Modern Icelandic Plays Part 36

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_Kari (stands silent a long time)._

I have been guilty of many a bad deed, but so far as I know, I have never been cruel. Nor will I be cruel to you. (_Takes off his coat._) Then we shall wait together as you wish. Does that make you feel happier?


I don't know. I can feel neither joy nor grief any longer. I think I would rather be alone.


You don't mean that.


If you think it wiser to go, you must do so.


I thought it would make you glad if I stayed.

_Halla (rising)._

If you had taken me in your arms and told me that you loved me with all my wretchedness and all my homeliness, that would have made me glad; but you did not.


Yet you know it was for your sake I stayed.


Are you so sure of that? Perhaps you were afraid that you might be guilty of a wrong deed. I think you had in mind the Great Judge rather than me.


I have once been judged by men; that is why I so often think of the last judgment.


I will have no talk of conscience between you and me. Be yourself with me, whether you are good or bad. After all, you don't know if the Great Judge looks kindly at what you call good deeds. Look at me! Look at me!

You could not be more cruel to your worst enemy. Why was I given this hunger and not the food to still it? I have never wished to be born.

I would rather be anything else than a human being. I would rather be the sand, whirling aimlessly over yonder waste. If there is a G.o.d, He must be cruel-- but there is no G.o.d.


You are only las.h.i.+ng yourself up. You ought rather to humble yourself and pray G.o.d to help both you and me. Without Him we are but dust and ashes.


I want no mercy any more, but you can go on calling for help.

(_Mockingly._) I am sure He will hear you, if He is not busy breaking up the glaciers or cleaning out the gorge of a volcano to make it belch up more fire.


Don't say another word! We are wretched enough without your calling down new curses upon us.


I have but one sole and only wish before I die, and that is to do some unheard-of cruel deed. I should like to be a snowslide. I would come in the dead of night. It would be a joy to see the people half naked running for their lives-- chaste old maids with gouty hips, and smug peasant women with bellies bobbing with fat. (_Sits down, breaks into a paroxysm of laughter, wild and continued._)


You have become a monster. I am afraid of you-- afraid of the only human being I care for. (_Walks over to a corner, where he finds his old Bible. Sits down, turning the pages with trembling hands; reads._) "And it came to pa.s.s that as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples. And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins: for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever. Amen."

(_They sit silent a while. Halla, leaning her elbows on her knees, her face buried in her hands, cries softly. Kari rises, stands silent for a moment, then goes to her._)


You must not lose heart. When things are at the worst, they will mend.

Perhaps the storm will quiet down during the night.


It is so hard. (_Bursts into sobs._)

_Kari (kneeling)._

But, dearest Halla! Are you ill?

_Halla (warding him off)._

Let me alone.

_Kari (rises slowly)._

You were always so strong. I thought nothing could make you lose heart.

_Halla_ (_looks up. She has stopped crying; her voice is calm and cold_). You don't love me any more. You have never loved me.


Is that what you are crying for?


Before when you wanted to leave me, I besought you by all the memories I thought were dear to you. That did not touch you. I humbled myself so low that I would have thanked you just for a little pity,-- that might have been an afterglow of your love, but you had no pity. You stayed only because you were anxious about your own soul.


I stayed also for your sake.

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