Modern Icelandic Plays Part 13

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_Halla (smiling)._

I feel only the sun s.h.i.+ning on my brow. [_Exit._


She deserves to be happy. (_Brings out the roll of paper._) Should you like to see what I am doing to make the days slip by?

_Gudfinna (goes to him)._

Yes, let me look at it.

_Arngrim (opens the roll, which is seen to contain drawings in bright colors)._

These are birds from the garden of Eden-- too bad I never heard them sing!-- and here is a blue flower so sensitive that it closes at the slightest touch, and here is a small plant from Gethsemane with red berries lying like drops of blood on the ground.

_Enter the Boy, running._

_The Boy._

Kari is coming!


We know that.

_The Boy._

I must be off again to help drive the sheep into the fold. (_Leaps with joy._) What fun to be here! It's most as good as Christmas! [_Exit._


He skips about like a merry little lamb.

_Gudfinna (calling after him)._

Take care the rams don't b.u.t.t you!

_Enter Halla._


Now the sheep will soon be at the fold. (_Brushes her hair back from her forehead._) Aren't you clever enough to know a cure for freckles? I am so tired of my freckles.

_Arngrim (smiling)._

Perhaps you have a new looking-gla.s.s.

_Halla (smiling)._

Perhaps I have.

_Enter Jon and two other peasants, followed directly by two peasant women, Jon's Wife, and her friend with two little daughters, eight and nine years old._

_Jon (slightly intoxicated)._

Now a bite of shark's meat would taste first-rate. You didn't happen to be so thoughtful as to bring some, did you?

_Halla (laughing)._

That is just what I did. (_Looks in the saddle-bags._)


Didn't I tell you so! (_Takes a brandy-flask out of his pocket._) Do you mind if I bring out my bottle?


Please yourself.

_Jon_ (_sits down. The others follow suit, until only the children remain standing_). If I didn't have so fine a wife, I should have asked you to marry me long ago. (_Takes a pull at the flask and hands it to the one sitting next to him._) Let the bottle go the rounds!

_Halla_ (_to Jon's Wife_). Your husband is happy to-day.

_Jon's Wife._ Yes, he loves everybody to-day.

_First Peasant (hands the flask to Jon)._



Don't think I am forgetting you, Arngrim. (_Hands him the flask._)


The blood grows colder as one gets old, and then the warmth of the bottle feels good.

_Halla_ (_hands Jon a piece of shark's meat_). Help yourself.


Bless you! My mouth waters. (_Takes a knife from his pocket and cuts off a slice._) It is white as milk and sweet-smelling. I say, shark's meat and brandy are the best things the Lord ever made-- next to women!

(_Hands the fish to one of the peasants._)

_Halla_ (_finds a piece of sugar-candy and divides it between the children_). Have the little girls been to the folds before?

_Peasant Woman._

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