How To Live Or A Life Of Montaigne Part 20

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3.3 Andrew, Adolphe Best, Isidore Leloir, Andrew, Adolphe Best, Isidore Leloir, Le Reveil de Montaigne enfant Le Reveil de Montaigne enfant, from Musee des Familles, Lectures du soir Musee des Familles, Lectures du soir, VI (Jan. 1840), p. 100.

3.4 F. de Belle-Forest, F. de Belle-Forest, Le Vif pourtrait de la Cite de Bordeaux Le Vif pourtrait de la Cite de Bordeaux, 1575. Bibliotheque nationale de France.

4.1 Hermaphroditus, and Rhodope and Hemo, from Ovid, tr. L. Dolce, Hermaphroditus, and Rhodope and Hemo, from Ovid, tr. L. Dolce, Le Trasformationi Le Trasformationi (Venice: G. Giolito de Ferrari, 1561) (Venice: G. Giolito de Ferrari, 1561) 4.2 The reading fool, by A. Durer, from S. Brant, The reading fool, by A. Durer, from S. Brant, Narrenschiff Narrenschiff (Basel: J. Bergmann von Olpe, 1494). (Basel: J. Bergmann von Olpe, 1494).

4.3 Blaise de Monluc. Frontispiece to his Blaise de Monluc. Frontispiece to his The Commentaries The Commentaries (London: H. Brome, 1674). (London: H. Brome, 1674).

5.1 The "Bordeaux Copy" of Montaigne's The "Bordeaux Copy" of Montaigne's Essais Essais (Paris: A. L'Angelier, 1588), v. I, fol. 71v., showing Montaigne's marginal addition: "qu'en respondant: parce que cestoit luy parce que c'estoit moy" ("except by answering: Because it was he, because it was I"). (Paris: A. L'Angelier, 1588), v. I, fol. 71v., showing Montaigne's marginal addition: "qu'en respondant: parce que cestoit luy parce que c'estoit moy" ("except by answering: Because it was he, because it was I"). Reproduction en quadrichromie de l'Exemplaire de Bordeaux des Reproduction en quadrichromie de l'Exemplaire de Bordeaux des Essais Essais de Montaigne de Montaigne, ed. Philippe Desan (Fasano-Chicago: Schena Editore, Montaigne Studies 2002).

6.1 Seneca. Marble bust. Museo Archeologico n.a.z.ionale, Naples, Italy/The Bridgeman Art Library. Seneca. Marble bust. Museo Archeologico n.a.z.ionale, Naples, Italy/The Bridgeman Art Library.

6.2 Epicurus. Stone bust. Greek Museo Capitolano, Rome, Italy/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library. Epicurus. Stone bust. Greek Museo Capitolano, Rome, Italy/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library.

7.1 Montaigne's medal or Montaigne's medal or jeton jeton. The only copy is in a private collection; drawing by Sarah Bakewell based on a photograph in M.-L. Demonet, A Plaisir A Plaisir (Orleans: Editions Paradigme, 2002). (Orleans: Editions Paradigme, 2002).

7.2 Octopus, from G. Rondelet, Octopus, from G. Rondelet, Libri de piscibus marinis Libri de piscibus marinis (Leyden, Bonhomme, 1555). Wellcome Library, London. (Leyden, Bonhomme, 1555). Wellcome Library, London.

7.3 A. Ditchfield, A. Ditchfield, Montaigne et sa chatte Montaigne et sa chatte, ca. 1867. Aquatint. Bibliotheque nationale de France.

7.4 F. Delpech, F. Delpech, Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal, 19th century. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris/The Bridgeman Art Library.

8.1 Entry recording death of Montaigne's child Thoinette, from M. Beuther, Entry recording death of Montaigne's child Thoinette, from M. Beuther, Ephemeris historica Ephemeris historica (Paris: Fezandat, 1551), Montaigne's copy, page for June 28. Bibliotheque munic.i.p.ale de Bordeaux. (Paris: Fezandat, 1551), Montaigne's copy, page for June 28. Bibliotheque munic.i.p.ale de Bordeaux.

10.1 Tupinamba Indians in 1552, by T. de Bry, from J. L. Gottfried, Tupinamba Indians in 1552, by T. de Bry, from J. L. Gottfried, Newe Welt und Americanische Historien Newe Welt und Americanische Historien (Frankfurt: M. Merian, 1631). Private Collection/The Stapleton Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library. (Frankfurt: M. Merian, 1631). Private Collection/The Stapleton Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library.

10.2 A defiant prisoner among the Tupinamba, from M. Lery, A defiant prisoner among the Tupinamba, from M. Lery, Histoire d'une voyage Histoire d'une voyage (Paris: A. Chuppin, 1580). (Paris: A. Chuppin, 1580).

