Modern Icelandic Plays Part 15

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_The Farm Hand._

There is a sheep with earmarks that n.o.body can make out. Will you come over and take a look at it?

_Arnes (rising)._

No peace to be had!

_Halla (holding out her hand to Arnes)._

Thanks for the story. [_Arnes takes Halla's hand. Exit._

_The Farm Hand (to Jon)._

Your brown bell-wether ran away from the men as they were trying to drive it in.

_Jon (rising)._

That promises a fine fall. (_All the peasants rise._)

_Jon's Wife_ (_to Halla_). We shall see each other later.


So we shall. [_Exeunt peasants._


They have not been sparing of the shark's meat. (_Packs it away._)

_Enter Kari, warm from running, happy and smiling._


Good day to you, Halla! (_Shakes hands with her._)

_Halla (has gone to meet Kari)._

Good day to you, and welcome back!

_Arngrim (rising)._

Now I am so drunk that I can enjoy listening to the bleating of the sheep. By the way, was.h.i.+ng with lukewarm milk is good for freckles.



Thanks! (_To Gudfinna._) You may go now, if you like. You have been here with the luggage long enough.

[_Exit Gudfinna._

(_Halla and Kari stand silent until Gudfinna has disappeared.

Then Kari draws her to him and kisses her._)


I would rather wait for you here than meet you at the fold. I was so frightened! I thought you had gone and would never come back. (_Takes his hand and looks at him in loving wonder._) Where do you get your courage? I can't understand that you have not fled long ago.


I will tell you where I get my courage. (_Kisses her._) I don't know how the days can be so gloriously long. It seems to me that I have lived more than the age of man since the first time you kissed me.


You love me!

_Kari (is silent for a moment)._

I love you.


You don't know how much that one word promises me. It means the suns.h.i.+ne on the hills. It means the streams and lakes. Shall I tell you something, Kari? Something you don't know?


What could that be?


I am not going to say it just now, but I will tell you something else.

I care a thousand times more for you now than I did three months ago.

Do you know why?




Because you are so brave. You sleep in my arms as calmly as if you had not a foe in the whole country.

_Kari (smiling)._

I must have borrowed your courage.


It is dear to see you smile. Your hair is like a cloud, and when you smile it seems to lift from your forehead.

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