The Devil's Eye Part 11

The Devil's Eye -

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"Ah. The s.h.i.+eld. No. Unfortunately, everything we project indicates that we will still come up short. Even if the Confederates were willing to forget about the eleven s.h.i.+ps and send their entire fleet instead, which they aren't, it would still be a hit-or-miss proposition. We've had to make a decision. Waste valuable time and resources on a project that is unlikely to come together, or use everything we can get our hands on to move people off-world. Anyhow, I wanted to let you know we appreciate your help."

We started working our way through the other transmissions. They came from mothers, grandparents, politicians, owners of bars, kids in cla.s.srooms, almost all saying thanks. They'd heard the sound version of the interview and were giving me credit for the improvised fleet from Borkarat and the a.s.semblage, which was already en route. Universities wanted to bestow academic credentials, somebody was going to name a foundation for me, and several towns offered real estate if I would consent to move there. There would be a Chase Kolpath Park in a place called Dover Cliff, and a historical site on Huanko Island, provided I agreed to visit. I was offered endors.e.m.e.nt for lines of clothing, perfumes, and games. And I should mention upward of two hundred messages from guys who wanted to take me to dinner. There were also a few crank messages accusing me of treason, of consorting with the enemy, of encouraging alien lunatics who wanted nothing more than to destroy the human race and carry off our children. It was usually Alex who got all the attention. This time, though, n.o.body mentioned him. n.o.body extended him any credit in the proceedings. n.o.body proposed to him. n.o.body even threatened him. "It's the way it is with celebrity," I said, magnanimously. "Up one day, down the next." He laughed. "You earned it." There was also a newswrap from Fenn Redfield on Rimway. Some administration officials at home were saying I'd been disloyal and were calling for an investigation. "Maybe I should look at some of the local real estate after all," I said. Alex laughed. "You're a hero. Before this is over, it's Whiteside who's going to have to get out of town."

It was three hours after midnight on s.h.i.+pboard when we docked at Samuels. We locked down, opened the hatch, walked out into the egress tube, and were greeted by a small crowd that applauded when they saw us. Among them I counted half a dozen Mutes. It was a good feeling. Maybe we were making progress. We waved and signed a few autographs. Then, when we were walking away, one of the As.h.i.+yyur came up beside me. A female. I stopped and looked up at her. She said, "Chase-" It was too loud. "Yes?" She fiddled with the voice box. "Sorry. I can't control the volume on this thing." "It's okay. What can I do for you?" "There was a man back there. Who wants you dead. 'You' being both of you, but especially your friend, Alex."

Behind us, the crowd was dispersing. We didn't see anybody we recognized. "Who was it?" Alex asked. "Did you get a name?" "No. Couldn't read it." She turned and looked. "He's gone now. He had a cane. Walked with a limp."


Praying will not help, Ormond. Someone needs to do something.- Nightwalk It had to be Wexler. Alex and I exchanged glances. "I guess he's still upset," said Alex. "You really think he's out to kill us?" "I don't know. What's the best possible construction you could put on what she told us?"

We started making our way out of the area when I heard someone sobbing. The sounds came from the crowd directly ahead. They were gathered around a boarding tube. We saw a few men and women and a lot of kids, and everybody was hugging everybody else. A couple of operational people were trying to move them up the tube. Move the kids kids up the tube. I asked a bystander what was going on. "It's part of the evacuation program," she said. "They're taking the kids to Sanctum." "Parents stay here?" I asked. "Pretty much. Two or three mothers go along, depending on the capacity of the s.h.i.+p." Some of the younger children were trying to hang on to the adults. They had to be pried loose. We listened to promises about how Mommy and Daddy will see you soon, go along with the nice lady, Jan, and everything will be fine. Some of them descended into hysterics. The struggle was still going on as we left the area. "What do we do about Wexler?" I asked, grateful to be able to change our focus. "There's a security office down on the lower level." "Not a good idea." "Why not?" "If he's watching us, and I'd be surprised if he isn't, he'll see us go in. If that happens, we'll lose our advantage." "Which is what?" "He doesn't know we've been warned. We should let the security office know, but do it by link." "Okay." "Try to look happy, Chase." I smiled and started whistling. "Happy," he said. "Not goofy." "Right. What else do we do?" "Where's the restaurant?" "Sandstone's is just up ahead." "Okay. Let's go in. We'll do it from there." "Wouldn't it be a better idea just to get on the shuttle and get away from here?" "We're going to have to deal with him at some point. Once we start running, we'll be doing it up the tube. I asked a bystander what was going on. "It's part of the evacuation program," she said. "They're taking the kids to Sanctum." "Parents stay here?" I asked. "Pretty much. Two or three mothers go along, depending on the capacity of the s.h.i.+p." Some of the younger children were trying to hang on to the adults. They had to be pried loose. We listened to promises about how Mommy and Daddy will see you soon, go along with the nice lady, Jan, and everything will be fine. Some of them descended into hysterics. The struggle was still going on as we left the area. "What do we do about Wexler?" I asked, grateful to be able to change our focus. "There's a security office down on the lower level." "Not a good idea." "Why not?" "If he's watching us, and I'd be surprised if he isn't, he'll see us go in. If that happens, we'll lose our advantage." "Which is what?" "He doesn't know we've been warned. We should let the security office know, but do it by link." "Okay." "Try to look happy, Chase." I smiled and started whistling. "Happy," he said. "Not goofy." "Right. What else do we do?" "Where's the restaurant?" "Sandstone's is just up ahead." "Okay. Let's go in. We'll do it from there." "Wouldn't it be a better idea just to get on the shuttle and get away from here?" "We're going to have to deal with him at some point. Once we start running, we'll be doing it permanently." "Okay. But I'm not sure it's a good idea to sit in Sandstone's, where he can get a clean shot at us. Why not at least get out of sight?" "Wexler's a survivor. He'll want to take us down, then have time to take the shuttle groundside. That means he'll try to get to us in a private place." It made sense. "You think Krestoff is with him?" I was looking around, trying to do it surrept.i.tiously. Not easy. "We better a.s.sume she is." We went into Sandstone's and got a table back in the corner, away from the windows. No booth, because we might need to move quickly. "You still have the scrambler, Chase?" he asked. It was in the utility bag slung over one shoulder. "All right. Let's get a reservation at the hotel." "We'll have to use our real names." The secondary account had lapsed. "That's okay. Maybe it's just as well to make it easy for the lunatics to find us." He braced his chin on one hand while he considered the problem. I called the hotel. They had a suite available. "No," said Alex. "Two rooms." He ordered drinks. Then he called the security office. He identified himself and told them there were two wanted criminals running loose on the station. "And who "And who are are these criminals?" these criminals?" asked a female voice. Its owner sounded skeptical. "Mikel Wexler." He spelled it for her. "And Maria Krestoff." asked a female voice. Its owner sounded skeptical. "Mikel Wexler." He spelled it for her. "And Maria Krestoff."

