Modern Icelandic Plays Part 20

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I don't understand how you can pity a felon and a thief.


Nor do I understand it myself, but somehow I do. You have just asked me if I would be your wife. Surely you will grant me the first thing I ask of you!


One would think you were pleading for your best friend.


I may have cared more for him than I knew myself. If you will let him get away, I shall have no objection to making our two farms into one.


I never thought your overseer would be the means of my getting you for a wife, but I yield on those terms. Once we are married, you will surely forget him. But he must be gone from here within twenty-four hours, and I want you to know that if he ever shows himself in these parts again, he will have to take his punishment.


You need have no fear that he will ever come back here.


Then let us forget all about him. You have saved him from jail for a time, but he's sure to end there any way. (_Goes to her._) Who would have thought that you should become my little wife! (_Tries to put his arm around her waist._)

_Halla (draws back)._

So many things happen that we do not look for.

_Enter Kari._


You are just in time. It will surely please you to hear that your mistress is to marry me within a short time.

_Kari (turning to Halla)._

What does this mean?

_Bjrn (laughing)._

You hadn't expected this. (_Goes to Halla._) My sweetheart might give me a kiss.

_Halla (warding him off)._

No, no!

_Kari_ (_grasping Bjrn's arm_). That man lies! She is mine. (_To Halla._) If you two get married to-morrow, still you are mine.


Has my brother's wife become a harlot? [_Exit._


What have you done, Kari? It was to save you I promised to be his wife.

I hoped to get a chance to speak to you. He has the letter and is going to give you up to the judge to-day.


I could not bear that man to touch you.


You must run for the horses and flee!


That would be madness. The others have just as good horses. We must take what comes. I shall deny everything.


What good would that do? It is impossible to mistake the description.

I have read it myself.


Did you really mean to marry the bailiff to save my life?


I lied to him, so that I could flee with you. I hate him.


I love you, Halla.

_Halla (in rising fear)._

What shall we do? (_Wrings her hands._) It is all my fault for holding you back. (_On the point of weeping._) I am an unhappy woman.


You must not cry. Even if I faced the death warrant, I should not be sorry that I stayed. (_Kisses her hands._) These summer days we have had together-- in all eternity no one can take them from us.

_Halla (withdraws her hands excitedly)._

Don't you know of any way? Say that the bailiff is your enemy and has had the letter framed up.

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