Modern Icelandic Plays Part 29

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_Halla (stands up)._

I don't want your help. (_Takes hold of the skin._) Let go!

_Arnes (gives it up reluctantly)._

Are you angry?

_Halla_ (_takes the skin out of the horn-ring and throws it into the hut_). You are not so sorely needed as you think you are. (_Sits down again to her work._)


I did not mean that. It makes me happy when I can do some little thing for you. Won't you let me finish it?


You shall not touch it.

_Arnes (stands for a moment, puzzled)._

Will you not forgive me what I said? I cannot bear to have you angry with me.


I am not angry.


When you were ill, I once brought you some green leaves that had come up through the snow. Then you gave me a kiss.


Did I? (_Smiles; kisses him lightly on the cheek._) Have you peace in your soul now?


I don't know. I believe I shall never have peace in my soul any more.

(_They are silent._)


You were good to me the time I was ill.


I am not good to anybody. I am wicked.


You are not.


Even with you I sometimes feel that I could hurt you.


We can all be ugly when we are tired and hungry.


Will you let me kiss your mouth? Just once?

_Halla (rising)._



Your lips will suffer no harm from it. (_Takes hold of her shoulders and tries to draw her to him._)

_Halla (tears herself away from him)._

Have you gone mad?


You have been true to Kari for seven years now. It is time you tired of it.


Now your face looks like the bailiff's when he called me a harlot.

(_Gives him a box on the ear._)

_Arnes (furiously)._

I know you better than you think. You are so pure! You have never done an evil deed!


What do you mean?


Kari is more open-mouthed than you think. You have had a child before this one.

(_Halla s.h.i.+elds her face with her hands as though warding off a blow. Arnes sits silent._)

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