"Okay. How do you know they're on the station?"

"I saw them."

"You're sure?"


"All right. One moment, please."

The restaurant was about half-full. But I saw no familiar faces either inside or out in the concourse.

"Ah, yes. Here's Wexler. Hmmm. Okay, Mr. Benedict. You have a personal acquaintance with these people, do you?"


"With both of them?"

"That's correct."

"Very good. Are you staying on the station?"


"You're at the hotel?"

"That's correct."

"All right, thank you. We'll keep an eye out. And we'll be in touch."

We sat looking at each other. "What do you think?" I said. "Well, they'll arrest them if they happen to run into them." While we tried our drinks and contemplated ordering some real food, I let the service people know that we'd changed our plans and they should route our bags to the hotel.

An hour or so later we strolled into the lobby. This was the point at which my nerves began to work on me. They'd put us on the fourth floor and I remember half-expecting to find Wexler waiting inside the elevator, or around the corner, as we headed for our rooms. I dug the scrambler out in the hallway. We checked my room. With weapon drawn. We were not going to underestimate the good doctor. When we were satisfied, I put my bags away, turned on the HV, and left the lights on. Tried to make it look as if I was in. Then we went through a similar procedure in Alex's room. If it seems that we were overreacting, please keep in mind that we'd been through a lot. Anyhow, Alex said he had no doubt we'd have visitors within the next few hours.

He said h.e.l.lo to the AI, whose name was Aia. She had a soft female voice. "Aia," he said, "can you do an impersonation of Administrator Kilgore?" "You mean," "You mean," she said, she said, "can I reproduce his voice?" "can I reproduce his voice?" "Yes." "Yes." "Of course." "Of course." She gave us a sample, claiming that liberty was a boon to all persons everywhere. She delivered it in his rich deep baritone. "Good," said Alex. "Perfect. I'm going to want you to do something for me." She gave us a sample, claiming that liberty was a boon to all persons everywhere. She delivered it in his rich deep baritone. "Good," said Alex. "Perfect. I'm going to want you to do something for me."

"If it is within my capacity, sir."

The rooms were smaller than those you'd get in a hotel of a similar cla.s.s groundside. But they were as attractive. Everything was done in silk and lavender. We even had a balcony overlooking the concourse. Above us, the overhead was transparent and provided a spectacular view of the outside. At the moment, we were looking out at the rim of the world, illuminated by a setting-or rising-sun. I wasn't sure which. I walked out through a gla.s.s door and inspected it. The balconies were connected by a narrow ledge. I looked at it for a long time and decided even Krestoff would not have been able to negotiate it. I went back inside, closed the gla.s.s door, and drew the curtains. We talked for a while. Watched a report on the evacuation. Everybody was excited by the help coming in from the Confederacy and the a.s.semblage. The s.h.i.+eld barely made an appearance in the conversations, other than as an example of the desperation of world leaders. "It was never plausible, Jay," "It was never plausible, Jay," said one commentator. said one commentator. "They'd have had to pull the entire evacuation fleet to work on it, with next to no chance of success. I think the route they've chosen, moving as many people off-world as they can, and concentrating on building shelters, is the way to go." "They'd have had to pull the entire evacuation fleet to work on it, with next to no chance of success. I think the route they've chosen, moving as many people off-world as they can, and concentrating on building shelters, is the way to go."

We didn't talk much, and when we did, we kept our voices down. We did not want anyone outside the door to realize there was a second person in the room. We didn't really expect to fool Wexler, but it could do no harm. I eventually drifted off to sleep in my chair. When I woke, Alex pointed out that it was early morning on the station, but we were in dinner mode. "Sure," I said. He picked up the hotel guide. "Maybe we should have it sent up." "Why? I thought we decided we were safer in public places." "We have to go out in the corridor and take the elevator. If they're going to try anything, I want them to have to come to us." "Okay." "And we might try just ordering one dinner. Mine." "Because I'm in my room." "Good. Yes." He called down. Ordered the special, with a gla.s.s of white wine, and a cinnamon bun. We waited, heard the sound of the elevator, heard footsteps in the hall. Then a door opened somewhere, and everything was quiet again. We went through another false alarm before finally getting a gentle tap at the door. Alex signaled me to move to the bathroom. When I was out of sight, he opened the door. "Good evening, sir." The voice was not Wexler's. Alex moved back out of the way. An attendant carried a tray and a small bottle of wine into the room. He left the door ajar behind him, and I angled myself to watch. He set the tray on the coffee table, opened the wine bottle, and produced a gla.s.s, which he filled. He set down a cloth napkin and the silverware. Alex tipped him, he said thank you, and was gone, closing the door behind him. Alex sat down in front of it. "Well," he said, "that didn't work." "No, it didn't." He looked down at the dinner. Steaming fish, a vegetable, and toast. "I'll split it with you." "Or perhaps with me me ." The voice came from the far end of the room. Krestoff. ." The voice came from the far end of the room. Krestoff.

She stood just inside the balcony curtains. Holding a blaster. I'd underestimated her. "Don't make any sudden moves," she said. "Kolpath, come out here, where I can see you better. Yes, that's good. Right there. "Benedict, get up, do it slowly, and go to the door." Alex pushed the tray aside and got to his feet. I was still standing. "This isn't a good idea," he said. "You're just getting yourself in deeper." "Do as I say. Just turn the k.n.o.b so you release the catch. Don't try to open the door." Alex complied. "Now step back into the center of the room. With your little s.e.x object." She spared me a brief smile. Alex came back in. The door opened, and Wexler entered. He was carrying a bottle. Hard liquor of some sort. "Alex," he said. "And Chase. It's so good to see you again." He pushed the door shut and took a scrambler from his pocket. "I was afraid for a while that you might not come back." "You're going to get caught," said Alex. "Why go through this?" "I'll get a measure of satisfaction seeing you pay the price." He looked at the sofa and the uneaten meal. "Please, both of you, sit. Finish what you were doing." We stood looking back at him.


