Suncoast Society: One Ring Part 15

Suncoast Society: One Ring -

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He disappeared and came back with a box, tipping it so Carl could see.

It was almost full.

In fact, it had been almost full for at least two months, the best that Carl could remember. He kept his spare razor blades and shaving cream under that counter and saw that box every time he opened the cabinet door.

He threw the sheet back. Call us in sick to work.


Just do it. He headed toward the bedroom door to go get his shower in the other bathroom. Right now. In fact, tell them were going to be out for two days.


Tell them its a family emergency.

Because she ate some bad sus.h.i.+?

But Carl didnt stop to answer him.

Don glanced at the drugstore shopping bag on the backseat. You realize that youre crazy, right?

They were less than an hour south of Atlanta, and stuck in afternoon rush hour traffic. They couldnt take the bypa.s.s loop because of where Mels hotel was located, and they didnt want to get lost on local streets.

Hey, I see you sitting in the pa.s.senger seat with the same look of hope on your face that Im wearing.

Shes going to kill us if were wrong. Don said. Correction, if youre wrong. This was your crazy idea and I wont hesitate to throw you under the bus.

You wont think Im so crazy if Im right.

It was nearly seven by the time they finally made it to her hotel. After a text to her to find out where she was and not telling her they were now seated in the hotels lobby, they waited.

It was a little after eight when she finally arrived and pulled up short, a look of shock on her face when she saw them sitting there. Um, what the h.e.l.l? What are you guys doing here?

Carl grinned, hooked a finger inside the front neckline of her s.h.i.+rt, and gently tugged for her to step close. Settle, girl, he whispered.

Her eyes widened and the tip of her tongue nervously flicked out, licking her lips.

Don wanted to put her in her knees in front of them right there and knew that wasnt a good idea.

Carl reached up with his other hand and gently laid a finger over her lips. Youre going to take us upstairs to your room, right now, he quietly said. No talking.

She nodded. Don suspected she wanted to say, Yes, Sir, but she was a good girl.

She was their good girl.

Don shouldered the overnight bag, which held a change of clothes for both of them, and their purchase, as well as a couple of other things they thought theyd need. Once they were up in the hotel room, Carl didnt let her come up. With the door shut and locked behind them, Carl cupped the nape of her neck and kissed her, working his magic on her as Don took her laptop bag from her and put it on the desk with their stuff. He dug the small box out of their bag and took it into the bathroom while Carl fisted her ponytail and put her on her knees in front of him.

Greeting, girl, Carl ordered, letting go of her hair.

She pressed her face against the front of his jeans, nuzzling, her entire body relaxing as she did.

Don stepped in behind her and grabbed her ponytail, pulling her head back so he could stare down into her eyes. No talking, he ordered. Not until we say so. Understand?

She nodded as best she could while looking up at him with his fist in her hair.

They got her on her feet and quickly stripped her, one of them always holding onto her hair, even as they pulled her s.h.i.+rt off of her, Don handing her off to Carl, until she was naked before them.

Don went and grabbed the blindfold from their bag and buckled it around her face. Then he buckled her leather cuffs around her wrists, using a snap clip to fasten them together behind her back. This had been Carls idea, too.

Do you need to use the bathroom, girl? Carl asked.

She nodded.

They guided her into the bathroom. Before letting her sit, Don pulled on gloves and got the test kit ready. He was torn between being h.o.r.n.y as f.u.c.k that their girl was so readily following their orders without hesitation, and hopeful that his friend might be right.

He refused to get vested in the idea yet, though.

Carl backed her into position, but nudged her feet wider apart, standing to the side as he helped her sit. Hold it until I tell you to, girl, he sternly ordered.

Sure, theyd teased her with threats of full-on control, of every aspect of her life, but that she trusted them this much to not even safeword and stop them and ask what the f.u.c.k filled him with pride and love.

Theyd obviously earned her trust.

When Don was ready with the tester stick, he nodded.

Okay, you can go.

Thankful for the gloves, he managed to hold it in the stream for the required amount of time. Then he snapped the cap onto it, set it on the counter, and pulled the gloves off while Carl started the timer on his phone.

Don washed his hands and stood back, staring, waiting.

When shed finished, Carl unzipped his jeans and shoved them and his briefs down, pulling her mouth onto his c.o.c.k.

Don noticed her mouth already opening, ready, antic.i.p.ating before she even knew what he wanted.

Good girl, Carl hoa.r.s.ely said.

But his attention was focused solely on the test stick on the counter.

It only took a minute for the results to show, the mens smiles growing wider with every minute that pa.s.sed, until Carls phone silently buzzed when the timer went off.

The men gave each other a high-five, and then Carl pulled his c.o.c.k from her mouth, leaned in, and gave her a long, sweet kiss.

Don leaned in to kiss her, too, reaching behind her to unsnap her wrists before they pulled the blindfold off her.

She blinked, her gaze confused and more than a little subs.p.a.cey.

You can speak now, Carl told her.

Whats going on, Sir?

Yep, from the sound of her voice, total subs.p.a.ce.

Carl stepped back to give her room. Clean up and well show you.

