Roses For Sophie Part 19

Roses For Sophie -

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The crowd exited but Sophie still felt rooted to the spot. The Cask Hall was the huge formal function room at Carlisle Estate, and Sophie remembered having thought fleetingly that it was strange that Rigby had used the entertainment area in the house rather than the function centre for his birthday party. Now she knew why.

Sophie.' Jake was behind her.

Logan stiffened beside her as she turned toward Jake.

Are you sure you want to do this here tonight?' her lifetime friend and former husband asked.

b.u.t.t out, Formosa,' Logan warned.

Jake ignored him. Is this what you really want?'

Amanda came to stand beside her husband, placing a restraining hand on his arm.

Pinning a look on her face that she hoped said, I'm surprised you're even asking, Sophie tilted her head and linked her arm through Logan's. Well, we'd actually been planning a very private ceremony - just the two of us on a romantic beach in Vanuatu,' she invented. Snuggling next to Logan she craned her neck to meet his eyes. I really don't mind where we marry. Do you, darling?'

He lowered his head so his lips brushed against hers. The look of desire in his eyes made her heart flip, and she had to remind herself that it was l.u.s.t and not love that he felt. Sooner rather than later is definitely a good thing, and if it makes your grandfather happy in the process then I'm fine with that.'

Jake looked at each of them, a muscle ticking above his jaw as he clenched his teeth.

Make her happy, Jackson.' The words were delivered as more of a warning than a wish.

If you leave now, you and your wife may be able to get a front-row seat,' Logan said with emphasis. His expression conveyed the words he'd left unsaid. Back off, buddy. You had your chance with Sophie and you lost it. She's mine now.

The testosterone-charged atmosphere made Sophie quite light-headed. There was no doubt Jake loved his wife, but the way he cared enough about her as a friend to still be looking out for her warmed her heart. As for Logan, the clear possessive challenge in his eyes made her heart canter and her blood heat.

Come on, you lot!' Rigby called, breaking the tension. Logan and Jake, you can go ahead. Amanda, I'm appointing you Sophie's Matron of Honour! I've also organised for your friend, Sue, to be here, Sophie.' He turned to Logan. I'm sorry, this is rather a Carlisle-sided affair tonight because I didn't know who you'd like to invite and I wanted to keep it as a surprise. Your sister is waiting down at the Cask Hall, so you needn't worry she'll be left out of the occasion, but the rest of your friends will have to wait for another ceremony.'

Oh, heavens! She'd have to marry Logan in front of his sister, too, and Melissa would realise this was all a farce because it'd been her suggestion Logan marry in the first place.

Sophie didn't have time to think any further as Rigby hurried them all. Amanda, you need to go back to Sophie's suite and help her change into the other surprise Daphne's left out for her. I'm going to wait here to ride down with her and give her away.'

I'd be delighted,' Amanda responded enthusiastically.

Amanda took Sophie's hand as they went up to the suite. I hope you don't mind Jake making sure you were happy with this. We both care a lot about you.'

Sophie's smile was genuine. I'm lucky to have friends like you.'

The way Logan looks at you...Ooh-la-la...and the way you look back...phew. I keep looking around to make sure there's a fire extinguisher on hand, thinking there'll be some incredible spontaneous combustion between the two of you!'

Sophie laughed.

You really love him, don't you?' Amanda asked.

Yes,' Sophie answered honestly, I really love him.'

Her appointed Matron of Honour hugged her tight. I'm so happy for you both.'

Come on,' Sophie urged, anxious to break the moment before she got too emotional dwelling on the truth that her love wasn't reciprocated. It seems I've got a wedding to go to!'

The dress Daphne had chosen for her was very elegant, fitting her figure like a glove. Again, Sophie found herself wis.h.i.+ng Logan were entering this wedding for the right reasons.

Oh, Sophie, my beautiful girl!' Rigby exclaimed as she and Amanda came back down the stairs. The tears flowed down his cheeks. You look a picture!'

The pride and joy on his face made all her doubts fade into insignificance.

May I have just a few moments alone with Sophie?' he asked Amanda.

Of course. I'll wait outside.'

Grandfather, are you about to go all mushy and sentimental on me?' Sophie asked.

You could say that.'

Uh-oh!' Sophie rolled her eyes in an attempt to be light. I seriously don't want to have red-rimmed eyes and a blotchy nose when I walk down the aisle.'