11.1 L. Le Coeur, L. Le Coeur, Montaigne Montaigne, 1789. Aquatint, from Galerie universelle des hommes qui se sont ill.u.s.tres dans l'Empire des lettres, depuis le siecle de Leon X jusqu'a nos jours Galerie universelle des hommes qui se sont ill.u.s.tres dans l'Empire des lettres, depuis le siecle de Leon X jusqu'a nos jours (Paris: Bailly, 17871789). Montaigne as windswept Romantic. (Paris: Bailly, 17871789). Montaigne as windswept Romantic.

11.2 Montaigne's visit to in Ferrara. Lithograph by P. J. Challamel after Louis Gallait's painting Montaigne's visit to in Ferrara. Lithograph by P. J. Challamel after Louis Gallait's painting Le visite dans sa prison par Montaigne Le visite dans sa prison par Montaigne (1836), in (1836), in Revue des peintres Revue des peintres (1837), no. 208. (1837), no. 208.

12.1 F. Dubois, St. Bartholomew's Day ma.s.sacre, August 24, 1572. Oil on panel. Musee d'Archeologie et d'Histoire, Lausanne, Switzerland/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library. F. Dubois, St. Bartholomew's Day ma.s.sacre, August 24, 1572. Oil on panel. Musee d'Archeologie et d'Histoire, Lausanne, Switzerland/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library.

12.2 Charles IX's medal depicting the St. Bartholomew's ma.s.sacres as a defeat of the Hydra. N. Favyer, Charles IX's medal depicting the St. Bartholomew's ma.s.sacres as a defeat of the Hydra. N. Favyer, Figure et exposition des pourtraictz et dictons contenuz es medailles de la conspiration des rebelles en France Figure et exposition des pourtraictz et dictons contenuz es medailles de la conspiration des rebelles en France (Paris: J. Dallier, 1572). (Paris: J. Dallier, 1572).

12.3 Heaven and h.e.l.l Heaven and h.e.l.l, engraving by H. c.o.c.k after J. de Mantua, 1565. Private collection/The Bridgeman Art Library.

12.4 Henri III. Frontispiece to A. Thevet, Henri III. Frontispiece to A. Thevet, Les vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes ill.u.s.tres Les vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes ill.u.s.tres (Paris: La veuve I. Kervert & G. Chaudiere, 1584). Mary Evans Picture Library. (Paris: La veuve I. Kervert & G. Chaudiere, 1584). Mary Evans Picture Library.

12.5 A band of flagellants, from A band of flagellants, from The Chronicles of Chivalry The Chronicles of Chivalry, 1583. Engraving. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris/The Bridgeman Art Library.

12.6 Stefan Zweig, c. 1925. Photograph by Trude Fleischmann. International Inst.i.tute of Social History, Amsterdam. Stefan Zweig, c. 1925. Photograph by Trude Fleischmann. International Inst.i.tute of Social History, Amsterdam.

13.1 A harpy, or monstrous figure. 18th century engraving. Private Collection/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library. A harpy, or monstrous figure. 18th century engraving. Private Collection/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library.

14.1 Kidney stone fragments. Photograph by Herringlab. Kidney stone fragments. Photograph by Herringlab.

14.2 Baths at Leuk, Switzerland, from S. Munster & F. Belle-forest, Baths at Leuk, Switzerland, from S. Munster & F. Belle-forest, Cosmographie universelle Cosmographie universelle (Paris: N. Chesneau, 1575). Wellcome Library, London. (Paris: N. Chesneau, 1575). Wellcome Library, London.

14.3 Baths at Plombieres, France, 19th century copy of woodcut from J. J. Huggelin, Baths at Plombieres, France, 19th century copy of woodcut from J. J. Huggelin, Von heilsamen Badern des Teutschelands Von heilsamen Badern des Teutschelands (Strasbourg, 1559). Wellcome Library, London. (Strasbourg, 1559). Wellcome Library, London.

14.4 Map of Montaigne's travels in 15801581. Map by Sandra Oakins. Map of Montaigne's travels in 15801581. Map by Sandra Oakins.

14.5 Colosseum and unidentified ruin, from H. c.o.c.k, Colosseum and unidentified ruin, from H. c.o.c.k, Praecipua aliquot Romanae antiquitatis ruinarum monimenta, vivis prospectibus, ad veri imitationem affabre designata Praecipua aliquot Romanae antiquitatis ruinarum monimenta, vivis prospectibus, ad veri imitationem affabre designata (Antwerp: H. c.o.c.k, 1551). University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center. (Antwerp: H. c.o.c.k, 1551). University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center.