She did, flushed, and stood to wash her hands.

Then she spotted the box and the tester and wheeled around, shocked.


Honestly, shed thought it was some sort of surprise game on their part, some new mindf.u.c.k. But she trusted them and knew theyd never violate a hard limit, so shed been willing to let go and go with it.

It was hotter than f.u.c.k not knowing what was coming next, shed admit that.

But then she spotted the box for the pregnancy test kit on the bathroom counter, the tester showing what appeared to be positive results, and everything slammed home.

Her men both looked like a couple of Ches.h.i.+re cats on meth, from their broad, manic grins and the way they were eagerly nodding their heads.

But Im on the pill! she said.

Apparently it stopped working, Carl said, stepping in. We did a little math this morning. Combined with your two puking mornings in a row, its been about two months since your last period, hasnt it?

No. It was She thought about it. Shed had a really busy two months. Three new clients meant shed been traveling a lot.

Come to think of it She stared at them again. Holy c.r.a.p, she whispered.

They sandwiched her between them, each of them with a hand on her tummy. Youre about to make us daddies, Carl told her.

She laid her hands over theirs. II cant believe this.

Believe it, Don said. Youre going to be a mommy.

She stared down at their hands, their matching rings.

The rings theyd picked for her, and for them.

These two men, close as brothers, who loved each other enough that they were willing to share her to make her and the other man happy.

Now, it looked like thered be something else binding them together besides their love and one ring.

Don, standing behind her, tipped her head back onto his shoulder and captured her mouth with his for a kiss.

Guess what? he whispered. From this point on, when youre home and its just us? You stay naked. I want to be able to see your gorgeous body, every inch of it.

Carl dropped to his knees in front of her, pressing his lips to her belly. Going to bend you over every time I can and f.u.c.k your sweet p.u.s.s.y because I know once our baby arrives, were all going to be a little busy and sleep deprived.

Oh, yeah, Don said. That, too. Heh. I just wanted to be able to see her baby belly.

And her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Carl reminded him. Theyre going to look so gorgeous.

Come to think of it, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s had been feeling a little tender and fuller lately.

Im an idiot.

She was also now very, very h.o.r.n.y, hearing her men talking about her like that. Such a change in just a few months, from the emotional desert with Mike, to these two men who couldnt keep their hands off her.

Carl grabbed her a.s.s, pressing his face between her thighs and forcing her to spread her legs. Don held onto her, pressing her body against him and pulling her back and slightly off-balance.

Carls tongue unerringly found her c.l.i.t, flicking, teasing, making her moan.

Oh, get used to it, baby, Don whispered in her ear. You think youve been getting your brains f.u.c.ked out before, you aint seen nothing yet like the love of two ecstatically happy Doms. He pressed a kiss against the side of her neck. You might as well come for him right now, because we brought rope and were going to tie you up and f.u.c.k you like we own you, because we absolutely do.

Yes, they absolutely owned her. And it wasnt even the double M brand on her a.s.s.

The proof was now growing inside her.

Youd better come for him, Don said. Otherwise, we wont let you come until youve sucked both our c.o.c.ks dry.

Not that it would be a hards.h.i.+p, because she loved wors.h.i.+pping their c.o.c.ks. It was one of her favorite things. But the thought of them controlling her like that, as always, tipped her over the edge. Carls fingers dug into her a.s.s, holding her in place as he relentlessly kept her coming with his lips and tongue until he was ready to let her stop.

And then Don scooped her up and carried her out of the bathroom, into the bedroom, and laid her on the bed.

The men started stripping. Don ended up on the bed on his back with her sixty-nine over him, while Carl knelt behind her and slid his c.o.c.k inside her ready p.u.s.s.y. She moaned around Dons c.o.c.k as Don latched his mouth onto her c.l.i.t and once again started herding her toward her next o.r.g.a.s.m.

It wasnt any use trying to resist them. They knew her body better than she did.

Literally, apparently, from the way theyd picked up on this and she hadnt.

Her brain downs.h.i.+fted into subs.p.a.ce mode as Don forced her to come again.

That spurred Carl on. He had his fingers dug into her hips and was f.u.c.king her, hard and fast. Thats it, baby. I felt you come for us. You suck his c.o.c.k good and youll get another reward. One in this end, and one down that gorgeous mouth of yours.

She ground her p.u.s.s.y against Dons face, his c.o.c.k twitching in response against her tongue. The dirtier they got with her like this, the better she liked it. In vanilla mode they were the two most considerate, caring, devoted men she could have ever asked for.

But like this, they were dirty Doms, and she loved it and them even more.

Yeah, you know youre just a little f.u.c.k s.l.u.t for us, dont you? Carl said. Youre not happy unless you have at least one of our c.o.c.ks somewhere inside your body. You cant lie to us, baby. We know what our good girl needs and wants. She needs her Sirs c.o.c.ks to keep her happy. Well, prepare to spend the next several months on your back or on your knees, because youre going to be the most well-f.u.c.ked slave you ever saw.


Yeah, not just submissive, slave.

That was what she was for them, and she knew it. Its all she wanted to be.

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