina (rising)._

You didn't take notice of anything in particular on your way back?


Not that I remember.


Did you see many birds?


Come to think of it, I don't believe I saw any.


That's what I thought. [_Goes into the house._

_Enter Sveinungi from the house with a flask and a gla.s.s, which he fills._


Here, this is for you.

_Jon (drinks)._


_Sveinungi (fills the gla.s.s again for Indridi and Helgi)._

Won't you take a drop too, Einar?

_Einar appears in the doorway of the smithy._


Thank you. (_Drinks._)

_Sveinungi (sees the Shepherd Boy)._

Are you here? Why, the girls are all through milking. Do you suppose you can keep the sheep standing in the fold all day? (_The Shepherd Boy is about to go._) Wait a minute! I have a little thing here that I bought for you yesterday. (_Takes a knife from his vest pocket._) I think the blade is good iron, and that is the main thing. (_Gives him the knife.

The Shepherd Boy kisses him._) It is not much. You are welcome to it.

_The Shepherd Boy (opens the knife)._

Look, Einar, it's a regular hunting-knife. (_Closes it, runs to the left, calling._) Snati! Pila! Snati!


You needn't call the dogs. They are up at the fold.

[_Exit the Shepherd Boy._


That boy will amount to something in time. It's well done for one so young to tend more than four-score sheep, and he hasn't lost one yet.

[_Takes the flask back to the house._


He's in mighty good humor to-day, the old man.


I should say so.


Why, he got the highest price for his wool.


And a sorry day it would be when we didn't get that!


What do you think Jakobina had in mind when she asked about the birds?


It's hard to tell! She has her mind on so many things.

_Enter Sveinungi and Jorunn from the house._

_Sveinungi (in the door, laughing and talking)._

I believe the girls have their eye on the green chests. Indridi, will you carry them in? [_Indridi goes with one of the chests._


You can put them in the little room.

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