We sat. Krestoff strolled in, leaving the balcony door ajar. She was grinning at me. "Kolpath," she said. " You're You're the one I've been looking for. Mikel, I'd like this one for myself. Can we arrange it?" She kept her eyes locked on me. "How about that, honey? Just you and me?" She put the blaster down on the seat of one of the chairs. "We'll put the toys away and settle things up close." Wexler shook his head. "Maria," he said, "don't get careless. You'll get your chance." She recovered her weapon and took a seat on the edge of the chair. Alex paid no attention to her. "What exactly do you want?" "You were out there when they were loading the the one I've been looking for. Mikel, I'd like this one for myself. Can we arrange it?" She kept her eyes locked on me. "How about that, honey? Just you and me?" She put the blaster down on the seat of one of the chairs. "We'll put the toys away and settle things up close." Wexler shook his head. "Maria," he said, "don't get careless. You'll get your chance." She recovered her weapon and took a seat on the edge of the chair. Alex paid no attention to her. "What exactly do you want?" "You were out there when they were loading the Quevalla Quevalla . You should have a sense by now of the pain you've caused." "Don't be absurd, Doctor. Some of those tears expressed relief. People getting their kids out of harm's way." "I didn't mean . You should have a sense by now of the pain you've caused." "Don't be absurd, Doctor. Some of those tears expressed relief. People getting their kids out of harm's way." "I didn't mean them them , you imbecile. Those scenes are recorded. Broadcast all over the world. How many people do you think are watching whose kids , you imbecile. Those scenes are recorded. Broadcast all over the world. How many people do you think are watching whose kids won't won't be moved? Who are still going to be sitting in the cities when the Thunderbolt comes? They have three years of misery in front of them. All because you and your partner wanted to go hunting for glory. d.a.m.n you." His gaze now encompa.s.sed me as well. "d.a.m.n you both." "I think you're getting a little overwrought." "Two billion people will not get off-world no matter how big the fleet. Two be moved? Who are still going to be sitting in the cities when the Thunderbolt comes? They have three years of misery in front of them. All because you and your partner wanted to go hunting for glory. d.a.m.n you." His gaze now encompa.s.sed me as well. "d.a.m.n you both." "I think you're getting a little overwrought." "Two billion people will not get off-world no matter how big the fleet. Two billion billion , Alex. You've taken three years of normal living from each of them. Do the math." "Keeping this kind of secret was not your call." I could hear Wexler breathing. "Alex, are you really so stupid that you think I made that decision on my own?" "I know there were others. That's not the point." "It's a democratic government. Or , Alex. You've taken three years of normal living from each of them. Do the math." "Keeping this kind of secret was not your call." I could hear Wexler breathing. "Alex, are you really so stupid that you think I made that decision on my own?" "I know there were others. That's not the point." "It's a democratic government. Or was was . I suspect it'll be coming apart now." Alex tried the toast. "You're implying Kilgore knew all along." "Am I really? Maybe you're not so slow-witted after all." He sighed. "Well, I suppose we should get on with it." Alex lowered his gaze to the scrambler. "You're not really going to use that thing in here, are you?" Wexler shook his head. "Of course not. Unless I'm forced to. But you're going to have an accident." "Oh? What did you have in mind?" "You're not aware of it at the moment, but you and the young lady here are having a party. At this very moment. Unfortunately, you're both drinking too much. And, as these things will happen, she's half out of her clothes." He turned to me. "Kolpath, take off your blouse." I hesitated. . I suspect it'll be coming apart now." Alex tried the toast. "You're implying Kilgore knew all along." "Am I really? Maybe you're not so slow-witted after all." He sighed. "Well, I suppose we should get on with it." Alex lowered his gaze to the scrambler. "You're not really going to use that thing in here, are you?" Wexler shook his head. "Of course not. Unless I'm forced to. But you're going to have an accident." "Oh? What did you have in mind?" "You're not aware of it at the moment, but you and the young lady here are having a party. At this very moment. Unfortunately, you're both drinking too much. And, as these things will happen, she's half out of her clothes." He turned to me. "Kolpath, take off your blouse." I hesitated.

" Now Now , honey," said Krestoff. I opened it. I had nothing beneath it. Wexler picked up two water from a cabinet, opened the bottle, and filled them with a cocoa-colored liquid. He set them down on the coffee table. "This is , honey," said Krestoff. I opened it. I had nothing beneath it. Wexler picked up two water from a cabinet, opened the bottle, and filled them with a cocoa-colored liquid. He set them down on the coffee table. "This is korala korala . It's rather strong. A gla.s.s of it will leave you both a bit more accommodating than you are at the moment." He looked back at me. "Please, Kolpath, get out of that terrible-looking blouse." He stood back while Alex reached for the and pa.s.sed one to me. "What will happen here is that you two are enjoying yourselves, but unfortunately you will drink too much, and, regrettably, you'll both fall from the balcony." He shrugged. "It's a sad end for two who have done so much for Salud Afar, but you will have the consolation of dying in each other's arms. And, in addition, I think you will find the . It's rather strong. A gla.s.s of it will leave you both a bit more accommodating than you are at the moment." He looked back at me. "Please, Kolpath, get out of that terrible-looking blouse." He stood back while Alex reached for the and pa.s.sed one to me. "What will happen here is that you two are enjoying yourselves, but unfortunately you will drink too much, and, regrettably, you'll both fall from the balcony." He shrugged. "It's a sad end for two who have done so much for Salud Afar, but you will have the consolation of dying in each other's arms. And, in addition, I think you will find the korala korala will ease the trauma." "We're not lovers," I said. "Really? Well, more's the shame. But n.o.body would believe that. Now, please, my dear, the blouse. I really must insist." The blouse was tucked into my slacks. "Do you mind if I get up? I can't get it off sitting here." He considered it. "Of course," he said. "But do please be careful." I wanted to clear my angle on Krestoff. I didn't want to have to climb over the coffee table to get to her. Alex also stood. Wexler signaled for him to sit back down, but Alex ignored him. "Whatever happened to the hero of the Revolution?" he said. "How did you become a cheap bureaucrat? How did you get bought off?" "That's enough," said Wexler. Alex crossed behind me, clearing his own angle on Wexler. "You've no compunctions about sacrificing anybody for your bosses, do you? Even Vicki Greene." will ease the trauma." "We're not lovers," I said. "Really? Well, more's the shame. But n.o.body would believe that. Now, please, my dear, the blouse. I really must insist." The blouse was tucked into my slacks. "Do you mind if I get up? I can't get it off sitting here." He considered it. "Of course," he said. "But do please be careful." I wanted to clear my angle on Krestoff. I didn't want to have to climb over the coffee table to get to her. Alex also stood. Wexler signaled for him to sit back down, but Alex ignored him. "Whatever happened to the hero of the Revolution?" he said. "How did you become a cheap bureaucrat? How did you get bought off?" "That's enough," said Wexler. Alex crossed behind me, clearing his own angle on Wexler. "You've no compunctions about sacrificing anybody for your bosses, do you? Even Vicki Greene." Vicki Greene Vicki Greene was the start b.u.t.ton for the AI. Kilgore's voice broke in: was the start b.u.t.ton for the AI. Kilgore's voice broke in: "Wexler, have you no decency at all? How dare you?" "Wexler, have you no decency at all? How dare you?" The voice was calm, angry, disappointed. Not bad for an AI. It distracted them both for the moment we needed. I was across the room before Krestoff could turn her attention back to me. I knocked her off the chair. She tried to bring the blaster around as she hit the floor, but I grabbed the hand and simultaneously got in a punch to the gut. She doubled up, and the weapon blew out the ceiling. We traded punches, and I smashed the hand with the weapon against the wall. Above us, somebody yelled The voice was calm, angry, disappointed. Not bad for an AI. It distracted them both for the moment we needed. I was across the room before Krestoff could turn her attention back to me. I knocked her off the chair. She tried to bring the blaster around as she hit the floor, but I grabbed the hand and simultaneously got in a punch to the gut. She doubled up, and the weapon blew out the ceiling. We traded punches, and I smashed the hand with the weapon against the wall. Above us, somebody yelled hey hey . And an alarm went off. The blaster came loose. We rolled around on the floor, each of us trying to get hold of it. Finally, she kicked it away. I grabbed the wine bottle and brought it down on her head. She hit me with a lamp. "b.i.t.c.h," she said. Even under those circ.u.mstances, she kept her voice level. We got more or less to our feet and traded a few punches. Then she fell over a footstool, and I got to the blaster, scooped it up, and turned to see how Alex was doing. Not so well, it turned out. His fight had stumbled out onto the balcony. Although Wexler was the older and smaller of the two, he looked considerably more experienced in personal combat than Alex was. Meanwhile, Krestoff was getting to her feet again, making comments about my parentage. I leveled the weapon at her. "Stay put," I said. She glared at me. "Afraid to take me on?" she asked. "h.e.l.l," I said, "I'm tired of you." Wexler's scrambler had fallen to the floor. I kept her at a distance while I picked it up. I was trying to juggle the two weapons and change the setting on the scrambler to non-lethal. She saw her chance and jumped me. I whacked her with the blaster. She went to her knees, and I hit her again. It was a good clean shot. . And an alarm went off. The blaster came loose. We rolled around on the floor, each of us trying to get hold of it. Finally, she kicked it away. I grabbed the wine bottle and brought it down on her head. She hit me with a lamp. "b.i.t.c.h," she said. Even under those circ.u.mstances, she kept her voice level. We got more or less to our feet and traded a few punches. Then she fell over a footstool, and I got to the blaster, scooped it up, and turned to see how Alex was doing. Not so well, it turned out. His fight had stumbled out onto the balcony. Although Wexler was the older and smaller of the two, he looked considerably more experienced in personal combat than Alex was. Meanwhile, Krestoff was getting to her feet again, making comments about my parentage. I leveled the weapon at her. "Stay put," I said. She glared at me. "Afraid to take me on?" she asked. "h.e.l.l," I said, "I'm tired of you." Wexler's scrambler had fallen to the floor. I kept her at a distance while I picked it up. I was trying to juggle the two weapons and change the setting on the scrambler to non-lethal. She saw her chance and jumped me. I whacked her with the blaster. She went to her knees, and I hit her again. It was a good clean shot.

