Fires Of Prophecy Part 21

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When he's within about six feet of the Parvati he stops and waits for the attack. Knives are no good against an opponent who's prepared and waiting for your attack, you've got to get them moving so an opening will present itself that you can take advantage of. Those in the pits who failed to learn that didn't last too long.

With a roar, the Parvati slashes with his longsword while keeping his shorter one close for defense.

Jiron dances back and lets the sword pa.s.s by in front of him, mere inches away, never once taking his eyes from the Parvati's.

The Parvati studies Jiron and then begins a series of attacks using both the long and short sword.

Jiron easily deflects each blow, trying not to absorb too much of the impact. He's good, but not the best I've seen He's good, but not the best I've seen, Jiron thinks as his knives move to counter each attack.

The Parvati stops his attacks and steps back as he stares in disbelief at the little man with the two knifes. The expression on his face says he doesn't understand why Jiron is still standing.

Again the Parvati closes to attack Jiron and launches complicated pattern, using attacks and feints to try to get within Jiron's defense. Unable to breach it, the Parvati begins growing frustrated at not being able to kill this upstart. Suddenly, pain erupts from his left outer thigh and he's shocked to see blood beginning to well from a shallow cut that Jiron had managed to land.

The crowd gasps, utterly surprised that this man with knives against swords had managed to draw first blood, especially against a Parvati.

James nudges Roland who turns to see him there with a smile on his face, "He's good."

"I see that," Roland says, amazed.

His pride wounded at not drawing first blood, the Parvati screams and presses the attack, trying to connect less by skill than by brute strength.

This new series of attacks begins to leave Jiron's arms fatigued from having to take more of the force of the blow on his knives rather than deflecting it away. Deciding to change tactics, Jiron goes on the offensive, startling the Parvati who's not used to such a maneuver from an opponent.

With amazing agility, Jiron manages to get within his guard and scores another slash across his chest. Not deep, but it's a staggering blow to the Parvati's ego. Jiron takes a few steps back to catch his breath as he watches to see what the Parvati will do next.

The Parvati stands there staring at the blood coming from his chest and then looks over to Jiron. His eyes begin to turn red and flecks of foam can be seen at the edges of his mouth. Berserker! Jiron recognizes the signs from others he had faced in the pits. Berserkers are incredibly dangerous, but often leave themselves open for counter attacks, providing their opponent lives that long.

With a cry unlike any he had uttered thus far, the Parvati races toward Jiron, swords flying with incredible speed. Jiron's knives deflect blow after blow, his arms deadening from the impact of a berserker's strength.

Then the moment comes that he was waiting for, a series of attacks that will bring the longsword into just the right position. He catches the longsword between his knives and twists while at the same time jerking the longsword. To the amazement of the onlookers, the Parvati's longsword flies out of his hand and sails over the crowd. Onlookers dive out of the way as the sword strikes the ground, its point sinking a foot into the ground. Everyone looks in awe at the weapon standing upright a dozen feet from the combatants.

The loss of his sword snaps the Parvati out of the berserker's rage which greatly diminishes his strength. All berserkers use up most of their stamina while in the rage. He staggers backward, staring at his empty hand, not understanding what had just happened.

Taking the offensive, Jiron advances upon him, knives whirling in a pattern that a single sword is unable to defend against.

Doing his best, the Parvati, who had been so sure of victory, now was trying to merely survive. Cut after cut springs open upon his body; arms, legs, and chest all begin to well blood. Greatly weakened by the berserker rage, he's increasingly becoming unable to block Jiron's blows. Until at last, Jiron gets within his defense and slices him across the wrist, severing the tendons. Unable to hold the sword any longer, he watches as it falls from his now useless hand to the ground.

Without even pausing, Jiron moves in and finishes him off with a stab through the chest, puncturing his heart. To the shocked awe of the crowd, the Parvati falls to the ground, dead.

Coming over to him, James asks, "You okay?"

Nodding, Jiron says, "Just tired." He then reaches down and cleans his knives on his opponent's s.h.i.+rt. Once his knives are sheathed, he takes the Parvati's purse and walks up to the auctioneer. Roland joins him before he reaches the platform.

The auctioneer says something and Roland says, "She's yours, Jiron, free and clear."