Rigby cleared his throat. I want you to know that not only have you made me proud of the young woman you are, but I know that you'd also make a wonderful Managing Director for Carlisle Mining.'

She felt her eyes widen. You mean you're appointing me MD?'

Tilting his head slightly, he raised his eyebrows questioningly. Are you sure that's what you really want?'

I'll do a good job. I promise you I'll be a much better MD than Felix would be. You know I've got the interests of the company and its workers in my heart.'

But what about your own interests, Sophie?'

She felt the furrow of a frown form above her nose. What do you mean?'

You're about to marry. If Logan wins his court case, you'll become an instant mother and you and Logan may want to add to that family with children of your own.'

Her heart twisted. Grandfather, you know I can't have children.'

Bah!' His s.h.a.ggy eyebrows drew together in a fierce scowl. What do doctors know? Anyway, your accident was years ago. Medical technology has improved so much since then.'

I'm not sure about that.'

Are you certain you want to be MD?'

Grandfather, Felix isn't doing well in the role.'

No, he's not. This afternoon, Logan made me promise to tell you that I know about the fraud Felix has committed. I wasn't going to talk to you about this until tomorrow, but here's the opportunity.'

She drew in a shocked breath and felt her eyes open wider. You know? Logan knew you knew?'

He found out this afternoon and wanted me to be the one to tell you.'

Shaking her head, she still found it difficult to comprehend. How long have you known?'

I'd asked Patrick to keep a close watch on the books. He told me the news yesterday.'

Patrick said you were giving Felix enough rope to hang himself.' She still couldn't believe Rigby knew and hadn't said anything. Maybe he just hadn't had the heart or the strength to involve himself in the matter. That would make sense, given his ill health.

Felix won't be MD because he's not going to be able to manage a company from jail,' Rigby said sadly.

Oh, Grandfather. I'm so sorry you found out.' She bit down on her lip as she saw the deep sorrow in Rigby's eyes. At that moment she hated Felix with a pa.s.sion. After all Rigby had done for him this must be so devastating a blow. Don't think about it. Just concentrate on getting through this operation.'

Just remember, Sophie, although I know you are capable of being a brilliant MD, whatever you decide has my approval because there is another option.'

Puzzled by his words, she shook her head. What do you mean? Are you talking about what's going to happen to Felix?'

No.' His hand tightened on her wrist. You're a young woman. I don't want you shackled to the company that was my dream and my life's interest. I don't want you thinking that it has to be your life as well. It's your choice.'

Sophie frowned in confusion. Don't you want me to be MD?'

I want you to be happy. I want you to follow your own dreams and your own heart, not feel tied down to my dream. That's the reason I've put a contingency plan into place.'

Unease slithered down her spine. What are you talking about?'

He released her wrist and patted her on the hand as though she was a small child in need of comforting. It did nothing to ease her misgivings or to clear her confusion. Don't worry about a thing, Sophie. I'm not going into it all now when you're off to get married. Just know that I'm giving you options. It'll all turn out okay, you'll see.' The hand patting turned into a squeeze that she guessed was meant to rea.s.sure her. The gesture failed miserably. All you need to do now is be happy and marry the man you love.'

One anxiety meshed into another at his words.

Rigby propelled her forward out of the room to where Amanda was waiting. As her Matron of Honour didn't judge anything to be amiss, Sophie must've responded appropriately to whatever comments Amanda made. Just as well she could function on automatic as this entire situation felt surreal.

Her thoughts flew back to her marriage to Jake, when she'd gone to the church, trying to convince herself she was doing the right thing, and had known as soon as she'd uttered the words I do' that they'd both been kidding themselves thinking that their friends.h.i.+p alone could sustain a marriage. This time she was a bride who was madly in love with her groom, but it was all so horribly one-sided, how could she stop it from being another disaster? She prayed that when she uttered those vows tonight things would turn out differently.

The Cask Hall was more beautifully decked out than she'd ever seen it. The ceiling had been adorned by bolts of white satin, and fairy lights. The room was heady with the scent of flowers and the entire setting was every bride's fantasy. Even so, it was far surpa.s.sed by the sight of the tall, dark, handsome groom who stood at the end of the red carpet, waiting for her.

You really shouldn't be doing this. You'll end up hurt, the voice of common sense told her.

