The Note-Book of an Attache Part 21

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St. Elmo (Ill. Ed.) _Augusta J. Evans_ Salamander, The _Owen Johnson_ Second Violin, The _Grace S. Richmond_ Secret of the Reef _Harold Bindloss_ Secrets of the German War Office _Dr. A. K. Graves_ Seffy _John Luther Long_ Self-Raised (Ill.) _Mrs. Southworth_ Septimus _William J. Locke_ Set in Silver _C. N. and A. M. Williamson_ Sharrow _Bettina Von Hutten_ Shea of the Irish Brigade _Randall Parrish_ Shepherd of the Hills, The _Harold Bell Wright_ Sheriff of d.y.k.e Hole, The _Ridgwell Cullum_ s.h.i.+p's Company _W. W Jacobs_ Silver Horde, The _Rex Beach_ Simon the Jester _William J. Locke_ Siren of the Snows, A _Stanley Shaw_ Sir Richard Calmady _Lucas Malet_ Sixty-First Second, The _Owen Johnson_ Speckled Bird, A _Augusta Evans Wilson_ Slim Princess, The _George Ade_ Spirit in Prison, A _Robert Hichens_ Spirit of the Border, The (new edition) _Zane Grey_ Spoilers, The _Rex Beach_ Still Jim _Honore Willsie_ Stolen Singer, The _Martha Bellinger_ Stooping Lady, The _Maurice Hewlitt_ Story of Marco, The _Eleanor H. Porter_ Strange Disappearance, A _Anna Katharine Green_ Strawberry Acres _Grace S. Richmond_ Strawberry Handkerchief, The _Amelia E. Barr_ Streets of Ascalon, The _Robert W. Chambers_ Suns.h.i.+ne Jane _Anne Warner_ Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop _A. Warner_ Sword of the Old Frontier, A _Randall Parrish_

Tales of Sherlock Holmes _A. Conan Doyle_ Tarzan of the Apes _Edgar R. Burroughs_ Taste of Apples, The _Jennette Lee_ Tempting of Tavernake, The _E. P. Oppenheim_ Tess of the D'Urbervilles _Thos. Hardy_ That Affair Next Door _Anna Katharine Green_ That Printer of Udell's _Harold Bell Wright_ Their Yesterdays _Harold Bell Wright_ Three Brothers, The _Eden Phillpots_ Throwback, The _Alfred Henry Lewis_ Thurston of Orchard Valley _Harold Bindloss_ t.i.tle Market, The _Emily Post_ To M. L. G.; or, He Who Pa.s.sed _Anon._ Torn Sails: A Tale of a Welsh Village _Allen Raine_ Trail of the Axe, The _Ridgwell Cullum_ Trail to Yesterday, The _Chas. A. Seltzer_ Treasure of Heaven, The _Marie Corelli_ Trevor Case, The _Natalie Sumner Lincoln_ Truth Dexter _Sidney McCall_ T. Tembarom _Frances Hodgson Burnett_ Turbulent d.u.c.h.ess _Percy J. Brebner_ Twenty-fourth of June, The _Grace S. Richmond_ Twins of Suffering Creek, The _Ridgwell Cullum_ Two-Gun Man, The _Chas. A. Seltzer_

Uncle William _Jennette Lee_ "Unto Caesar" _Baroness Orczy_ Up From Slavery _Booker T. Was.h.i.+ngton_

Valiants of Virginia, The _Hallie Erminie Rives_ Valley of Fear, The _Sir A. Conan Doyle_ Vanished Messenger, The _E. Phillips Oppenheim_ Vane of the Timberlands _Harold Bindloss_ Vashti _Augusta Evans Wilson_ Village of Vagabonds, A _F. Berkeley Smith_ Visioning, The _Susan Glaspell_

Wall of Men, A _Margaret H. McCarter_ Wallingford in His Prime _Geo. Randolph Chester_ Wanted--A Chaperon _Paul Leicester Ford_ Wanted--A Matchmaker _Paul Leicester Ford_ Watchers of the Plains, The _Ridgwell Cullum_ Way Home, The _Basil King_ Way of an Eagle, The _E. M. Dell_ Way of a Man, The _Emerson Hough_ Way of the Strong, The _Ridgwell Cullum_ Wayfarers, The _Mary Stewart Cutting_ Weavers, The _Gilbert Parker_ West Wind, The _Cyrus T. Brady_ When Wilderness Was King _Randall Parrish_ Where the Trail Divides _Will Lillibridge_ Where There's a Will _Mary Roberts Rinehart_ White Sister, The _Marion Crawford_ Who Goes There _Robert W. Chambers_ Window at the White Cat _Mary Roberts Rinehart_ Winning of Barbara Worth _Harold Bell Wright_ Winning the Wilderness _Margaret Hill McCarter_ With Juliet in England _Grace S. Richmond_ Witness for the Defense, The _A. E. W. Mason_ Woman in Question, The _John Reed Scott_ Woman Haters, The _Joseph C. Lincoln_ Woman Thou Gavest Me, The _Hall Caine_ Woodcarver of 'Lympus, The _Mary E. Waller_ Woodfire in No. 3, The _F. Hopkinson Smith_ Wooing of Rosamond Fayre _Berta Ruck_ Wrecker, The _Robert Louis Stevenson_

Yellow Letter, The _William Johnston_ You Never Know Your Luck _Gilbert Parker_ Younger Set, The _Robert W. Chambers_

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