The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race Volume II Part 13

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732. 12. _Oxythemis of Coronea._

728. 13. _Diocles of Corinth_, the favourite of Philolaus the Bacchiad, legislator of Thebes.

1. Hyblean Megara founded, vol. I. p. 135. note r.

724. 14. _Dasmon of Corinth._ _Hypenus of Pisa_ the first conqueror in the d?a????.

1. The Spartans reduce Ithome, and finish the first Messenian war. The Dryopes build a new Asine, the Androclidae receive Hyamia from Sparta.

Messenians at Rhegium, b. I. ch. 7. -- 11.

720. 15. _Orsippus of Megara_ is the first who runs naked in the stadium, and _Acanthus the Lacedaemonian_ in the d?a????, see above, p. 272. note a.

[Transcriber's Note: This is the footnote to "naked to the goal," starting "According to Plato."]

War of Megara against Corinth, b. I. ch. 5. -- 10.

The war between the Spartans and Argives respecting the possession of Cynuria breaks out afresh, b. I. ch. 7. -- 16.

716. 16. _Pythagoras the Laconian._

4. Gela founded by Rhodians and Cretans.(2000)

* Theopompus dies (Euseb.), succeeded by Zeuxidamus the Eurypontid.

712. 17. _Polus of Epidaurus._

1. Megara founded by Astacus (according to Memnon; Olymp. 17. 3. according to Hieron. Scal.; Olymp. 18. 2. Cod. Arm.), b. I. ch. 6. -- 9.

3. Croton founded according to Dion. Halicar. and Eusebius, Cod. Arm.

(Olymp. 18. 1. according to Euseb. Cod. Arm. Olymp. 19. 2. according to Scaliger.)

* Polydorus killed by Polemarchus;(2001) succeeded by Eurycrates the Agid.

708. 18. _Tellis of Sicyon._ Eurybatus, the Laconian, first conqueror in the wrestling match: Lampis the Laconian in the Pentathlon.

1. The Partheniae at Tarentum, Eusebius.

4. * Ameinocles, the Corinthian, builds the Samian triremes (Thucyd.).

704. 19. _Menon of Megara._

700. 20. _Atheradas of Laconia._

696. 21. _Pantacles of Athens._

692. 22. _Pantacles_ a second time.

688. 23. _Icarius of Hyperesia._ Onomastus of Smyrna the first conqueror in the pugilistic contest.

1. Acrae and Enna founded from Syracuse.(2002)

4. [Commencement of the second Messenian war, according to Pausanias; but, according to Corsini, Fast. Att. II. 1. p. 37. this date should be altered to Olymp. 24. 4.]

Anaxander the Agid, Anaxidamus the Eurypontid, kings of Sparta.

684. 24. _Cleoptolemus the Laconian._

2. Locri founded, according to Eusebius (Ol. 26. 4. Cod. Arm.) above, b.

I. ch. 6. -- 12.

680. 25. _Thalpis the Laconian._ Pagondas of Thebes the first conqueror in the chariot race.

676. 26. _Callisthenes the Laconian._

The Pisatans render themselves independent of Elis (Strabo).

2. Megara founds Chalcedon, b. I. ch. 6. -- 9.

The musical contests at the Carnea are first introduced (Africa.n.u.s and Sosibius, above, p. 324. note e [Transcriber's Note: This is the footnote to "commencing with Terpander," starting "According to the important."]), and Terpander is victorious as a harp-player. The same musician is four times victorious in the musical contests at Pytho, at that time still celebrated every nine years; from about Olymp. 27. to Olymp. 33. Doric, Phrygian, and Lydian styles of music.

Orthagoras, tyrant of Sicyon.(2003)

672. 27. _Eurybates of Athens._

4. Victory of the Argives over the Spartans at Hysiae, b. I. ch. 7. -- 16.

* Megalostrata, b. IV. ch. 7. -- 10.

668. 28. _Chionis the Laconian_ (Corsini Fast. h.e.l.l. II. 1. pag. 44.). The Pisatans preside at the games, whilst Elis is at war with Dyme (Euseb.).

1. Syracuse founds Casmenae.

End of the second Messenian war, according to Pausanias. Aristomenes goes to Damagetus the Eratid, prince of Ialysus; the Lacedaemonians give Mothone to the expelled Nauplians. Damocratidas king of Argos (above, p. 112. note g [Transcriber's Note: This is the footnote to "Persian war," starting "Herod. VII. 149."]).

4. Gymnopaedia at Sparta (Euseb.).

* Sea-fight between the Corinthians and Corcyraeans.(2004)

664. 29. _Chionis_ for the second time.

660. 30. _Chionis_ for the third time. [The Pisatans, according to Eusebius, celebrate this and the twenty-two following Olympiads.]

1. Zaleucus legislator of Locri (Euseb.).

2. Phigalia captured by Sparta, b. I. ch. 7. -- 12.

3. Byzantium founded from Megara, b. I. ch. 6. -- 9.

Cypselus expels the Bacchiadae from Corinth,(2005) and becomes king.

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