Highland Menage: A Perfect Wife Part 3

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Kiera sat with her back to the fire letting her hair dry. She'd been carefully washed, both men remarking on every little thing that had changed in her body while they'd been gone. Then they'd repeated it, slowly drying her from her nose to the tips of her toes. And between the toes, as well, which tickled. One of these days she would have them at her mercy and would do some tickling of her own! Malcolm and Duff had washed themselves quickly, but no less thoroughly. And now they were acting like her brothers.

"Must you snap the drying cloth at each other like that?"

A silent look pa.s.sed between them. The cloths were tossed aside. With matching grins and eager eyes they came toward her.

"At least with bruises I can easily tell you apart."

"Och, la.s.sie, ye can always tell me from my brother," said Duff. He stabbed himself in the chest with his thumb. "For I was the best man when ye spoke yer vows"-the thumb went sideways-"while he's just yer husband."

Instead of waiting for a command, she took control. She dropped her head, looking seductively up at them through her eyelashes as she went to her knees. She took a c.o.c.k in each hand before they could react. They shuffled nearer until both fists were near her mouth. She had large hands for a woman. Otherwise she'd not be able to close her fingers around them. Her father and brothers had always said she had a big mouth. Though they hadn't mean it this way, she was glad of it.

"Maybe there's a way to tell you apart, other than bruises." It was actually easy for her, especially as Duff was usually relaxed and Malcolm tense. Right now both were tense, breathing hard, their c.o.c.ks throbbing in her fists. "I wonder," she murmured as if to herself, "which one tastes best?"

She caught a drop from the left c.o.c.k on the tip of her tongue. Duff groaned as she savored the taste. She switched to the right and repeated it. Malcolm inhaled a hiss. Back to Duff again, she released her grip and bent to place a kiss above his b.a.l.l.s at the base of his shaft. He made a choking sound. She smiled to herself as she used her tongue to swipe his hot c.o.c.k all the way up his shaft to the tip. Duff pulled away before she could grasp him again.

"Jesu, Kiera, if ye do that I willna last!"

She sighed at him as if greatly disappointed. "If you'll come that fast I guess you're not the best man after all."

Malcolm's laugh was cut short when she flicked her tongue over his b.a.l.l.s before following the same route. They must have pa.s.sed one of their silent messages as they each lifted one of her arms and carried her backward across the room.

"Did you not like what I was doing?"

"We liked it too well," said Duff in a low growl. "We canna come three times."

"Three? Is that a promise?"

Malcolm lowered his eyebrows at her. "She doubts us, brother."

"Then we'd best prove it."

They set her on her back in their new bed made of thick pallets. Duff grabbed a fist of hair with his left hand and a breast with his right. The slight edge of pain made her s.h.i.+ver. His eyes widened just before he attacked her mouth with kisses. While she loved him taking control it didn't stop her from doing the same. She caught his hair with her fingers and held him tight, devouring him equally. As their tongues fought Duff squeezed her breast, holding her head back by her hair.

They broke to breathe. His brilliant blue eyes caught her. The edges crinkled just before her knees were spread wide. He laughed at her surprise, having forgotten there was anyone else in the room. She barely noticed the warning puff of hot breath before Malcolm's mouth came down on her p.u.s.s.y. Duff tugged her head back and nipped at her throat. A tongue flicked her c.l.i.t, a mouth suckled, and her body exploded.

Days later, or perhaps it was only minutes, she caught her breath. She chanced opening her eyes. A pair of identical men, each with a proud smirk, gazed down at her.

"That was one," said Duff. "Who should give ye number two?"

They wanted her to have another o.r.g.a.s.m now? "I've not been sleeping well. Mayhaps 'twould be best if I have a wee nap first." She closed her eyes.

"Best for who?" demanded Duff. "My c.o.c.k can't wait."


The order was sharp, said with the confidence that came from the expectation it would be immediately obeyed. It seemed Malcolm had learned to become laird while he was gone. But in their chamber, he was only her husband. Of course, there was that wee bit of nuisance that she had vowed to obey him.

