The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race Volume II Part 14

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* Second Messenian war (b. I. ch. 7. -- 10.). Pantaleon, tyrant of Pisa, Aristocrates of Trapezus, king of Orchomenus (vol. I. p. 185 note t).

Tyrtaeus of Aphidna at Sparta.

656. 31. _Chionis_ for the fourth time.

652. 32. _Cratinus the Megarian_, (above, p. 272. note a [Transcriber's Note: This is the footnote to "naked to the goal," starting "According to Plato."]).

4. Himera founded by Chalcidians and Syracusans (Diod. XIII. 62.).

* Eurycratidas (Eurycrates II.) the Agid, Archidamus the Eurypontid.

648. 33. _Gyges the Laconian._ Lygdamis of Syracuse is the first conqueror in the Pancratium, Crauxidas the Crannonian victorious ????t?. Myron, son of Andreas, tyrant of Sicyon, in the quadriga, b. I. ch. 8. -- 2.

4. Terpander's musical legislation at Sparta.

644. 34. _Stomas of Athens._ Pantaleon, son of Omphalion, tyrant of Pisa, president of the games, b. I. ch. 7. -- 11.

640. 35. _Sphaerus the Laconian._ Cylon of Athens victorious in the d?a????.

3. Beginning of the second Messenian war according to Diodorus and Eusebius. Compare Justin, cited vol. I. p. 161. note o.

The Theraeans found the first settlement in Libya on the island of Platea.

Orchomenos, p. 344. Chionis, the conqueror at Olympia, among the adventurers.

* Procles tyrant of Epidaurus, Aristodemus king of Orchomenus, vol. I. p.

185. note s.

636. 36. _Phrynon of Athens._

632. 37. _Eurycleidas the Laconian._ Hipposthenes the Laconian first conqueror in the boys' wrestling match, Polyneites of Elis in the stadium as a boy.

Founding of Cyrene. Reign of Battus I. Peisander, the epic poet of Rhodes.

628. 38. _Olynthus the Laconian._ Eutelidas the Laconian victorious in the boys' pentathlon.

1. Pammilus of Megara on the Isthmus, with some Sicilian Megarians, founds Selinus, b. I. ch. 6. -- 10. (Olymp. 32. 2. according to Diodorus.)

Periander, tyrant of Corinth, vol. I. p. 185. note s.

2. Corinthians and Corcyraeans found Epid.a.m.nus, b. I. ch. 6. -- 8.

* Gorgus, son of Cypselus, tyrant of Ambracia, ibid. b. III. ch. 9. -- 6.

* Thaletas, the Elyrian musician, in Sparta, b. IV. ch. 6. -- 3.

624. 79. _Rhipsolcus the Laconian._

2. Camarina founded by the Syracusans.(2006)

620. 40. _Olyntheus the Laconian_, for the second time.

* Theagenes, tyrant of Megara, b. I. ch. 8. -- 4. Arion of Methymna, in Peloponnesus.

616. 41. _Cleondas of Thebes._ Philotas of Sybaris, first conqueror in the boxing match of the boys.

612. 42. _Lycotas the Laconian._

1. Cylon, son-in-law of Theagenes, aims at the tyranny of Athens, Corsini Fast. Att. II. 1. p. 64.

Alcman, lyric poet at Sparta, above, p. 328. note q. [Transcriber's Note: This is the footnote to "earlier than Polymnestus," starting "Polymnestus wrote."]

608. 43. _Cleon of Epidaurus._

2. Phrynon of Athens, the conqueror at Olympia, and Pittacus of Mytilene, contend for the possession of Sigeum. (Euseb.)

* Periander decides the subject of dispute, vol. I. p. 191. note s.

4. The inhabitants of Gela found Agrigentum.(2007)

604. 44. _Gelon the Laconian._

* Agasicles, the Eurypontid, at Sparta.

Solon conquers Salamis from the Megarians.

600. 45. _Anticrates of Epidaurus._

* Cleisthenes, tyrant of Sicyon, at war with Argos, vol. I. p. 179. note k.

Pheidon II. king of Argos, above, p. 112. note g. [Transcriber's Note: This is the footnote to "Persian war," starting "Herod. VII. 149."]

596. 46. _Chrysamaxus the Laconian._

The Megarians reconquer Salamis and Nisaea, b. I. ch. 8. -- 8.

Epimenides in Athens, according to Diogenes Laertius.

* Leon the Agid at Sparta unsuccessful in a war against Tegea.

592. 47. _Eurycles the Laconian._

3. The Amphictyons under Eurylochus the Aleuad, and Cleisthenes of Sicyon, conquer Cirrha, and inst.i.tute prizes for the gymnastic contest at Pytho.

Gylidas Archon (Prytanis) at Delphi, b. I. ch. 8. -- 2.

Nebrus and Chrysus the Asclepiadae of Cos.

Sacadas, the Argive flute-player, victorious in this and the two following Pythian games. Hierax, also an Argive flute-player, probably his contemporary, b. IV. ch. 6. -- 8. Second epoch of music at Sparta, b. IV.

ch. 6. -- 3.

Arcesilaus I. king of Cyrene.

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