Roses For Sophie Part 18

Roses For Sophie -

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There was approval in Rigby's regard. I like a man who takes his responsibilities seriously, especially his responsibility to his family. You'll be part of my family soon.'

Charlotte and Sophie are going to be my family, and I'll be d.a.m.ned if I'll let them down in any way.' He would never neglect them as his father had neglected Melissa and him. Family loyalty is also important to me, Rigby, and what you're proposing falls vastly short of that in my book, and Sophie deserves a lot more from you.'

For a moment, Logan imagined that he'd seen a sudden glistening of moisture in Rigby's eyes and a shadow of sadness haunting his features. Then, Rigby nodded, his expression resolute. I'll talk to Sophie, but allow me the indulgence of thinking I know my granddaughter a lot better than you've come to know her in less than a week."

The old man still packed his punches. Obviously his security team did report to him, and he was aware that Logan and Sophie had only recently met. G.o.d, Sophie would be livid if she knew her movements were being watched and reported without her knowledge.

Think on my offer,' Rigby urged.

I've already given you my answer,' he insisted.

You've given me an answer, but it might not be the one that is truly in Sophie's best interests.' The old tyc.o.o.n stood up abruptly. Now, let's go and tour the winery.'

The stubborn man had received his answer, but it was obvious from his manner that he wasn't at a point where he was prepared to accept it.

Chapter 14.

Despite knowing that their relations.h.i.+p had been a whirlwind, and maybe suspecting the reasons for it, Rigby certainly didn't oppose it. Logan guessed that the old man was probably a good judge of character and could see that Sophie and Logan were right for each other. It seemed Sophie was the only one who needed convincing.

He would've enjoyed touring the wine cellars with Rigby had it not been for the offer of becoming MD of Carlisle Mining hanging over his head. Had the offer been a test so that Rigby could see whether or not Logan really had Sophie's best interests at heart, or whether he was unscrupulous and would put his own interests first? If Logan told Sophie about it, it could cause friction between grandfather and granddaughter. When Rigby may have such little time to live, Logan didn't want to create any problems or stress between the two of them.

The other thing that bugged him was Rigby's refusal to tell Sophie that he knew about Felix's activities until tomorrow. Sophie was worrying unnecessarily about Rigby finding out, and it placed Logan in an awkward position. All Logan could do was make sure he distracted Sophie every second from her worries so that all she could think about was being alone with him.

When they got back to the house, Rigby excused himself and went off to rest before the party. Logan sought Sophie out and found her in the dining room, setting the table, but he'd only just had time to take her into his arms and kiss her when they were interrupted by the sound of a female throat being cleared.

Sophie!' A stunning blonde woman had entered the room. Jake recognised her instantly as Jake Formosa's wife, from photos he'd seen in the press.

Amanda, you look fabulous!' Sophie left his arms and went to hug the woman. She drew back a bit and looked down at the woman's abdomen. You've actually got a baby now! How are you?'

I'm feeling much better now I'm over the morning sickness.' Amanda laughed. I'm almost halfway to due date.'

Pregnancy really suits you. You're definitely glowing.'

Logan watched Sophie, wondering how she was coping knowing that Jake's wife was pregnant. Whether or not she was schooling herself not to reveal her own wistfulness, he couldn't tell.

Sophie looked over her shoulder at him and reached for his hand. I'd like you to meet Logan Jackson. Logan, Amanda Formosa.'

Amanda extended her hand and her smile broadened. It's a pleasure to meet you.'


I heard on the grapevine that Sophie would be bringing someone with her this weekend. She kept your ident.i.ty closely guarded until Felix saw you both at the restaurant last Monday night and then the secret was out! I'm offended I had to hear it on the Sydney social grapevine, Sophie!'

Sophie looked uncomfortable. -'

I even left a message for her, Logan, and she didn't return my call.'

I'm sorry, Amanda. I meant to call you.'