Jiron turns to Tersa as she comes down the steps off the platform. They give him a slave s.h.i.+ft for her and he puts it on her. Giving her an apologetic look, he takes the tether that had been placed around her neck and then leads her out of the courtyard while the onlookers move aside, clearing a path for them.

She tries to give him a hug once they're outside the slaver compound, but he stops her saying, "Not here, not now." Understanding, she continues to play the part of a slave until they reach the caravan.

Chapter Fifteen.

When they leave the city and are seen approaching the caravan, Delia and Tinok leave the others and race toward them. Delia gives Tersa a big hug while Tinok pats Jiron on the back.

Jiron takes hold of the tether around his sister's neck and uses one of his knives to cut it off of her. The world seems to stop for a moment as they finally look at each other, reunited after so many hards.h.i.+ps. Allowing herself to finally express her emotions, Tersa hugs her brother as tears begin to fall.

The others remove themselves closer to the wagons to give them a moment alone and James relates the events back at the slaver compound. When he gets to the part where Jiron is fighting the Parvati, Jiron and Tersa join the group. After he's finished, Tinok says, "Wish I could have been there."

Delia goes over to one of the wagons and brings back a small, rectangular box and hands it Tersa. Opening it, she finds a beautiful new dress inside. She looks to Delia, almost ready to break down into tears again. "Thank you!" she exclaims as she removes the dress from the box.

Smiling, Delia says, "I just thought you would want something other than slave rags to wear."

Jiron gets up and hugs Delia, saying, "I never even thought about clothes for her, thank you."

Returning his hug, she pats him on the shoulder as she says, "You're a man. I figured you wouldn't."

Tersa turns to her brother and asks, "Are we going back home?"

"I don't think there's any home to go back to," he says, hating the words even though he knows they're the truth.

"But," she says, apprehensively, "what are we to do?"

"First thing is to get you out of those rags," Delia says as she leads her over to a wagon where she has a couple blankets already set up for privacy while Tersa changes.

"Just what are we to do now?" asks Tinok while Tersa is changing.

"Miko is still heading south," James replies and then he explains how he figured that out. "I plan to continue south and find him." He looks around at everyone else before adding, "You needn't feel obligated to accompany me, now that your sister is back with you."

Jiron gives him a look and says, "We're not about ready to turn our back on you, James."

"That's right," Tinok joins in. "Besides, where would we go?"

"Right now, we're together and being together gives us security," Roland adds. "No point breaking it up just yet. I figure as long as we act the part of traders, we will be left alone." Looking around at the group he says, "We don't exactly look the part of spies or invaders."

"True," agrees James. "I'm not sure how far my quest for him will lead us, though."

"Doesn't matter," Jiron replies. "We're standing by you till you see it through."

"Thank you," James replies, "I was hoping you would."

Just then, Delia returns with a much changed Tersa. She had brushed out her hair and cleaned her up. The guys catch their breath at the vision of feminine beauty walking toward them.

"Tersa," Jiron exclaims, "I can't believe that's you."

"Do I look alright?" she asks.

"Alright?" Tinok says with a smile. "You're gorgeous." Ca.s.sie gives him an annoyed look. "But not as gorgeous as you," he tells her which softens her expression.

James can only nod his head, words escape him.

"Thanks," she says, blus.h.i.+ng slightly.

"But I think we need to get her other more practical, traveling clothes," Delia says. "This dress will hardly be suitable for the road."

"Good idea," James says, "we all could use a change of clothes. We're not leaving until after tomorrow anyway."

"Then it's settled," Delia announces, "Roland, Ezra and I will go in and purchase more clothes." Turning to Tersa she says, "It would probably be best for you to stay here."

Tersa nods her head in agreement, "I would prefer that."

"When we get back," she says to the others, "then you guys can go and get some extras for yourselves as well."

"Maybe we should get equipment for the guys we're going to buy tomorrow?" Tinok asks.

"Might not be a bad idea," agrees James. "Do you know what we're going to need for them? And the sizes?"

"I think so," says Jiron. "I know who three of them are, so we can at least get those three set up and then just see about the rest once they're here."

"We have six additional horses," James says. "Will they be able to ride?"

Jiron and Tinok look at each other and laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I don't think they've ever been on a horse before," Jiron says.

