The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race Volume II Part 17

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3. Battle of Marathon.

The Spartans arrive at Athens on the 19th of Metageitnion (Carneius), immediately after the battle.

4. Panyasis of Rhodes, the epic poet. (Euseb.)(2019)

488. 73. _Astylus of Croton._ Gelon victorious in the chariot race: Hieron ????t?.

1. Theron tyrant of Agrigentum.

4. Gelon takes Syracuse, b. III. ch. 9. -- 7.(2020)

* Cadmus, son of Sythes, tyrant of Cos, returns to Messana, accompanied by Epicharmus.

Artemisia, daughter of Lygdamis, takes Cos, and reigns at Halicarna.s.sus, Nisyrus, and Calydna.(2021)

Canachus, bra.s.s-founder of Sicyon, flourishes.

484. 74. _Astylus as a Syracusan._

1. Herodotus born, according to Pamphila.

Gelon destroys Camarina, Herod. VII. 156. Schol. Pind. Ol. V. 19.

2. Gelon conquers Megara, (vol. I. p. 135 note r.) and strengthens Syracuse with the population of the ruined cities. On this occasion Epicharmus, who had formerly lived at Megara, appears to have come to Syracuse.

Theognis, the elegiac poet, still composes at an advanced age.

4. From the beginning of the year to summer, Xerxes' march from Sardis to Thermopylae. Formation of a Grecian confederacy. of the Greeks to Gelon. (See Appendix IV.)

480. 75. _Astylus as a Syracusan_ for the second time.

1. Battle of Thermopylae at the same time with the Olympic festival.

Pleistarchus the Agid, Cleombrotus his p??d????.

After the Carnean festival, the Spartans, with the rest of the Peloponnesians, encamp at the Isthmus.

Battle of Salamis on the 20th of Boedromion.

Gelon and Theron defeat the Carthaginians on the Himeras.

Cleombrotus leads the army back from the Isthmus after the eclipse of the sun (2d Octob.), and dies not long after, Herod. IX. 10.

Pausanias succeeds as regent, and with Euryanax(2022) the Agid advances to meet Mardonius in the month Thargelion or Scirophorion.

2. Battles of Plataea and Mycale (in Metageitnion(2023)). Pausanias's Greek confederacy. Surrender of Thebes.

Chrysis priestess of Juno at Argos.

3. Hieron at Syracuse.

* Pausanias in the north of Greece.

4. Hieron defends Locri against Anaxilaus, b. IV. ch. 7. -- 4.

Pausanias, on his return, brings the bones of Leonidas to Sparta.(2024)

Timocreon of Rhodes a lyric and comic poet.

476. 76. _Scamander of Mytilene._ Theron victorious in the chariot race.

1. Death of Anaxilaus. Pausanias commander of the Greeks in Cyprus.

3. Great victory of the Iapygians over Tarentum, b. III. ch. 9. -- 15.

Victory of Hieron over the Etruscans at, and at the Pythian games in the chariot race.

* Pausanias takes Byzantium.

4. Death of Theron. Thrasydaeus expelled from Syracuse, b. III. ch. 9. -- 8.

472. 77. _Dates of Argos._ Hieron victorious ????t?.

2. The population of Elis collected into one town. Diodor. XI. 54. Strabo VIII. 336. B. III. ch. 4. -- 8.

The allies in Asia refuse to follow Pausanias, according to Dodwell's Ann.


3. Expedition of Leotychidas against the Aleuadae. Dorcis commander of the Spartans in Asia. a.s.sessment of Aristides.

4. Leotychidas goes into exile at Tegea, vol. I, p. 189. note i. p. 207.

note l. Archidamus the Eurypontid.(2025)

The Spartans determine to send no more commanders into Asia. Pausanias goes in his own trireme to Byzantium, and there meditates treason.

War in Peloponnesus between Sparta and the Arcadians.

Epicharmus the comic poet flourishes.

468. 78. _Parmenides of Poseidonia._ Hieron victorious in the chariot race.

* Pausanias dies in the temple of Minerva Chalcicus.

Death of Hieron.

* Arcesilaus IV. of Cyrene conquers in the chariot race of Pytho.

Thrasybulus expelled from Syracuse. Democracy established there, b. III.

ch. 9. -- 7.

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