Modern Icelandic Plays Part 10

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Has the bailiff gone?




He came near upsetting me in the hall and didn't even say good evening.


Do sweep the floor! I won't have in here the dirt he has dragged with him.

(_Gudfinna takes a bird's wing and sweeps._)

_Enter the Boy._

_The Boy (shouting)._

Come and see what we have caught!


Not so noisy! Did you catch a whale?

_The Boy._

We got a salmon-- so big! (_Shows the size with his hands._)


Tell Kari to come here; I want to speak with him. I will let you take care of the salmon. Open and clean it, sprinkle some salt on it, and lay it in fresh gra.s.s overnight.

_The Boy._

Won't you look at it before it is cut?

_Halla (patting his cheek)._

You big baby! Do you think I have never seen a salmon before? Now run and tell Kari that I want to speak to him.

[_Exit the Boy._

_Gudfinna (calling after him through the door)._

And tell him to lift the milk pot from the fire.


If the coals are good, I must ask you to do some baking to-night for Sunday.


The coals are good enough. [_Exit._

(_Halla stands listening. Footsteps are heard in the hall._)

_Enter Kari._


You wanted to speak to me?


I hear you have made a fine catch. Thank you! I have promised the bailiff that you shall meet him in a _glima_ at the folds in the autumn.

What do you say to that?


I call that great news, but surely that was not what he came here for to-night?


No, he had another errand. He spoke ill of you.


What did he say?


There is a man just come from the south who saw you at church last Sunday. He told Bjrn that you looked like some one by the name of Eyvind, a thief who had run away. He even thought he recognized the scar on your forehead.

_Kari (in a low voice, sitting down)._

And did the bailiff believe the man was right?


He said I should tell you that he meant to speak to the judge, and that then you would flee from here this very night.

_Kari (rising with a loud laugh)._

This is to laugh at. Do you know when they will come to catch the thief!

_Halla (has been looking at him steadily; holds out her hand to him)._

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