"Yeah, they're going to be sore!" Tinok exclaims and then commences laughing once again.

Delia and her group head out toward town to do their shopping while the rest just hang around the wagons, waiting. Jiron and Tersa swap stories of what's happened to them since the last time they were together. When he mentions James and his ability to do magic, she looks over to him with wide eyes, a little fearful.

"You've nothing to worry about," her brother a.s.sures her. "He's nothing like the stories of mages that we grew up on, he's okay. Besides, without him I wouldn't be here."

Seeing him noticing her looking at him, she flashes him a quick, slightly embarra.s.sed smile and then resumes her conversation with her brother.

Several hours later, they finally see Delia and her group returning. Trailing along behind are a couple boys carrying armloads of packages.

"Think you got enough?" Jiron asks, a slight smile on his face.

"Hope so," she says, oblivious to his sarcasm. "Just a few necessities that will be needed."

Ezra has a new sling for Arkie slung across her chest, his wide, curious eyes peering out from within.

"Just put them in that wagon there," she tells the porters. When they've placed them in the desired location, she gives them each two coppers and they return back to the city.

"Shall we?" Jiron asks James.

"Yeah, lets," he agrees. So this time, James, Jiron, Tinok and Roland go into town to get the equipment they'll need tomorrow for their new 'guards', as well as some extra clothes for themselves.

Their first stop is a clothier where they each purchase a second set of clothes, as well a set for the guys they'll be purchasing tomorrow. James arranges to have them delivered back to the caravan.

Outside the clothier's, Roland asks, "Now where to?"

"Need to get some weapons for them as well," Jiron says. "If they're going to be guards, they won't do much good without them."

"True," agrees James. Asking a pa.s.serby, Roland learns of a blacksmith across town that usually has a surplus supply of weapons for sale. They proceed over there to see what he has available.

On the way they see a group of Parvatis coming down the street toward them, five of them, their distinctive tattoos giving them a menacing appearance. Unsure as to how they are likely to react over the outcome of the fight earlier, James leads them down a side alley. Hiding in the shadows against one of the walls, they wait until they see the group pa.s.s by the mouth of the alley. Then Jiron returns to the end and peers around the corner to see if the coast is clear. When he sees the Parvatis have moved down the street, he gives the others an all-clear signal and they return to the street.

"That was close," Roland says.

"Don't know if we could have fought off that many," James says. "Not and avoid unwanted attention."

Keeping a lookout for more roving bands of Parvatis, they continue toward the blacksmith's.

Having to ask for directions two more times, they finally arrive outside of an open courtyard where metal being hammered can be heard coming from within a building off to the side. Entering the courtyard, they see where the side of the building opens up and in the shade given by an overhang, a burly man is busily hammering a piece of metal upon an anvil. To James' relief, the man appears to have originated from the north.

At their approach, he puts the hot metal into a bucket of water, a steaming hiss and a cloud of steam appears when the hot metal hits the water. He holds it there but a moment before quickly removing it. After a quick inspection, he places the piece of metal upon a nearby table and turns to greet them. "Good day to you sirs," he says.

"Good day to you as well," replies James. "We were told that you may have some weapons available for sale?"

"That I do," the blacksmith tells him. "If you'll follow me, I'll show you what I have."

"Thank you."

Following the blacksmith, they enter the building through a side door where they find many racks holding various types of weapons. There are swords, knives, maces and several others that James has never seen before, all looking very deadly.

"What exactly are you interested in?" he asks.

James turns to Jiron and looks at him questioningly.

"Yorn usually used a longsword and s.h.i.+eld," he says.

"Potbelly likes two swords and Scar uses a shortsword and knife," Tinok adds.

"If you gentlemen would like, feel free to look around and examine the weapons," the blacksmith suggests.

"Thank you, we will," replies James.

They inspect the various weapons while the blacksmith looks on. James is totally at a loss as far as telling if a weapon is good or bad, so he stands back and lets Jiron and Tinok decide.

After inspecting all the swords and knives, feeling for balance and sharpness, they settle on the ones that are the best of the lot. Unfortunately, the blacksmith doesn't have any s.h.i.+elds, they'll have to find an armorer for that. James lets Jiron do the haggling and then hands over the coins.

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