Modern Icelandic Plays Part 31

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I am glad you love your husband. I don't know whether it is because I have unburdened myself of all my evil thoughts, or whether it is because I have made up my mind to give myself up and serve my time, but I feel a peace within me that I have not known for long. To-morrow I shall go away from here and never come back. I shall tell Kari that I mean to take a short trip. (_Goes to Halla._) Will you do the last thing I ask of you in this life-- never to let him know the truth?


I can make you no promise.


Then I will bid you good-bye while we are alone. I shall cross the lava strip and sit down where I can look out over the sand waste. You may tell Kari that I shall be back in an hour. (_Holding out his hand._) Is there no hope that you can ever think of me without bitterness when I am gone?

_Halla (takes his hand)._

Good-bye, Arnes.


Good-bye, Halla. (_Walks a few steps; stops._) When I am sitting within prison walls, I shall remember you as the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. [_Exit._

_Halla (stands looking after him; then goes to Tota)._

What a good, quiet little girl you are! Getting sleepy? (_Finds a small skin, which she spreads on the ground._) Now mother will sing you to sleep, as she did in the old times. (_Unfastens the rope._) Shall I, Tota?



_Halla (sits down and takes her on her lap)._

Then you must close your eyes. (_Sits silent, then hums as she rocks the child._)

Sweetly sleep, my dear young love, Outside rain is falling.

Mother safely away will stow Horse and sheep and swan and dove.

Then we'll rest, we two, for night is calling.

Darkness spreads o'er many a woe, Sore hearts, broken pledges.

Meadows green laid waste I saw, Scythe of sand the field did mow, Death calls from the glacier's cruel ledges.

Are you asleep? (_She rises slowly, lays the child on the skin, and covers her up, then sits down to her work._)

_Enter Kari, his hair wet from the bath._


Do you know what I have a mind to do?


You must not speak too loud. Tota is asleep. (_Kari goes to the left._) Where are you going?


I'll be right back. (_Disappears down the gorge. A moment later he comes into view again._) Some day when I feel good and strong I have a mind to try to swim against the current all the way into the inner ravine. From here I should look like a dwarf down there.

_Halla (rising)._

Arnes went out on the sands. He will be back in about an hour. He has made up his mind to start on a trip to the southland to-morrow.


I knew he was longing to get away from here. I only hope he will not come to harm!

_Halla (goes to him)._

If he should never come back, we two should be alone, as we were in the old days. (_Takes his hands._) Do you care a little for me yet?


You know I do.


I feel that I need to hear you say it.

_Kari (holding her hands)._

And I show it far too seldom. I forget. You must tell me when there is anything you want me to do. (_Kisses her; releases her hands._) Are you sorry that Arnes is going?


You never saw the queer little brook I found once. It welled out from a moss-covered hillock and ran in a ring. Where it flowed the banks were green, but elsewhere there was nothing but sand. Its whole course was no longer than what I could walk in thirty steps. It seems to me that life is like that stream.

_Enter Arnes, running._

_Arnes (in a whisper)._

They're coming!

_Kari (terrified)._


_Halla (goes to Arnes)._

Are you trying to scare us?


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