The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race Volume II Part 18

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* The ???? ?a???????.(2026)

4. Earthquake at Sparta; revolt of the Messenian helots.

* Lygdamis, son of Pisindelis, uncle of Artemisia, tyrant of Halicarna.s.sus, kills Panyasis. Herodotus leaves his native town.

Onatas, the head of the aeginetan school of sculpture, flourishes.

464. 79. _Xenophon of Corinth._ Diagoras of Rhodes in the boxing match.

1. Battle of Ithome, and siege of the fortress, to which the Spartans summon the allies.

The Argives destroy Mycenae, and other adjacent places, b. I. ch. 8. -- 7.

Re-establishment of the ancient government in the towns of Sicily, b. III.

ch. 9. -- 7.

3. After the termination of the Thasian war (Thuc. I. 101. Plutarch Cimon.

14.) Cimon leads Athenian auxiliaries to Sparta; which however are soon dismissed; on which Athens dissolves the alliance with Sparta, and forms one with Argos.

4. The Geloans restore Camarina. (Diodorus.)

* Megara withdraws from the Peloponnesian alliance, and joins that of Athens.

Pleistarchus dies about this time. Pleistoanax the Agid; Nicomedes his p??d????.(2027)

460. 80. _Torymbas the Thessalian._ Arcesilaus of Cyrene in the chariot race.

3. Sparta undertakes an expedition against Phocis in behalf of the Doric Tetrapolis.

In the spring, war of Athens with the maritime powers of Peloponnesus.

Battles at Haliae and Cecryphalea.

In Munychion. The Pythian games. Aristomenes of aegina victorious.

Pindar's eighth Pythian ode may be referred to this time.

The aeginetans are defeated by the Athenians, and aegina besieged.

The Peloponnesians attempt to relieve the island, and encounter the Athenians in the Megarid.

4. League of the Spartans on their return with Thebes.

Victory of the Spartans and Thebans over the Athenians and Argives at Tanagra.

Four months' truce between Sparta and Athens.

Expedition of Myronides (sixty days after the battle of Tanagra) and victory at Coronea.

aegina surrenders in the spring, after a siege of nine months.

The race of the princes of Cyrene becomes extinct after the 80th Olympiad, b. III. ch. 9. -- 13.

456. 81. _Polymnastus of Cyrene._

1. Expedition of Tolmides against the coasts of Peloponnesus.

2. Ithome surrenders; treaty between Sparta and the Arcadians; Messenians at Naupactus.

Proceedings of Pericles in the Crisaean gulph.

* 3. Petalismus established at Syracuse, b. III. ch. 9. -- 7.

552. 82. _Lycus the Thessalian._

Thirty years' truce between Sparta and Argos (Thuc. V. 14.); five years'

truce with Athens.(2028)

4. The Lacedaemonians restore the independence of Delphi; the Athenians again reduce it under the yoke of the Phocians.

448. 83. _Crison of Himera._

3. The Megarians throw off their dependence upon Athens, and defeat the Athenians at Nisaea, b. III. ch. 9. -- 10.(2029) Pleistonax invades Attica, but retreats without any reason.

The elder Andocides and nine other amba.s.sadors from Athens at Sparta.

Thirty years' truce between Athens and Sparta in the winter of this year.

Colony of the allied Greeks at Thurii.

4. Pleistonax leaves Sparta. He is succeeded by his son Pausanias, still an infant, and Cleomenes is appointed regent.

444. 84. _Crison_ for the second time.

* The younger Empedocles, grandson of the elder, and son of Meton, presides over the state of Agrigentum, b. III. ch. 9. -- 8.

Lygdamis, tyrant of Halicarna.s.sus, overthrown by Herodotus and the Samians, Suidas.

440. 85. _Crison_ for the third time.

436. 86. Theopompus the Thessalian.

1. Epid.a.m.nus applies to Corinth for a.s.sistance against its banished citizens.

2. The Corinthians defeated by the Corcyraeans.

2/3 and 3/4 Preparations of Corinth. Defensive league of Corcyra with Athens.

4. Cleandridas exiled from Sparta, founds Heraclea with Tarentines, b.

III. ch. 10. -- 11.

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