Wexler had Alex bent over the balcony rail. Beyond them I could see the dome and the sky, with Callistra just about to set behind the planet. Somewhere music was playing. The alarm was still wailing, and someone began pounding on the door. I could hear voices in the corridor. Alex and Wexler banged against the rail, creating the possibility they might both go over. I got the setting I wanted on the scrambler and leveled it at Wexler. "Back off," I said. "Let him go." The guy had a suicide impulse. He made an effort to throw Alex over. I didn't want to fire because I couldn't be sure which one I'd hit. So instead I went after him, reversed the weapon, and hit him in the head with it. Anybody who's used a scrambler knows it's light, and hitting somebody with it doesn't do much more than make the target angry. Wexler slammed me with an elbow and sent me reeling. Then he turned back to Alex. The guy was a nut. But Alex got a punch in and threw him momentarily off-balance. Meantime, I guess I'd had enough. I charged full tilt into Wexler. I'm not sure whether I intended to push him over the side. I was in a rage by then, and I remember thinking there was a chance he'd land on somebody. Whatever really caused it, he crashed back against the rail and grabbed Alex. I banged into him again and apparently caught him off-balance. Either that or I was stronger than I realized. He went over the top, flailed wildly, grabbed me, and very nearly took me with him. He had my arm. Clung to it, the whole time screaming at me. I was hanging on to the railing, halfway over, when Alex came to my rescue. He pulled me back. Hung on while Wexler began to slip away. Ignored him when he screamed for help. Then he was gone, one last dying shriek, suddenly cut off. I stood there for a few seconds, not saying anything. I looked to see whether Wexler had done any damage below. A crowd was gathering, but n.o.body else was down. Somebody was still banging on the door. I went back inside and opened it.


The house was closing in on us. Doors were slamming, windows were shutting. "Get out," she said. "While you can." "But, Ilena," I cried, "there is no way." "Find one. Or make one."- Nightwalk The security people came. Then the CSS. They took Krestoff away, finally subdued. They collected Wexler's body. Asked some questions. Took notes. Moved Alex to a different room. Set a guard, just in case. An hour or so after they'd gone away, we got a call from one of Kilgore's staffers. "We heard about what happened," "We heard about what happened," she said. she said. "We wanted you to know we appreciate the strain you've been under. And we're glad the danger is past." "We wanted you to know we appreciate the strain you've been under. And we're glad the danger is past."

"Thank you," said Alex.

"When an opportunity presents itself, we'll find an appropriate way to express our grat.i.tude. Meantime, if there's anything we can do for you, don't hesitate to get in touch." She gave us a private code that would allow us to reach her. We never did eat dinner that night. Alex's meal had gotten as cold as his appet.i.te. We went down instead and sat in the Pilots' Club. It was empty. "They're all out running refugees to Sanctum," said the host. We had a couple of drinks. Two or three people came in. Then, after about an hour, my link sounded. She gave us a private code that would allow us to reach her. We never did eat dinner that night. Alex's meal had gotten as cold as his appet.i.te. We went down instead and sat in the Pilots' Club. It was empty. "They're all out running refugees to Sanctum," said the host. We had a couple of drinks. Two or three people came in. Then, after about an hour, my link sounded.

"Ms. Kolpath?"


"I'm with the Coalition Transport Authority. As I'm sure you're aware, we're moving people off-world. I'm sorry to say that, acting in accord with executive order 504911, we've impounded your interstellar."

"You've already done that once."

"Really? Well, however that may be, we're doing it again."

"I wish you wouldn't."

"I understand completely. In any case, we have no discretion in the matter. We'll be making some improvements in the s.h.i.+p, and we'd like you to remain as the captain, and help in the evacuation effort. Can we count on you to a.s.sist us?" Alex shook his head. "I wonder what happens to people who Alex shook his head. "I wonder what happens to people who don't don't have friends in high places." "Sure," I said. "I'll help." have friends in high places." "Sure," I said. "I'll help."

"Excellent. Can you leave tonight?"


"We've no time to waste, Ms. Kolpath."

Alex was signaling me that he'd call Kilgore's people. Get it killed. "Sure," I said. "Can you give me an hour?"

"We can do better than that. Your pa.s.sengers are already in the station. We've scheduled you out at midnight."