"Nay?" she asked innocently.

"We canna wait. 'Twas a miracle we didn't both come when ye screamed," said Duff.

"I dinna scream. Mayhaps I made a noise, but 'twasn't a scream."

"Aye, ye did, wife," said Malcolm. "My ears are ringing from it."

"Yer ears are ringing? Mine were right by her mouth." Duff stuck a finger in his ear and shuddered.

"If all you'll be doing is complaining I will have that nap." She shuffled in place, keeping her eyes shut.

"I think not."

Malcolm's tone made her s.h.i.+ver. She'd yet to learn his limits, as in how far she could push him in play before he got serious. A part of her was hoping he would get quite serious.

"Shouldn't you be easy with your wee wife, the one carrying your babe?"

"I'll let ye sleep as long as ye wish," said Malcolm.

She waited, but he said nothing more. She chanced opening her eyes. She was immediately caught in his own. He leaned close until their noses were mere inches apart.

"After ye make each of us come."

There was no doubt it was in order. But they had left her on the morning of her wedding and rode away. Left her to cope with horrid things. She knew they had no choice, but she would make her point. She looked at their matching c.o.c.ks, making it obvious. Both jumped as she watched.

"Oh, well," she said, as if giving in to a young child begging for a sweet, "since you're that needy." She shook her head sadly at their c.o.c.ks, sighing loudly. "It won't take more than a minute or two."

"Och, nay," said Duff. "We'll not be having ye speak of us taking our own pleasure and not giving ye the same."

"I suppose those wasters. .h.i.t you on the head a few too many times at Kinrowan." She sighed again. "Did you not just say I screamed?"

"That was the first. We said ye'd have three." Malcolm frowned. "Did they leave ye the sweet oil?"

Sweet oil? She caught her breath. They wished to breach her a.r.s.e again? Would they fill her both front and back? She'd been embarra.s.sed afterward at doing such a thing. It was so far from anything she'd experienced before. Perhaps that was why she was a bit hazy on the details. She did remember enjoying it. Her body, still recovering from her o.r.g.a.s.m, twitched in need.

She squirmed to get free. Two large hands, one between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and one on her belly, easily held her down.

"Does the thought of that fear ye?" Duff was serious for once.

"Nay." She shook her head, which, by the heat on her cheeks, must be flaming. "I hid the sweet oil with my spindles. You willna find it."

They immediately released her. Malcolm even rolled to his feet and helped her up. She realized why when he put his hand on her bottom and gave her a good feel before releasing her. She turned to make a comment over her shoulder and caught both of them staring.

"Whisht, ye look like a pair of starving wolves who've spotted a weak hind."

"Sorry, la.s.s, my tongue's not as long as a wolf, but I have fingers to make up for it."

She stuck out her tongue in response to Duff's quick reply. Though she was not used to walking naked at Castle Leod, she had done it with Duff at the sheiling. So even though she was conscious of them watching every jiggle she stomped across the room to her spinning supplies. Another quick glance showed not only were they staring, their mouths were hanging open.

Snickering to herself at her power, she set her feet apart and bent from the waist rather than kneeling to open her pack. She peeked at them from between her knees. If they had wolf tongues they'd be hanging inches past their jaws. She clenched her p.u.s.s.y in response to the jolt of l.u.s.t.

"Jesu! Is she not the most beautiful woman ever?" croaked Duff.

"Aye, all pink and wet and eager for our c.o.c.ks."

She gripped again, making them both groan.

"Did ye see how her a.r.s.ehole tightened up, as well as her wee puss?"

"Our wife will soon be doing that around my c.o.c.k," replied Malcolm.

She found the oil but needed a moment to catch her breath.

"Do ye need help?"

Malcolm was moving before she could answer. She clutched the precious bottle as he swept her into his arms.

"Why do you like carrying me around so much?"

"Because ye're mine."

