Modern Icelandic Plays Part 34

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And you said it in such a hard tone. It was as if you struck me with stones.


My voice was no harder than yours.


It's becoming in you to chide me, as if you had not yourself urged me to steal many a time!


Since we became outlawed we have had a right to steal. We had to do it to keep from starving.


I thought you had forgiven me, and then you have been h.o.a.rding your charges. For sixteen years you have kept them, and they have not been corrupted either by rust or moth.


Come now, don't be angry, Kari. I said it in the heat of temper.


I am not angry, but it hurt so! I thought that you would be my spokesman before the Great Judge. If you If could forgive me, He might do it, too.


I did not mean to hurt you. I only said it to defend myself.

_Kari (following up his own thoughts)._

There are stones in the hills that are blood-stained from my feet; you must gather those and bring them before the Great Judge.


Won't you take to weeping, so I can gather up your tears and bring them before the Great Judge?


Are you mocking me?


Yes; I won't listen to your whining any longer. Now we shall sit down and hold our peace. (_Sits down._)


You shall not be worried by my whining. (_Takes the fur socks down from the wall; sits down and unties the straps of his shoes. Halla watches him in silence, while he puts on one sock._)


Are you going?




You don't ask my advice?


No, this time I don't ask it.

_Halla (rising)._

When you go out of that door, you need not think of me any more.


I know your voice when you are angry. You ought to thank me for going out in such weather.


Yes, you are brave. It is not that you have any hope of saving our lives. You will only lie down in the snow and die.


You can believe it if you like.

_Halla (goes to him)._

I beg of you, let those hard words be forgotten.


It is not because of them that I am going. The worst that can befall me is to die in the snow, and that is better than sitting here.


First of all, we must use our common sense. The only thing we can do is to wait here until the weather clears.


And then the food will come flying in through the door!

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