That finished the drinking, at least for me. We sat in desultory silence, contemplating a bleak future. Three years hauling refugees for me, and G.o.d knew what for Alex. While the world slowly tumbled toward oblivion. When the time came, we said good-bye. I left him alone in the Pilots' Club, the guy who'd figured it out and warned the world, who'd made the rescue effort possible. He wouldn't be allowed back in without me to escort him. I went back to my room and got my gear, much of which, fortunately, I hadn't unpacked. I sent it down to the loading dock and checked out of the hotel. Then I headed for the operations center. If I was going to be taking people to Sanctum, it seemed like a good idea to find out where the place was. Fourteen thousand light-years, in the general direction of the galactic rim. It was one of eleven worlds in the system, and its sun was a yellow dwarf. Of course, at that range, it was invisible to the naked eye. I got my vectoring data and headed for the s.h.i.+p, which was waiting at the dock when I arrived. A technician a.s.sured me the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie was all set to go, that they'd made some adjustments inside, and stored food and water for the flight. Each boarding area was designed to service two s.h.i.+ps. A second vehicle was also preparing for departure. It was small, smaller even than the was all set to go, that they'd made some adjustments inside, and stored food and water for the flight. Each boarding area was designed to service two s.h.i.+ps. A second vehicle was also preparing for departure. It was small, smaller even than the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie , but it bore As.h.i.+yyurean markings. I stood for a minute, watching while four kids were separated from a small group of adults and led on board by a young woman. A female Mute stood off to one side. The captain, I suspected. The last of the five pa.s.sengers disappeared into the tube, and the Mute hesitated. She and the remaining adults regarded one another with caution. And uncertainty. Then she raised one long arm in farewell. Or good luck. Or G.o.d bless. The humans waved back. A scene like that, a few months earlier, would have been unthinkable. We boarded the , but it bore As.h.i.+yyurean markings. I stood for a minute, watching while four kids were separated from a small group of adults and led on board by a young woman. A female Mute stood off to one side. The captain, I suspected. The last of the five pa.s.sengers disappeared into the tube, and the Mute hesitated. She and the remaining adults regarded one another with caution. And uncertainty. Then she raised one long arm in farewell. Or good luck. Or G.o.d bless. The humans waved back. A scene like that, a few months earlier, would have been unthinkable. We boarded the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie , and the technician showed me six additional acceleration couches, doubling , and the technician showed me six additional acceleration couches, doubling Belle Belle 's carrying capacity. And they'd upgraded life support. "When you get back," he said, "we'll put in an extra washroom. In the meantime, you'll have to get by as best you can. Let us know"-he didn't crack a smile-"if we can do anything else." He checked something in his notebook, said 's carrying capacity. And they'd upgraded life support. "When you get back," he said, "we'll put in an extra washroom. In the meantime, you'll have to get by as best you can. Let us know"-he didn't crack a smile-"if we can do anything else." He checked something in his notebook, said Okay, that's good Okay, that's good to no one in particular, and started for the hatch. He put one foot into the tube, stopped, and turned. "By the way, your AI will have the names of your pa.s.sengers, and the time of their arrival, which I think will be just a few minutes now. It'll also have contact information for when you reach Sanctum." He left and I sat down and said h.e.l.lo to Belle. to no one in particular, and started for the hatch. He put one foot into the tube, stopped, and turned. "By the way, your AI will have the names of your pa.s.sengers, and the time of their arrival, which I think will be just a few minutes now. It'll also have contact information for when you reach Sanctum." He left and I sat down and said h.e.l.lo to Belle. "Hi, Chase," "Hi, Chase," she said. she said.

I was expecting another load of children. I was relieved when a group of technicians and engineers showed up. I know that sounds hard-hearted, but the prospect of riding all the way to Sanctum with kids in a state of near hysteria was just more than I wanted to deal with. I wondered how the Mute in the other s.h.i.+p, who'd be even more tuned in to it than I would, could handle it. It occurred to me for the first time that maybe they had an off switch. My pa.s.sengers piled in, and I introduced myself. We could all see that privacy would be at a minimum and we'd have to live with make-do accommodations. Within a few minutes we were on our way. And I discovered this flight would be as painful, in its way, as the s.h.i.+pload of kids I'd antic.i.p.ated. My pa.s.sengers were all leaving behind families, lovers, friends, for whom there was no room on the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie , or probably on any other s.h.i.+p during the next three years. The kids, and the adults who cared for them, were getting all the priority. n.o.body could argue with that, but that didn't alleviate the pain. So my pa.s.sengers would go out to Sanctum and do their a.s.signments. Afterward, they'd have a choice: They could stay, and be clear of the Thunderbolt. Or they could go back to Salud Afar with next to no hope of being evacuated later, and take their chances. They were, understandably, being encouraged to stay at Sanctum. It was a long flight. We had to establish a sleeping schedule to provide accommodations for everyone. Despite the supplementary life-support setup, the air became oppressive. There were always two people sitting on the bridge. The rest-other than those logging sack time-were spread around the common room, a few relegated to using the deck because there wasn't enough seating. The electronic game systems didn't work too well under crowded conditions, and I made a mental note to bring some cards next time. They took it in stride. Everybody understood that the stakes were high, but the narrow bulkheads pressed on us all. We scheduled the entertainment, one show in the afternoon, one in the evening. We ran musicals, comedies, and thrillers. Nothing heavy. Strictly lightweight stuff. We even resurrected bingo, which, Alex tells me, was invented by the Dellacondans more than two thousand years ago. And might even be older than that. (In fact, Rainbow Enterprises had recently sold a bingo set from that era for a small fortune.) And we talked. Before we were finished, everybody's life story came out and got put on the table. One woman had been abandoned by her parents, one of the guys had lost a son in an accident at sea. One of the structural foundations techs started having breathing problems halfway across. It was a scary business, but fortunately extra oxygen tanks had been put on board, and we were able to bring him out of it. But he was a concern the rest of the way. When, on the thirteenth day, we jumped out into Sanctum s.p.a.ce, everybody cheered. I could have arranged to have a patrol vehicle pick up the foundations tech, but he insisted he was okay, and he wanted to stay with the , or probably on any other s.h.i.+p during the next three years. The kids, and the adults who cared for them, were getting all the priority. n.o.body could argue with that, but that didn't alleviate the pain. So my pa.s.sengers would go out to Sanctum and do their a.s.signments. Afterward, they'd have a choice: They could stay, and be clear of the Thunderbolt. Or they could go back to Salud Afar with next to no hope of being evacuated later, and take their chances. They were, understandably, being encouraged to stay at Sanctum. It was a long flight. We had to establish a sleeping schedule to provide accommodations for everyone. Despite the supplementary life-support setup, the air became oppressive. There were always two people sitting on the bridge. The rest-other than those logging sack time-were spread around the common room, a few relegated to using the deck because there wasn't enough seating. The electronic game systems didn't work too well under crowded conditions, and I made a mental note to bring some cards next time. They took it in stride. Everybody understood that the stakes were high, but the narrow bulkheads pressed on us all. We scheduled the entertainment, one show in the afternoon, one in the evening. We ran musicals, comedies, and thrillers. Nothing heavy. Strictly lightweight stuff. We even resurrected bingo, which, Alex tells me, was invented by the Dellacondans more than two thousand years ago. And might even be older than that. (In fact, Rainbow Enterprises had recently sold a bingo set from that era for a small fortune.) And we talked. Before we were finished, everybody's life story came out and got put on the table. One woman had been abandoned by her parents, one of the guys had lost a son in an accident at sea. One of the structural foundations techs started having breathing problems halfway across. It was a scary business, but fortunately extra oxygen tanks had been put on board, and we were able to bring him out of it. But he was a concern the rest of the way. When, on the thirteenth day, we jumped out into Sanctum s.p.a.ce, everybody cheered. I could have arranged to have a patrol vehicle pick up the foundations tech, but he insisted he was okay, and he wanted to stay with the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie . I went along with it, and he had another spell the next day. We got him into the hands of the medics okay, but it threw a scare into everybody. While I was in orbit around Sanctum, we picked up a transmission from Number 17 Parkway, in which Kilgore thanked his friends in the Confederacy for the support they'd been sending. He included the fleet, but he was really talking about the private citizens who had swarmed to his aid. I wondered if he'd been smart enough to send a similar message to the a.s.semblage. Sanctum was, of course, a work in progress. Even the s.p.a.ce station was still under construction. The world didn't have a moon, so it was unlikely to become a permanent habitat. But it had oceans and open plains and forests. The only look I got at groundside was from orbit, though, so I didn't see much. Lights were visible on the dark side. And they downloaded a tour of the place for me. Although I never did anything more than take a cursory glance. You've seen one forest, you've seen them all. I'd have liked to stay a couple of days. Get out of the s.h.i.+p for a while. But I had become part of the official schedule, and there were pa.s.sengers waiting for me back at Samuels. So they serviced . I went along with it, and he had another spell the next day. We got him into the hands of the medics okay, but it threw a scare into everybody. While I was in orbit around Sanctum, we picked up a transmission from Number 17 Parkway, in which Kilgore thanked his friends in the Confederacy for the support they'd been sending. He included the fleet, but he was really talking about the private citizens who had swarmed to his aid. I wondered if he'd been smart enough to send a similar message to the a.s.semblage. Sanctum was, of course, a work in progress. Even the s.p.a.ce station was still under construction. The world didn't have a moon, so it was unlikely to become a permanent habitat. But it had oceans and open plains and forests. The only look I got at groundside was from orbit, though, so I didn't see much. Lights were visible on the dark side. And they downloaded a tour of the place for me. Although I never did anything more than take a cursory glance. You've seen one forest, you've seen them all. I'd have liked to stay a couple of days. Get out of the s.h.i.+p for a while. But I had become part of the official schedule, and there were pa.s.sengers waiting for me back at Samuels. So they serviced Belle Belle while I stretched out for a couple of hours on a real bed. Then I was on my way back to Salud Afar. For the people hauling refugees out to Sanctum, it would be an endless stream. For three years, I expected there would be nothing else in my life, two weeks in a jammed s.h.i.+p, two weeks in an empty one, hauling people who were leaving behind everything, and often every while I stretched out for a couple of hours on a real bed. Then I was on my way back to Salud Afar. For the people hauling refugees out to Sanctum, it would be an endless stream. For three years, I expected there would be nothing else in my life, two weeks in a jammed s.h.i.+p, two weeks in an empty one, hauling people who were leaving behind everything, and often every one one , they loved. , they loved.