15.1 Henri of Navarre (Henri IV), by T. de Bry, 1589. Private collection/The Stapleton Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library. Henri of Navarre (Henri IV), by T. de Bry, 1589. Private collection/The Stapleton Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library.

15.2 Diane d'Andouins, Countess of Gramont, known as "Corisande." 19th century. Engraving after Melchior Peronard. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library. Diane d'Andouins, Countess of Gramont, known as "Corisande." 19th century. Engraving after Melchior Peronard. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library.

15.3 of the Duc de Guise, from J. Boucher, of the Duc de Guise, from J. Boucher, La vie et faits notables de Henri de Valois La vie et faits notables de Henri de Valois (Paris: Didier Millot, 1589). (Paris: Didier Millot, 1589).

16.1 John Florio. Frontispiece to his John Florio. Frontispiece to his Queen Anna's New World of Words Queen Anna's New World of Words (London: E. Blount & W. Barrett, 1611). (London: E. Blount & W. Barrett, 1611).

16.2 Charles Cotton, lithograph after painting by Sir P. Lely, in I. Walton, Charles Cotton, lithograph after painting by Sir P. Lely, in I. Walton, The Compleat Angler The Compleat Angler. Private Collection/Ken Walsh/The Bridgeman Art Library.

16.3 Diagram of digressions in each volume, from L. Sterne, Diagram of digressions in each volume, from L. Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Vol. 6, Chap. 40 (New York: J. F. Taylor, 1904).

17.1 The "Bordeaux Copy" of Montaigne's The "Bordeaux Copy" of Montaigne's Essais Essais (Paris: A. L'Angelier, 1588), v. I, fol. 34r. (Paris: A. L'Angelier, 1588), v. I, fol. 34r. Reproduction en quadrichromie de l'Exemplaire de Bordeaux des Reproduction en quadrichromie de l'Exemplaire de Bordeaux des Essais Essais de Montaigne de Montaigne, ed. Philippe Desan (Fasano-Chicago: Schena Editore, Montaigne Studies, 2002).

18.1 Marie de Gournay. t.i.tle-page portrait in her Marie de Gournay. t.i.tle-page portrait in her Les Advis Les Advis (Paris: T. du Bray, 1641). (Paris: T. du Bray, 1641).

18.2 Michel Iturria, "Enfin-une groupie!" Sud-Ouest/Michel Iturria. Michel Iturria, "Enfin-une groupie!" Sud-Ouest/Michel Iturria.

18.3 H. Wallis, H. Wallis, Montaigne in His Library Montaigne in His Library, 1857. Oil on canvas. Photograph from J. Sawyer sale catalogue; present location of original unknown. A nineteenth-century fantasy, with Marie de Gournay at Montaigne's feet taking dictation.

18.4 Pierre Charron. Frontispiece to his Pierre Charron. Frontispiece to his De la sagesse De la sagesse (Paris: Douceur, 1607). (Paris: Douceur, 1607).

18.5 L'Esprit des Essais de Michel, seigneur de Montaigne L'Esprit des Essais de Michel, seigneur de Montaigne (Paris: C. de Sercy, 1677), and (Paris: C. de Sercy, 1677), and Pensees de Montaigne Pensees de Montaigne (Paris: Anisson, 1700). (Paris: Anisson, 1700).

18.6 Romulus and Remus suckled by the she-wolf. Engraving by A. Lafreri from a 4th century Romulus and Remus suckled by the she-wolf. Engraving by A. Lafreri from a 4th century BC BC Etruscan bronze, in his Etruscan bronze, in his Speculum Romanae magnificentiae Speculum Romanae magnificentiae (Rome: A. Lafreri, 1552). University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center. (Rome: A. Lafreri, 1552). University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center.

20.1 Joseph Robert-Fleury, Joseph Robert-Fleury, Derniers moments de Montaigne Derniers moments de Montaigne, 1853. Oil on canvas. Collections Ville de Perigueux, Musee d'art et d'archeologie du Perigord (Maap), France. Inv. No. B.438. Photograph by Maap.

20.2 Montaigne's tomb. From F. Strowski, Montaigne's tomb. From F. Strowski, Montaigne Montaigne (Paris: Nouvelle Revue Critique, 1938) (Paris: Nouvelle Revue Critique, 1938) 20.3 Montaigne's cat: marginal sketch in a copy of Montaigne's Montaigne's cat: marginal sketch in a copy of Montaigne's Essais Essais (Paris: A. L'Angelier, 1602) owned by the Dutch jurist Pieter Van Veen (b. 1561 or 1562), and ill.u.s.trated by him, perhaps as a gift for his son. British Library, London. (Paris: A. L'Angelier, 1602) owned by the Dutch jurist Pieter Van Veen (b. 1561 or 1562), and ill.u.s.trated by him, perhaps as a gift for his son. British Library, London.


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