But the love and happiness on her grandfather's face, and the gorgeous groom waiting for her, kept her placing one foot in front of another toward Logan.

Who are you kidding that you're doing this just for your grandfather? Even though you're anxious, you know there's a part of you that's hoping this is going to turn out this time. You're hoping you'll make Logan see that all those feelings he has for you are true love.

Yes. She was. But was she right and would she survive the impact if she were wrong?

The sudden empowering conviction she felt to make this marriage succeed made her stand a little taller. This would work because Logan was a man worth holding onto.

As she took her vows, Sophie didn't hold back. Logan would think she was giving an Academy Award winning performance, but in reality, she meant every word she said. Logan was just as convincing. And, now that they were almost husband and wife, she added her own silent vow. This marriage would last. All the things Logan felt for her would deepen and one day, without any prompting from her, he'd bring her the red roses she craved.

Chapter 16.

Lying in bed the following morning, his limbs still tangled with Sophie's, Logan found it hard to believe Sophie was his wife. It didn't matter that she'd married him for Rigby's sake. It only mattered that they were married. Now he could start making her believe this had been the right decision. Despite having sworn he'd never marry, nothing had ever felt so perfect, and now he was committed to making it a permanent arrangement.

You were a beautiful bride,' he told her.

You liked the dress Daphne chose for me?'

I did, but I like what was inside it better.'

The smile she gave him warmed him. It surprised him just how important it was to him to make certain he kept her relaxed and happy the way she was now.

You're very smooth, Mr Jackson.'

Running the instep of his foot up over her calf muscle, he smiled back at her. You're feeling pretty smooth yourself, Mrs Jackson.'

That elicited a laugh and a shake of her head. Well, you were a very handsome groom, and I don't think the evening would've gone any better had I planned it myself.'

Watching her carefully, he said, Except that you didn't plan it. We both know you hadn't come around to the idea of marriage and only intended to go as far as being engaged. Now that we are husband and wife, what are your intentions?'

For a moment, she looked away from him and he sensed she was searching for her reply. When her eyes met his again they were clear, and her expression was sincere. You don't think I might have had a change of heart?'

Did you?' He found himself holding his breath as he waited for her response.

If I didn't think we had a chance, I'm not sure I would've been able to take my vows, even for the sake of my grandfather.'

That was quite an admission.

We're in this together now, Logan, for better or worse. I don't want another trip to the divorce courts, so we're going to make this work.'

Relief flowed through him. There was no doubt he intended to see this through. It wasn't until she indicated her commitment to their marriage that he realised how uncertain he'd been about how she'd deal with it.

This is going to work, Sophie.' He raised a hand to her head and allowed his fingers the pleasure of trailing through the soft silkiness of her hair.

I wonder whether Felix's heard the news of our marriage yet?' She uttered the words with a frown and levered herself up on to one elbow to look at him. Grandfather told me you insisted that he tell me that he knew about the fraud.'

I'm glad you know.' One hurdle down. Had Rigby also mentioned anything about his wild notion to sell Logan his shares and put him in charge of the company? Probably not. Sophie would hardly be this easy with him if she knew what her grandfather had been planning. Logan needed to seek Rigby out at first opportunity. He didn't want Sophie to think that his reasons for marrying her had anything to do with her being related to Rigby Carlisle. Her relations.h.i.+p to the mining magnate was the main reason she'd always doubted her own value in the past and felt she was vulnerable to being used. If their marriage was to succeed, he had to ensure she had no reason to doubt that he wanted her, not shares in her grandfather's company and certainly not the MD role at Carlisle Mining.

Now that I know Grandfather knows about Felix, I think I'd rather corner my cousin today and confront him.'

Is your grandfather going to do that with you?'

She shook her head. He didn't offer. I think it would be too much strain on him and I don't want to put him through that.'

He said as much to me.' He placed his hand on her bare shoulder. Would you like me to be there with you?'

No.' Her reply was immediate and decisive. Thanks for the offer, but this is something I'm going to do one-on-one. I'll talk to him today, but I won't make the official report to the authorities until after Grandfather has his surgery.'

Wouldn't it be better to get this out in the open before somebody else stumbles across it and makes it public? You wouldn't want the rest of the board to think you were involved in a cover-up.'

She sighed. There'll be so much bad press and the media won't respect Rigby's health issues. They'll camp out and badger him relentlessly.'

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