I wondered whether Wexler might not have been right.

When I got back to Samuels, there was no trace of Alex. I left a message saying h.e.l.lo, sorry to have missed you, catch you next time. They gave me almost three three hours to relax, then I was back at the boarding area to pick up my next set of pa.s.sengers. They were kids this time. All four years of age or under, plus two mothers. They screamed and cried their farewells, and we finally got them all on board. I took a deep breath, and we launched. The kids cried round the clock. The mothers did what they could, and showed, I thought, endless patience. I tried to help to the extent I could. But none of us knew how to calm the ongoing hysteria. By the third day, they both had bloodshot eyes. "Got to be a better way to do this," I told them. I decided a couple of cats might help, and I made a mental note to put in a request. The older of the two mothers, an attractive blonde, commented that they only had to put up with it for two weeks. And the other one immediately dissolved into tears. After I delivered them, I sent a message to the people running the evacuation, ordering my cats, and informing them that, even though I understood the reasoning behind trying to save the kids first, separating children from their mothers was cruel. I knew that if they responded at all, which was unlikely, they'd ask me for an alternative. And of course I wouldn't have one. It didn't matter. They never asked. hours to relax, then I was back at the boarding area to pick up my next set of pa.s.sengers. They were kids this time. All four years of age or under, plus two mothers. They screamed and cried their farewells, and we finally got them all on board. I took a deep breath, and we launched. The kids cried round the clock. The mothers did what they could, and showed, I thought, endless patience. I tried to help to the extent I could. But none of us knew how to calm the ongoing hysteria. By the third day, they both had bloodshot eyes. "Got to be a better way to do this," I told them. I decided a couple of cats might help, and I made a mental note to put in a request. The older of the two mothers, an attractive blonde, commented that they only had to put up with it for two weeks. And the other one immediately dissolved into tears. After I delivered them, I sent a message to the people running the evacuation, ordering my cats, and informing them that, even though I understood the reasoning behind trying to save the kids first, separating children from their mothers was cruel. I knew that if they responded at all, which was unlikely, they'd ask me for an alternative. And of course I wouldn't have one. It didn't matter. They never asked.

I made the jump back into Salud Afar s.p.a.ce and was beginning to wonder whether I could really continue like this for three years. I knew they were trying to train more pilots to give us a break in the routine, but it would take a while. I was about two days out, sitting feeling sorry for myself when Belle came to life: "Chase." "Chase." "Yes, ma'am. What've you got?" "Yes, ma'am. What've you got?"

"I'm not sure. Intruder alert, maybe."

"Intruder alert?"

"I'm scanning a lot of s.h.i.+ps. Wars.h.i.+ps."


"Most are near Salud Afar."

"What kind of s.h.i.+ps?" "All kinds. Cruisers, escorts, destroyers- "All kinds. Cruisers, escorts, destroyers- thousands thousands of them." of them." "h.e.l.l, that's "h.e.l.l, that's good good news. Belle, the Confederacy has come to the rescue, after all." news. Belle, the Confederacy has come to the rescue, after all." "Chase, they're "Chase, they're not not Confederates. They're Mutes." Confederates. They're Mutes."


Whatever happens from this moment on, Holly, remember that I was here when you needed me.- Nightwalk "Belle, are they reacting to us?"

"They know we're here."

"Okay, give me manual."

"You have it."

They were all around us. None that I could see without the scopes. But the kinds of weapons these things carried made that dim consolation. "Let me know if we light up, Belle."

"Of course."

"Okay, give me a channel to the station."