My fault. We don't spend nearly enough time together and I've been completely monopolising her time since I arrived back in Australia.' Logan placed a possessive arm around Sophie's shoulders and drew her against him. It felt right standing beside her, claiming her as his lover.

Well, we...' Amanda broke off, her eyes opening as wide as saucers. Oh my gos.h.!.+ Look at that ring! You two are engaged?'

We're announcing it officially tonight at Rigby's party,' Logan said.

Show me properly,' Amanda encouraged. It's beautiful, Soph. Ooh, I'm so happy for both of you.' Turning to Logan she said, My husband told me you have diamond mines in northern Canada.'

Logan recognised Sophie's ex-husband as he entered the room.

The mention of diamonds immediately got Amanda's attention,' Jake joked.

Oh, it did not. Don't you dare go giving Logan the wrong impression about me!' Amanda laughed and gave her husband a playful punch in the arm as he came to stand next to her. Look, darling. Sophie and Logan are engaged.'

Jake's whole body jarred and his brows drew together in a frown as he gave Sophie a searching look. Seriously?'

Seriously.' Sophie had a smile on her face, but Logan sensed her discomfort and his jaw clenched in agitation.

Good to meet you, Jake. I'm Logan.' Logan offered Jake his hand.

Congratulations.' The word was wary, the smile accompanying the handshake polite but restrained.

For the next few seconds there was testosterone-driven tension in the room as each of them took the other's measure. Logan read the message in Jake's eyes - Don't mess with Sophie or you'll have me to answer to. Gritting his back teeth together, Logan felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck and shot back a message of his own. She's mine now, and anyone who tries to mess with her is answerable to me. Don't try to come between us.

Well, do I get a proper h.e.l.lo and congratulations?' Sophie demanded, breaking the invisible power struggle between them.

Handshake over.

Lines drawn in the sand.

Logan watched as the media magnate turned toward Sophie and kissed her cheek. Congratulations, Sophie.'

There didn't seem to be any buzz of awareness between them, just an easy familiarity. It could be that the concern Jake showed was no more than one of a good friend. A quick glance at Amanda told him she was completely at ease regarding the relations.h.i.+p between Formosa and his former wife.

They might just be great friends now, but Logan still felt on edge meeting Jake knowing he was Sophie's former husband and lover. While logic told him his reaction was uncalled for and primitive, it was strangely no less real.

What are your plans, Sophie? Aren't you based in Canada, Logan?' Jake asked, moving away from Sophie and holding Amanda's hand.

I'm basing my operation in Sydney now.'

Oh, that's a relief!' Amanda said. I would've hated it if Sophie had needed to move away, or tried to conduct a marriage between two continents.'

I have good people in place in Canada,' Logan told them as he placed his arm back around Sophie's waist and held her to his side. I'm also looking at expanding my business interests in Australia.' The purchase of Rigby's diamond mines was the start of that plan.

Jake told me about the work you've done to stop conflict diamonds from entering legitimate markets,' Amanda said.

As Logan caressed the bare flesh of Sophie's arm, he saw Jake watch the movement, and look from Sophie to Logan and back again. His regard made Logan bristle. Formosa had no right to look out for Sophie. He'd lost that right when they'd divorced.

Addressing Amanda, Logan said, There's still more work to be done. It's hard to prevent corruption when so many of the officials in these poor countries are struggling to feed their families.'

How did you two meet?' Jake's tone was conversational, but challenge burned in his eyes.

Sophie tensed beside him.

Through my sister, Melissa, and Sophie's friend, Sue,' Logan said easily. He dropped a kiss on Sophie's temple. One look and I was a goner. Thankfully, it was mutual.' It wasn't a lie. Had it not been for Sue's suggestion to hire an escort, and Melissa booking the table at Centrepoint tower that night, they may never have met, so the women had brought them together unintentionally. It was also true that one look and he'd known he wanted Sophie as his lover.

