Fires Of Prophecy Part 20

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"That's right," agrees Jiron. "There are many other reasons that could explain why he wasn't in the pens with the others."

"Like what?" James asks.

At a loss, Jiron just says, "I don't know, but you can't a.s.sume the worst until you know for sure."

"I should raze the whole place to the ground," he threatens. "Do the world a favor."

"But you won't," Jiron says, "you just aren't that way."

"I can think it though," growls James.

When they arrive back at the caravan, Jiron explains what's happening to the others. Delia says, "Can't you do some magic thing to see if he's still alive?"

As if the thought hadn't even occurred to him, James sits up as an idea forms in his mind. Excitedly, he says, "There may just be." He hurries over to the wagon and pulls out his shaving kit, removing the mirror.

Sitting down, he looks into the mirror and concentrates on seeing Miko's face, his face as it is right now. Everyone gathers around him and he can hear them gasp as the image in the mirror begins to blur and then refocus on a boy riding in the back of a wagon. "That's him!" James exclaims excitedly. "He's alive!" In his excitement he loses concentration and the reflection returns to normal.

Behind him he hears Delia say, "Now all we have to do is find out who has him and where they are going."

"Maybe tomorrow we could ask around and find out?" suggests Tinok.

"Alright," James agrees, "just be careful and don't draw attention to yourself."

"That's right," says Jiron, "we still have Tersa to save." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "We may be in luck as well."

"How do you mean?" asks James.

"Well, it seems there are several guys back there," he points back toward the slaver compound, "who were partic.i.p.ants in the fight clubs back in the City. If we were to buy them, we would have ready made, loyal guards."

"Who?" Tinok asks excitedly.

"I talked briefly with Yorn," he explains. "And I saw Scar and Potbelly over in a different pen. Yorn said there were another three in there somewhere, but I didn't see them."

"Can they be trusted?" James asks.

"After what they've been through," Tinok exclaims, "you can be sure of it!"

"I agree," adds Jiron.

"So," James begins, "we have Tersa's auction in two days and I believe they said that the guys were to be auctioned off in, three?" He looks to Roland for confirmation who nods in agreement.

"Since it's beginning to get late, we may as well stay here through the night and then see about discovering where Miko is heading first thing in the morning." James looks around and everyone seems to be in agreement.

"It will also give me time to drop off the packages that I have for Korazan," Delia announces. When James looks to protest, she says, "It will give us more coins for the auctions and supplies."

"Alright, but don't go alone," James advises.

"I won't, I promise," she a.s.sures him.

The next morning, Delia takes Tinok and Roland with her as well as a wagon to deliver her packages. After they leave, James takes his mirror out and finds Miko still riding in the wagon. "He's heading south," he announces.

"How do you know?" Ca.s.sie asks as she sits next to him in order to look in the mirror.

Pointing to Miko and the wagon, he explains. "See how the shadows fall? They're falling to the right of the wagon, so that means the sun is to the left of them. Which in turn can only mean he's heading south."

"Oh," she says.

Replacing the mirror back in his shaving kit, he then takes out his shaving knife and proceeds to remove what little stubble has appeared since the last time. While he's shaving, Ca.s.sie remains sitting next to him and he asks, "You like Tinok, don't you?"

Blus.h.i.+ng slightly, she says, "Is it that noticeable?"

"Well, you two are hardly seen apart," he explains.

"He is so nice and brave," she says. "I didn't care for him at first, but now that I've come to know him, I do."

"I think you two are very good together," he tells her.

Smiling, she says, "So do I."

At just that moment, Arkie begins crying so she gets up and hurries over to help Ezra. James smiles at her retreating back as she walks over to where they're sitting in the shade of the wagons.

Finished with getting the stubble off, he replaces his knife and mirror back in the kit. He notices Jiron pacing impatiently about the camp as he waits for the upcoming auction. When his pacing brings him near, James says, "Relax."

"Can't," he replies as he pauses a moment.

"Tomorrow won't get here any faster," he tells him.

"I know," admits Jiron, "but I can't just sit and do nothing all the while knowing she's stuck in there." He then resumes his pacing.

Several hours later, Delia and crew come back with a wagon much emptier than had left. "How did you do?" James asks as they roll up.

"You're not going to believe it!" she exclaims. "We received two hundred golds for one package alone! Altogether, we collected seven hundred and fifty six golds." Beaming, she pats a small chest resting on the floor of the wagon by her feet.

"Impressive," he says as he helps her down from the wagon.

"Thanks," she replies.

Tinok says, "We were unable to find out anything about your friend. We didn't push too hard for answers since we wanted to avoid drawing attention."

"I understand," responds James. He goes over to Roland and asks, "Would you mind going into town with me? There's something I'd like to get."

"Sure, what?" he asks.

"I want to find someone who can make a belt for me to hold my slugs," he explains.

"Right now?" he asks.

"If you don't mind," says James.

"Alright." He says a few words to Ezra and then with Jiron tagging along, they head back into town.

After inquiring with several locals, they at last make their way to a clothier who specializes in leather. Walking into the store, they see many different types of goods made almost entirely of leather; belts, coats, hats, etc. Bent over a table is a man currently working on st.i.tching a belt together. When they enter, he looks up and says, "One moment, please," and then finishes up with a few more st.i.tches.

Thankful that the man speaks his language, James says, "Not a problem."

When he's done, the man sets the belt aside and then asks, "How can I help you?"

Stepping up to the table James says, "I am interested in a belt, one that will hold the slugs for my sling so I can have ready access to them."