"You're open." "Samuels, this is the "Samuels, this is the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie . Approaching from Sanctum. What is status, please?" . Approaching from Sanctum. What is status, please?" "You'll have to get in line, "You'll have to get in line, Belle-Marie Belle-Marie . We see you. Hold steady on present course. I'll give you instructions in a few minutes." . We see you. Hold steady on present course. I'll give you instructions in a few minutes."

"Ops, I'm out here surrounded by Mutes."

"That's affirmative. Don't worry about it."

"Why not?"

"They're here to help."

"How do you know?"

"They said so."

"You believe them?" "What's the alternative?" "What's the alternative?" He signed off. Moments later he was back. He signed off. Moments later he was back. "You're Chase Kolpath, right?" "You're Chase Kolpath, right?"


"Okay. We're going to move you to the front of the line, Kolpath. You're being taken off a.s.signment. We'll have a replacement waiting. When you dock, please report to the ops center."

"Samuels, can you tell me why?"

"Don't know why, ma'am. Just come on in."

The head of the line doesn't mean a whole lot when you're two days out. But I proceeded accordingly. On the way in, I picked up reports that the evacuation was going to go a lot more quickly, and that work was moving ahead on a second, larger, s.p.a.ce station. Meanwhile, more shuttles were coming online. s.p.a.ceports were being designated around the globe, where landers could descend to pick up pa.s.sengers. s.h.i.+ps coming in from the a.s.semblage had already arrived at Sanctum, carrying supplies and engineers. I got in as quickly as I could, burning extra fuel on the way, and reported to the chief of the watch. He said he was proud to meet me, told me a private shuttle was waiting, and handed me two sealed envelopes. One contained the following: Celebration tonight (the 20th) at the Sariyavo Hotel. Your attendance mandatory. Congratulations. Tao Kilgore. Celebration tonight (the 20th) at the Sariyavo Hotel. Your attendance mandatory. Congratulations. Tao Kilgore.

"You Sirian Koslo?" I asked. He grinned "Yes." "Thanks." "My pleasure. Go get 'em, Chase." The other was from Alex: Chase, they're telling us that if you make a reasonable jump, you'll be able to get to the Sariyavo for the party. If not, the Administrator promises me they'll throw another one tomorrow. Or over the weekend. Or whatever it takes. You're the lady of the hour. Chase, they're telling us that if you make a reasonable jump, you'll be able to get to the Sariyavo for the party. If not, the Administrator promises me they'll throw another one tomorrow. Or over the weekend. Or whatever it takes. You're the lady of the hour.

If the situation had improved, I wouldn't have known it charging through Samuels. The children were still there, surrounded by dismayed adults, waiting for their rides to arrive. There was still only a handful of Mutes in the concourse. And, considering the way the locals steered clear of them, it was just as well. I was halfway to the shuttle launch area when two CSS agents scooped me up. "Heard you were on the way, Ms. Kolpath," one of them said. "If you'll follow us, please." I love playing the VIP. They opened the hatch for me, the pilot asked to shake my hand, and they provided a box of goodies to munch on on the way down. My luggage arrived, and they stowed it in cargo. Was there anything else they could do for me? "Sure," I said. "What's it about?" "You don't know?" "Should I?"

"Chase, you're the woman who brought the Mutes."

There were no other pa.s.sengers. As soon as I was belted down, we were on our way. We pa.s.sed through some storm clouds and arrived at the Marinopolis s.p.a.ceport in a driving rainstorm. They transferred me to a government skimmer, and we took off and headed east toward the center of the city. Fifteen minutes later we landed on the roof of what I a.s.sumed to be the Sariyavo, where I was handed over to two other agents. They collected my luggage, refused to allow me to touch it, took me inside, down one floor, and opened a door to a luxury suite. Lights were on, candy had been placed on the bed, music was playing softly. "Your room while you're here, ma'am," one of them said. She opened a closet to reveal an exquisite black gown. "I think you'll find it's the right size." "It's nice," I said. And I know that was a dumb response, but I wasn't functioning at full capacity. "They're just getting started in the main ballroom. When you're ready, call us, and we'll escort you down." She smiled. "Take your time. The party won't really start until you get there."

I could hear the noise before I got out of the elevator. Music. People laughing and cheering. The agents took me to the entrance and turned me over to one of the best-looking guys I've ever seen. Mash Kavalovski. He was the son of a treasury secretary from one of the a.s.sociated states. The music stopped, and the crowd cleared a s.p.a.ce for us. He kissed my hand, and said he was honored to meet "the hero of the hour." A cheer went up. A few Mutes were sprinkled through the crowd. Times were changing quickly. Mash danced with me while everybody backed away. Then they all joined in. When the music stopped, Mash handed me over to Alex. "Alex," I said, "how've you been? I missed you." He was all smiles. "I missed you, too, love. How was life with the Transit Authority?" Somebody brought me a purple-colored drink that left me feeling as if I owned the world. There were more introductions to people from around the globe. To more people from the Confederacy. To fleet officers. And to Mutes, some in uniform, some not. Eventually I wound up back in Mash's arms. "Chase," he said, "I don't suppose I could talk you into running off to the Golden Isles, could I?" I wasn't very familiar with what pa.s.sed for dancing in Marinopolis, but I'm fairly flexible. Mash and I were gliding around the floor when the music changed tempo, slowed, and switched to "Time of Glory." It was the cue for the Administrator to make his entrance. And there he came, through a side door, still in conversation with someone. He broke it off quickly, mounted a rostrum, and waited for quiet. The music stopped. Everyone turned to watch. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," he said. "I'd like to welcome you all to this special celebration in honor of some very special people. These have been a pretty happy few weeks. And we have more good news tonight. "The good news first: The Confederacy has announced that the bulk of its fleet is being committed-" It was as far as he got. The crowd applauded loudly, and for several minutes it would not stop. Finally, when it did, he proceeded: "-The bulk of the Confederate fleet, virtually all of it, is coming here to a.s.sist us-" The applause started again. Kilgore tried to continue, but his voice got drowned out. The crowd was out of control, cheering, clapping, embracing each other. I got hugged and kissed and pa.s.sed around, and I didn't mind it a bit. Eventually he got control: "-There's more-" he said. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's my happy duty to inform you that we believe we now have the resources to put a s.h.i.+eld in front of the world. Even as we speak, work has begun." If the other announcements had gotten everyone excited, that one blew the roof off. The Administrator took a few sheets of notepaper from his pocket, glanced at them, shrugged, and put them back. It was, I thought, not a time for details. While the hall continued to rock, he shook hands with everyone he could reach, including several of the Mutes. Those who were not in fleet uniforms wore brilliantly colored robes. I knew enough about them now to understand bright colors reflected good times.

