Suncoast Society: One Ring Part 16

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She let out a moan as Don got another o.r.g.a.s.m out of her.

Yeah, such a good slave for her Sirs. Going to get you used to wearing your b.u.t.t plug all the time, too, so any time we want to use that sweet a.s.s, all we have to do is slide our c.o.c.ks into it.

That moan was answered by Don moaning into her p.u.s.s.y as he was close to tipping over the edge now, too.

Carl picked up the pace, slamming his c.o.c.k into her. Such a sweet little slave you are, such a good girl for us, such a beautiful little"ah! He plunged hard and deep, falling still with his c.o.c.k deep inside her.

Dons c.o.c.k erupted in her mouth, and she eagerly swallowed, finally only stopping when he reached down, grabbed her hair, and gently pulled her up and off him.

They fell together in a tangle on the bed.

When she could finally speak, she said, I cannot believe you two drove up here for this.

Carl rolled over and kissed her. Well, if I was wrong, at least it meant we could spend a night with you. If I was rightwell, I didnt want to wait to see if I was right. He laced fingers with her and brought her hand to his lips, kissing it. We love you, baby. He brought their hands down to her tummy. And we love our baby.

What if the test is wrong?

Don sat up, snorting with laughter. I doubt it. In fact, make sure to get an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can. And, obviously, stop taking your pill every day. He laid his hand over theirs, his fingers curling around their hands. We need to make sure were taking the best care of you and the little one as we can.

Is this going to mess us up? she asked, almost afraid of the answer.

Both men frowned. Why would it? Carl asked.

Yeah, Don said. This makes it better.

I know Carl wanted kids, but the three of us never discussed it. I didnt expect this. Not yet, anyway.

Both men leaned in. You do want this baby, dont you? Carl asked.

She nodded. Yes! I didnt mean it like that. Im justin shock.

Well have to ask Essie and Brooke and Leigh for pointers about juggling this, Don said.

And Clarisse, Carl added. They have four.

Rob and Laura have a baby, she pointed out.

But theyre a couple, not a triad, Don said. Compared to us, theyre vanilla.

Oh. She looked down to where all three of their hands were resting. What if my parents freak out about this? she asked. Mike was such a f.u.c.king a.s.shole about the divorce, I think he had them convinced I was a freak.

Well, its their loss if they dont want to be part of our babys life, Don said. We have countless adopted family we can call on. Essies mom loves babies. Shes always ready to be an adopted grandma.

And Chelbies parents, Carl added.

Kels mom, Don said.

Tilly, both men said.

Okay, I get it, she said. Were not alone.

The men kissed her, Don, then Carl. Exactly, Don said. Were not alone. Youre not alone. So what if some people dont get it? Its their problem, not ours.

They ordered room service before settling in for the night. She hadnt had a chance to eat dinner yet.

As she lay there, tightly snuggled between her men in the queen-sized bed, she tried not to worry about what her parents"or anyone else"might say.

Especially because she was now even happier than shed thought shed been just a few days ago.

Chapter Fourteen.

The three of them stood together in front of Loren, all their friends gathered around them.

Theyd asked for an informal ceremony at the start of a normal play session on a night. They hadnt wanted anything special since theyd already had their collaring and everyone had attended that.

To them, that was the important date, their true anniversary.

And the men were only doing this for Mel. Shed insisted she wanted a little something to mark this occasion, even if it was an informal something.

Loren wore a wry grin as she stood in front of the three of them. Well, just when I think I can honestly say Ive seen it all, someone throws a new permutation at me that I havent seen before and blows my mind.

Mel grinned as her men laughed.

Gilo, who stood next to Tilly, stood there smiling and shaking his head, his arms crossed over his chest.

Next to him stood Abbey, bound in a straightjacket, a ball gag in her mouth and her knees looking a little wobbly from the remote control vibrating egg hed inserted into her p.u.s.s.y before the ceremony.

Gilo the Dom was in full force today.

You got anything you want to say? Tilly asked him.

Honestly? I have no clue what to say. This one takes the cake.

I think I saw this on an episode of Boston Legal, Tony said.

Yeah, but that was different, Gilo said.

Guys, Loren said. Focus. She cleared her throat and returned her attention to where Don and Carl flanked Mel. Mel was naked, except for her collar and her ring. Now five months along, her baby belly was well visible, and the men had insisted that, at least for the ceremony, she would be naked.

It wasnt uncommon for the men, when among their kinky friends, to lift up her s.h.i.+rt"or dress"to proudly show someone her tummy. It embarra.s.sed the h.e.l.l out of her, but it amused her men to no end, so she tolerated it.

They were obviously going to be great dads. Proud ones, for sure.

Theyd batted stuff back and forth with Ed, trying to make up their minds what to do in terms of legal paperwork, when a teasing suggestion from Ross had turned into a d.a.m.n good idea to Mel, and shed put her slave foot down and insisted upon it.