It was the way he said it that hit her. It wasn't with arrogance as if she were a possession. There was a reverence that suggested he'd never expected to say such a thing. His legs were so long it took him only three steps to return her to the pallet. Duff had s.h.i.+fted to the middle and lay on his back. He held up his arms for her.

"Will ye ride me, sweetling?"

She looked at his c.o.c.k, standing like a mast from his groin. "Do you think you can last if I do?"

He grimaced. "I'm a man of my word, though it may kill me."

"But you'll die happy."

"That I would, but I'd rather live to do this with ye for a hundred years."

Malcolm tool the oil. Duff put his hands on her hips to guide her down. She used her knees to control her descent. She'd not had a c.o.c.k in her for ten days. Not only did she wish to savor it, he stretched her most deliciously. Already primed from her first o.r.g.a.s.m, he slid easily inside. She closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of fullness as, inch by slow inch, she took him into her body. When she reached bottom she opened her eyes. Duff looked as if in pain. He seemed to be muttering something. Malcolm touched her bottom, pressing her forward to lie on Duff's chest. Her nipples had barely brushed his chest hair when an oiled finger entered her bottom. She groaned as Malcolm breached her.

She'd missed this, missed them.

"How is it," murmured Malcolm, ever careful.

"Mmmm," she replied.

I'll take that as an aye."

Kiera lay on Duff's chest, rising and falling with his breathing as Malcolm prepared her for his c.o.c.k.

"Oh Lord," muttered Duff. "I canna remember the name of the second cook."

Startled, she lifted her head to look at him. "Why would you think of that now?"

"I am naming each person at Kinrowan to take my mind off the woman driving me wild just by lying on me. And if ye wiggle much more I'll break my promise and 'twill be on yer head."

"Nay, brother, 'twill be in her sweet puss."

She lay back down, trying to be still. Her men took their promises seriously. It made them good leaders, good husbands, and they'd no doubt be good fathers. She squeaked when Malcolm added another finger.

"Are ye ready la.s.s?"

"To come? Nay. I've had to lie still."

"If ye sit up Duff can play with ye a bit."

Duff helped her to sit perched on his belly. She gazed down at him.

"Have I told you how handsome you are?" One hand grasped her breast while the other went for her c.l.i.t. She inhaled a gasp.

"I canna remember," he replied. "Best ye do it again. What do ye like best of me?"

"Right now I like that you are a man of your word." A finger wiggled on her c.l.i.t. Her arousal jolted a hundredfold. "Oh! I like that!"

Duff did it again, pressing his finger above her c.l.i.t and rubbing it rapidly back and forth over the ridge of nerves. She rose up to give him access. She heard a chuckle and a quiet thank ye from behind, and then Malcolm's c.o.c.k pressed against her. She was far enough forward that Duff was almost out. Not that it made much difference as both their c.o.c.ks were large. Malcolm entered her an inch, and then stopped. She waited.

"Why aren't you moving?" she demanded.

"I dinna wish to give ye pain."

In response she relaxed her sphincter even more, pressing out as she backed onto his c.o.c.k. She smiled to herself at the strangled gasp that came out of his mouth. Duff kept working her c.l.i.t and her nipple, keeping her on the edge. A groan, and Malcolm pressed forward, filling her until his b.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t.

"Make it work for ye, Kiera," whispered Malcolm.

Knowing they'd fight not to come before she did, she worked on taking her own pleasure. Unlike the last o.r.g.a.s.m, this one built up slowly. Every murmur of their sweet words, every caress and pinch, added to it. It was there, just out of reach.

"Kiera," said Malcolm in his deep laird voice. "Come for me, my sweet."

Duff did something to her c.l.i.t and lightning flashed through her. She straddled him, unable to breathe, unable to move. And then it hit, making her previous o.r.g.a.s.m feel like nothing.

Malcolm held her hips steady as he entered her from behind. Duff did the same, thrusting from underneath. Both of them filled her, one after the other. Hands and c.o.c.ks and words swirled around as her men pounded into her.

She distantly heard a bellow, a scream, and a roar.

Chapter Five.

Lairds do not show their anger, or anything else, without a purpose.

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