"Like what?" the man asks.

"I want firm pockets attached to the outside of the belt, just large enough to hold each slug firmly so it won't fall out as I move," James explains. "There should also be a slit up the middle where I can grab it with my finger to pull it out."

The man takes out a piece of parchment and begins drawing what James is describing. After a couple corrections, James is satisfied the man understands what he's asking of him. "I could get something like this done for you," the man says, "for about five silvers."

"I'll give you six if you can finish it by sundown tomorrow?" James offers.

Shaking his head, the man says, "I have another order that I must do first, but I can have it ready by day after tomorrow, for six."

"Alright," James says as he hands over three silvers. "I'll give you the rest when I pick it up."

Taking the coins, the man says, "Very well, day after tomorrow."

James shakes his hand and then they leave his shop.

They make it back to their camp and spend a restless evening as they wait for the morning, and Tersa's auction.

The sun no more crests the horizon before Jiron is itching to get going to the slave market for his sister.

"Relax," Roland says, "the auction doesn't start until two hours after sunup."

"Still," Jiron says as he resumes his pacing.

Once they've had breakfast, Jiron, Roland and James leave for the auction. Jiron sets a fast pace and the coins in James' s.h.i.+rt that he had brought for the auction can be heard jingling with every step.

At the gates to the slaver's compound, they find a line of people has already begun to form to enter. They wait their turn and finally pa.s.s through into the courtyard beyond.

They see that one of the platforms on the edge of the courtyard has been set up for the auction. Pressing through the crowd they maneuver to get as close to the front as possible. Jiron looks around at all the people waiting for the opportunity to purchase a living being and it just makes him angry.

Several slavers are already in position there on the platform, watching the crowd as the courtyard fills up. Each has a whip hanging at their waists. Jiron stands there impatiently for over ten minutes before a door finally opens in the side of the courtyard and a line of girls comes out. Jiron looks over at them anxiously but doesn't see Tersa among them.

The auctioneer steps to the front of the platform and calls for the first girl to be brought forward. When she approaches the front of the stage, one of the auctioneer's a.s.sistants removes the girls clothing. Standing there naked, she starts crying as they turn her around, showing her off to the crowd.

Once the auctioneer has spoken to the crowd, the bidding begins and James sees those in the crowd raising their hands. When the bidding is done and the girl is being led to the man who bought her, Roland says, "She went for seventy five gold."

"Is that a lot?" James asks.

Shrugging, Roland replies, "I don't know, I've never been here for this kind of auction."

One by one they watch as the girls are brought forward, displayed and then sold. Once sold, each has a tether attached around their neck before being led off the platform to be received by their new owner. One girl collapses in a faint and has to be carried away. The onlookers laugh while some call out to the new owner as he goes to take his property.

The next line of girls are brought out and at the head of the line is Tersa, not looking nearly as nervous as the rest of them. James can see her searching the faces of the crowd, trying to find her brother, but isn't able to.

When she is brought to stand next to the auctioneer and stripped, James thought Jiron was going to run up there, killing everyone. But to his surprise, he took it stoically and endured this so he may have her back. The bidding commences and Roland raises his hand to make a bid. It had been decided he should be the one to bid on her since he understands the language.

During the bidding, James watches Tersa as her eyes move from one bidder to the next in a hopeful attempt to locate her brother. He can see a slight uplifting at the corners of her mouth when her eyes stop their roving and settle on her brother standing next to one of the bidders. A slight smile escapes her as she stands there on the platform, knowing her brother is out there.

Roland continues bidding until all but a few are still with him. Then, from the back of the crowd, a loud voice says something and the crowd becomes positively silent. Looking back over the crowd, James sees a large man, easily a head taller than anyone else in the courtyard. Bald head and extensively tattooed, with two swords strapped to his back, he strides to the front as the crowd quickly parts for him like the sea for Moses.

All the other bidders are silent as the man strides forward, confident that she is his. When Roland doesn't say anything, Jiron says, "Bid!"

"But..." he stammers.

Jiron, having picked up a little of the language after having listened to the bidding, shouts out a bid in their language.

The crowd collectively catches their breath and the auctioneer pales. The giant of a man suddenly stops and turns to see Jiron staring fiercely back at him. He cries something out and again the crowd gasps.

"What's going on?" James asks.

"That's a Parvati," he says, "terrible fighters."

"And?" Jiron asks.

"They have a custom that is supported by the Empire," Roland explains. "They may call for a blood duel if anyone crosses them."

James looks shocked by that, "Why in G.o.d's name would they support a custom like that?"

"They serve the Empire loyally and fiercely," he explains. "That's why no one crosses them, those that do, die." He looks at Jiron and says somewhat nervously, "He has called one on you for challenging his right to this slave."

Jiron looks over at the Parvati and sees him staring back at him. The crowd begins to widen into a circle, a wide circle.

"So now..." begins James.

"Jiron must fight him, right here, right now," he finishes. Looking to Jiron, Roland says, "You have no choice in the matter and it's to the death."

Jiron looks toward Tersa, who is standing there on the platform, uncertain now that things are not going exactly as she had antic.i.p.ated. He removes his excess native attire and with a glance to the waiting Parvati, he pulls his knives and advances.

"Good luck," says James.

"Thanks," Jiron says nonchalantly, "just like back in the pits."

As he advances, the Parvati draws both swords, one slightly shorter than the other. Not nearly as confident as he's making out, Jiron sizes up his opponent as he would in the pits.

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