Eventually, the audience subsided. "There's something else," he said. "The Coalition wants to recognize some of the people who made this night possible." An aide wheeled a table out, up an incline in the side of the rostrum, and placed it beside him. There were medals on the table. With ribbons. "The Grand Award of the Coalition is bestowed for outstanding service. It has been given to only four individuals during the entire thirty-year history of the Coalition. We will double that number tonight. "To Alex Benedict, who was first to grasp what had happened, and whose quick action to bring it to our attention made it possible to confront the problem. Alex, would you come forward, please?" Alex loved public recognition. Well, in all honesty, who doesn't? He strode through the crowd and up the three steps of the rostrum. The Administrator examined the medals, selected one, and placed it against his breast. He let go and took a moment to admire the award. "Thank you, Alex," he said. Kilgore invited him to speak. Alex looked out over the crowd. "It's an honor," he said, "to have been in a position to a.s.sist the people of Salud Afar." More applause. And the Administrator picked up a second medal. "Is Chase Kolpath in the audience, please? Chase, are you out there?" My heart stopped. Now, I'm not going to pretend I didn't think I'd made a major contribution to what was happening. But I didn't expect to get any recognition for it. Usually the recognition goes to Alex, Alex says something nice about me while he's accepting the award, and that's the end of it. And it struck me as I left Mash on the edge of the dance floor and walked forward that he hadn't mentioned my role. He'd known. He'd known. I mounted the steps. Kilgore gazed happily out at the crowd. "I'm not sure where we'd have been without Chase. She did much to bring the As.h.i.+yyur and the Confederates here tonight. And she was largely responsible for sidestepping efforts by a rogue unit of this government to keep the Callistra event secret." He smiled at me. "We'll always think of her as the lady who rode the taxicab into orbit." Of course I hadn't had the acceleration to achieve orbit, but that seemed picky at the moment. He pressed my medal to my gown and gave me the floor. I tend to get stage fright, so I just said thanks and hustled back down off the podium. "Next," said Kilgore, "the Coalition would like to recognize the lady who helped mobilize support for us in the a.s.semblage: Bon Selvan. Bon, would you come forward, please?" I hadn't realized she was there. The crowd quieted as she strode across the dance floor. The three steps up to the podium didn't fit her very well, so she simply ignored them and climbed up in one stride. It broke what might have been an awkward moment. There was some laughter, then a wave of applause. Kilgore held her medal and looked up at her. The audience laughed again, as did Kilgore. He couldn't reach an appropriate place on the robe, so she bent down, and he smiled and attached the medal. Then he got serious. "I don't know what to say, Proctor Selvan, except that we will always be grateful to you and your companions. We know it wasn't easy to do what you did. And that the As.h.i.+yyur were willing to take a risk in sending their fleet here. I hope this will be the beginning, as someone once said, of a long and beautiful friends.h.i.+p." She turned to face the audience. "Thank you, Mr. Administrator. Thank you all. We share your sentiments. Unfortunately, our joint history has not been an admirable one. Let us begin today. Let us I mounted the steps. Kilgore gazed happily out at the crowd. "I'm not sure where we'd have been without Chase. She did much to bring the As.h.i.+yyur and the Confederates here tonight. And she was largely responsible for sidestepping efforts by a rogue unit of this government to keep the Callistra event secret." He smiled at me. "We'll always think of her as the lady who rode the taxicab into orbit." Of course I hadn't had the acceleration to achieve orbit, but that seemed picky at the moment. He pressed my medal to my gown and gave me the floor. I tend to get stage fright, so I just said thanks and hustled back down off the podium. "Next," said Kilgore, "the Coalition would like to recognize the lady who helped mobilize support for us in the a.s.semblage: Bon Selvan. Bon, would you come forward, please?" I hadn't realized she was there. The crowd quieted as she strode across the dance floor. The three steps up to the podium didn't fit her very well, so she simply ignored them and climbed up in one stride. It broke what might have been an awkward moment. There was some laughter, then a wave of applause. Kilgore held her medal and looked up at her. The audience laughed again, as did Kilgore. He couldn't reach an appropriate place on the robe, so she bent down, and he smiled and attached the medal. Then he got serious. "I don't know what to say, Proctor Selvan, except that we will always be grateful to you and your companions. We know it wasn't easy to do what you did. And that the As.h.i.+yyur were willing to take a risk in sending their fleet here. I hope this will be the beginning, as someone once said, of a long and beautiful friends.h.i.+p." She turned to face the audience. "Thank you, Mr. Administrator. Thank you all. We share your sentiments. Unfortunately, our joint history has not been an admirable one. Let us begin today. Let us "The final award," said Kilgore, "recognizes the contribution of a young lady from Rimway, who came here seeking inspiration, and who discovered the terrible danger that was rus.h.i.+ng toward us. She sacrificed her life and a brilliant career in an effort to warn us. This award will be placed in a special station in the Coalition Hall of Fame. Ladies and gentlemen, we all owe a great debt of thanks to Vicki Greene."

The celebration lasted well into the night. I danced with Alex and Mash and half the males in the place, including several of the Mutes. I won't try to describe how that must have looked. You'd have had to see it. I talked with Proctor Selvan, and received an invitation to visit her whenever I could. "How did all this happen?" I asked her. "How is it possible?" She gazed serenely down at me. "It was too good an opportunity to miss. We knew that from the moment the situation first developed. But we needed someone to help us pull the trigger. To create the political wave. You did that rather nicely when you spoke to the Chief Minister." She drew back her lips. "That's the wrong word. Connected Connected is as close as I can get. When you is as close as I can get. When you connected connected with the Chief Minister." "You mean the interview?" "Of course." "But I wasn't talking to him. I had the Director in mind. Whiteside." I got the fangs again. "You were talking to with the Chief Minister." "You mean the interview?" "Of course." "But I wasn't talking to him. I had the Director in mind. Whiteside." I got the fangs again. "You were talking to both both ," she said. "And it appears both got the message." ," she said. "And it appears both got the message."

Toward the end of the evening, I found myself back in Alex's arms. "Brilliant performance, Chase," he said. "From start to finish." "Thanks." "I guess you'll be wanting a raise." "I could live with it." He grinned. "We'll figure it out on the way home." "Okay." Kilgore must have noticed Alex was getting ready to leave. He came over and shook his hand. "Thank you, Alex," he said. "We'll never forget what you've done." Alex looked around. And ushered us-himself, the Administrator, and me-toward a corner. Kilgore signaled his security people, and they formed a wall to keep everyone at a distance. "What is it, Alex?" "Mr. Administrator, I was surprised you mentioned the rogue element." "The crisis is over, Alex. Anyway, there's really no way to keep something like that quiet. Best to get out in front with it." "Yes, sir. Of course. You know Wexler made an attempt on our lives." "Of course." "But he wasn't in it alone. May I ask whether you've acted against those who were involved with him?" "We've found some. Perhaps all. To be honest, we can't prove criminal intent against any of them because we don't think they knew why they were getting the warnings." "Mr. Administrator, you can't really believe that." "No, of course not, Alex. But knowing it and proving it-" He shook his head. "Those who were involved have been terminated from their positions. Sent quietly away." "I see." He gazed into Alex's eyes. "Was there something else?" For a long time, Alex stared back. There was more he wanted to say. Maybe about power and responsibility. Maybe simply about paying attention. "

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