That was the same for Jake and me,' Amanda said. The second I saw him I felt a special connection.' She snuggled against her husband and looked up at him. We were parted for a couple of years, but having lost each other has just made us appreciate each other all the more now.'

The look they exchanged indicated Jake was just as enamoured of Amanda as she was of him. All the more reason Jake should be concentrating on his own happiness and b.u.t.ting out of Sophie's life, but it seemed the guy just couldn't help himself. Jake looked back up at them and asked, How long ago did you meet?'

Sophie fielded that one. Long enough to know that it's special. Now, no more questions, Jake. Poor Amanda is probably dying to sit down and have a cup of tea, and I'm sure Daphne will be setting out some refreshments in the conservatory. Let's go through.'

Chapter 15.

Felix was only at dinner a short time before he announced that he could feel a migraine coming on and had to retire to his suite. Sophie felt the tension in her own temples ease the moment her cousin left the room. While she had no intention of speaking to him about the fraud he'd committed until they were at the office on Monday, it still hung over her. Add the strain between Jake and Logan into the mix, and Sophie just wanted to escape with Logan and spend the evening naked in his arms. Honestly, she appreciated that Jake was being protective, but he was treating Logan with a wariness that was way over the top.

Logan had excused himself to take a business call that wouldn't be ignored, even though he was supposed to be on leave. The instant he'd left, Jake had cornered her. I hope you know what you're doing,' he'd said.

Pinning a confident smile to her face, she'd a.s.sured him she did. No way she'd admit that she really was a bundle of nerves about this fake engagement. Jake had already picked up the pieces when Peter had betrayed her, and he still carried a lot of guilt about their own rebound marriage. If he guessed for a second that things between Logan and her weren't all they seemed, she had no doubt he'd overstep the mark and demand the engagement be called off.

Now the lavish party for her grandfather was in full swing, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely when Rigby stood to make his speech.

I'd like to thank you all for being here with me tonight to celebrate my birthday.' There was a round of applause before he continued. There have been so many bright points in my life to celebrate, so many wonderful friends.h.i.+ps which I value, that I'd be here all night listing them if I were to start. I've had a wonderful life.' His expression became more sober. The lowest points in my life have been the loss of my wife, Regina, my daughter, Eloise, and son, Michael. All three brought a lot of happiness and love into my life, and the times we shared were precious. I...' His voice broke and Sophie's eyes welled with tears as she saw the s.h.i.+mmer of moisture in her grandfather's eyes, and the slight wobble of his lower lip.

For the first time ever, Daphne publicly went to Rigby's side. Although most people must've realised she held a special place in Rigby's heart, Sophie believed the housekeeper had always insisted upon staying in the background because she was uncomfortable with Rigby's social position.

Rigby reached out and took Daphne's hand. It was the first open public declaration of his feelings for her and Sophie felt herself misting up in response.

Stiffening his spine, he swallowed and went on. Michael left behind Felix, my grandson, who unfortunately is feeling unwell and can't be with us tonight. Eloise and her husband left behind my beautiful granddaughter, Sophie. Sophie is here tonight, so I'd better say something nice about her!'

There was general laughter.

When the laughter died down, he continued. In all seriousness, Sophie has been a treasure since the moment she was born, but I've worried about her like any parent or grandparent worries about their child or grandchild.' His eyes sought hers. Sophie, your parents would've been so proud of the young woman you've become. I'm certainly proud of you.'

The emotion behind those words had them both wiping away their tears as everyone gave a cheer.

Gathering himself once more, Rigby smiled. It gives me the greatest pleasure tonight to announce the engagement of my granddaughter, Sophie, to Logan Jackson.'

The room erupted with applause and Logan's arm tightened around her waist, turning her toward him so he was able to deliver a leisurely but oh-so sensual kiss that had her standing on her tiptoes, reaching her arms up around his neck and melting against him.

Get a room, you two!' someone urged.