Yes, she could be a little s.a.d.i.s.tic herself. Shed spend the rest of their lives together reminding Don that it was actually a man who made him risk half his s.h.i.+t.

And giggling every time she did.

Her men couldnt refuse her, despite their awkwardness right now as they were faced with the reality of it.

And when theyd filed for the marriage license.

Two completely straight guys marrying each other, Loren said. Sorry, but I have been with Ross far too long for a little of his s.a.d.i.s.tic streak not to rub off on me. I am enjoying the h.e.l.l out of this.

Abbey let out a soft moan. When everyone looked, Gilo was futzing with the controller. Sorry. Meant to turn it down earlier so she wouldnt come. Give me a second.

Abbey let out a whine around her gag.

He looked up. Were good. Proceed.

Loren rolled her eyes. Okay. So. Donald Montgomery, do you take Carl Mabry to be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

Carl Mabry, do you take Donald Montgomery to be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

Youve already exchanged rings, so by the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I p.r.o.nounce you husbands. You can kiss each other.

The men stared at each other. This had been Mels other sticking point.

One onto which shed not only put her foot down, but put it down hard.

Shed taken a brand for the two of them, willingly, without hesitation.

It was the least they could do for her.

Well? Tilly said, obviously highly amused. Get on with it. If you were going to catch cooties from each other, you would have done it long before now swapping spit and other bodily fluids with her.

Mel thought the grin she wore might split her face in two. Come on, guys. You promised me. And not some cheesy quick peck on the lips, either. I want to see a real kiss.

Both men rolled their eyes. No tongue, Carl warned.

Agreed, Don said.

Mel knew shed likely pay for this in other ways later on, and it would be worth it to have their kiss memorialized forever by Kels photo. He stood, ready, to take it. Mallory was videotaping it for Mel, both of them standing behind the triad and focused toward Loren so they didnt catch any of the attendees in the background.

Finally the men took deep breaths, leaned forward, embraced, and kissed. A real, honest kiss.

The entire dungeon broke out into cheers and hoots of approval.

The men finally turned to her. Okay? Don asked her.

She nodded. Thank you. That made me very happy. And h.o.r.n.y.

Yeah, well dont get too used to it, Carl said. Were not bi.

No. It made me h.o.r.n.y because it was one more way you both proved to me how much you love me and each other.

Oh, well, in that case, lets go home and play, Don said. We can take care of that horniness for you.

After letting her get dressed and hugging all their friends, they headed home. As soon as they were safely inside the privacy of their front door, though, she didnt even need them to remind her to strip.

Unless it got cold, she wouldnt bother putting clothes on around them. Theyd only work them off her again.

Not that she was complaining.

She loved it when she was in the kitchen and one or both of them walked in behind her, their hands roaming her body, especially over her swelling belly and b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The way they wors.h.i.+pped every inch of her flesh with their hands and their mouths.

The way they loved cuddling with her on the couch after dinner, her draped over both of them, or in some way wanting to touch her, have contact with her. As if they were afraid she might disappear.

Which would never happen. She was there forever.

And now, with them legally married to each other, she knew neither of them would go anywhere, either.

Neither of them would be willing to give up her, much less half their stuff.

The perfect solution.

They led her to bed, Don crawling between her legs and laving his tongue over her c.l.i.t and p.u.s.s.y, while Carl knelt next to her head and started f.u.c.king her mouth. They were having to find some creative positions now, with her belly both getting in the way and making some previously enjoyable positions uncomfortable.

No complaints from her men, either. They were happy to oblige.

Carl reached down, cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands and rubbing the pads of his thumbs over her nipples. Actually, she was so sensitive there now that theyd had to step back how hard they could pinch and tug on them. It was too intense for her.

Again, theyd quickly obliged her, without hesitation or complaint. And she loved them even more for it.

It didnt take her long to crest the peak of her first o.r.g.a.s.m with Dons skilled mouth in control. Another benefit of her pregnancy, once her morning sickness ended, she realized she was h.o.r.n.y nearly all. The. Time.

Don helped her roll onto her hands and knees and quickly slid his c.o.c.k inside her while Carl changed position so she could kneel between his legs and suck his c.o.c.k.

I wish I could take six weeks off work and spend it doing nothing but f.u.c.king you, Don said, his voice punctuated by his thrusts. Youre f.u.c.king gorgeous.

Carl was holding her hair out of the way. I think I want to take a page from Sully and Macs playbook. If she decides she wants another baby after this one, she has to earn it, and we will well and truly f.u.c.k our gorgeous slave until we get her pregnant.

She wasnt expecting it, but that, combined with Dons c.o.c.k hitting her in all the right places triggered one more climax.

Ooh, baby, Don said, speeding up, f.u.c.king her hard and finis.h.i.+ng with her. f.u.c.k, that was hot, he said.

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