Laughing, Logan ended the kiss.

Sophie felt herself relax a fraction knowing the announcement was made.

You all know that I'm going in for surgery this week.' Sophie could see Rigby struggled with his emotions. They tell me the odds are against me...' His throat worked up and down. And whilst I've always liked playing against the odds and winning -' The ensuing applause gave him more time to straighten, and this time he seemed to look everywhere but at Sophie and Logan as he said, I'm pretty determined to beat these odds.' Another cheer went up. But if I don't, I'm d.a.m.ned well not going to miss out on seeing these two married.'

His gaze finally swung toward Sophie and Logan. Sophie knew that expression in her grandfather's eyes. It was one of steely determination and sheer willpower. She felt the fine hairs on the back of her neck rise as a sense of foreboding made every sense switch on to full alert. Beside her, she sensed that Logan also watched Rigby with wary intensity.

While we've got so many friends gathered here tonight, I took the liberty of arranging a celebrant to be present, so I'd get my wish and be present to witness Sophie and Logan take their vows.'

Oh - my - G.o.d.

Breathe, Sophie,' Logan commanded quietly as the blood rushed to her feet and she swayed against him.

The entire room spun. People's faces seemed to come in and out of focus as if she were on some wild, out-of-control carousel ride. Then there was only Logan's face. He'd moved so his broad shoulders s.h.i.+elded her from everyone's sight.

Pull yourself together, honey,' he decreed next to her ear before his lips descended to brush a kiss over hers. Everyone's watching,' he continued softly. His steadying arms were around her, one hand ma.s.saging the small of her back.

Everyone was watching. They'd finished applauding and were now waiting for her reaction. Although she tried to unfreeze her facial muscles and think of something coherent to say, she failed miserably. Rigby's announcement had been a huge shock she was still trying to a.s.similate. He expected her to marry Logan right here and now.

I think you've finally managed to succeed where I've failed, Rigby,' Logan's deep voice broke through her inner panic. You've rendered Sophie speechless!'

Everyone around her laughed, but Sophie just felt like bolting out the door. Logan must've known it, too, as he took her hand securely in his, anchoring her to his side.

I know this probably isn't what you had in mind, Sophie,' Rigby said as he dropped Daphne's hand and made his way toward the newly engaged couple. I hope you'll go along with your interfering, meddlesome grandfather, because you can still have another wedding ceremony with as many as you want, and everything organised just exactly the way you want it, but this one tonight may be the only one I get to attend.' He swallowed hard.

Emotion stabbed at her. Grief at the thought of losing her grandfather outweighed the panic she'd known at the thought of being pressed into marriage with Logan. When Rigby stretched out his arms, she walked straight to him and was encircled by them. Her rapidly collecting tears drained straight to her nose and made her sniffily as she hugged her grandfather tight and felt his frail arms wrap around her.

I love you, Sophie,' he told her in a voice thick with his own unshed tears.

She loved him back deeply, so she squashed down all her doubts and hesitation because the most important thing in the world at the moment was making him happy. Attempting to make her voice resolute, she asked, Are you ready to give the bride away?'

Let's do this!' Rigby announced for all to hear.

A tall lady stepped forward and Rigby introduced her as the marriage celebrant.

I have another little surprise,' Rigby declared. If you'd all be so kind as to make your way to the vehicles you'll find parked outside, we're going to the Cask Hall.' He winked at Sophie. Daphne and I have had the hall decked out in spectacular fas.h.i.+on, as befitting your wedding. That's why I couldn't show Logan around that area this afternoon.'

G.o.d love him. He was so excited his eyes danced, and all she could do was pretend equal enthusiasm and say, Thank you, Grandfather. I'm sure it's going to be very special.'

Thank you for going along with it and allowing me to be part of your wedding.' He gave her one more squeeze, then said quietly, This man's definitely the right one for you!' Then he took Daphne by the arm and began ushering everyone outside.

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