Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 21

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"I promise you won't regret this," the Baroness purred, her body brus.h.i.+ng Sir Edward's as they strolled to her room, Hannah following behind them. The Baroness' hand slipped downward to grasp her host's a.s.s.

Hannah had to admit the Baroness' plan had charm. She looked forward to inflicting on Sir Edward some of the same humiliation she'd suffered at his will.

"How could I resist your charming offer?" Sir Edward paused and brushed his lips against the Baroness' smooth, white neck. The thought of close contact with the pimp made Hannah's flesh crawl.

As Sir Edward opened the door to his room, the Baroness glanced over her shoulder at Hannah and winked.

"Ladies?" Sir Edward stepped aside for them to pa.s.s, and Hannah almost vomited. He'd never treated her like a human being, let alone a lady.

"You're absolutely certain you want us?" the Baroness ran her hands over Sir Edward's silk-clad chest as he closed the door.

Hannah lit a candle which would be the only source of light during their "game." She placed the white pillar on the night table.

"What man wouldn't?"

"Good." The Baroness unwrapped the black scarf from her neck and gagged Sir Edward before he had a chance to react. Her Immaculate strength easily overpowered him, though he didn't truly struggle. The idiot still believed it was part of the s.e.xual game he'd been promised. He grunted around the gag as Katrina hurled him on the bed and glanced at Hannah, motioning for her a.s.sistance.

Hannah slipped off her dress and, wearing only a s.h.i.+mmering gold bra and panties, crawled up the bed between Sir Edward's thighs. She unzipped his pants with her teeth while the Baroness clicked handcuffs onto his wrists. She used a second pair of handcuffs to fasten his chained hands to the headboard. Hannah left the bed before Katrina flipped their host onto his stomach. It was then he realized their game was more serious-and less fun-than he'd imagined. Barbs lined the insides of the cuffs. The Baroness had them made specially, though when Hannah asked what for, her friend had merely grinned.

Hannah scurried off the bed as Sir Edward kicked as well as he could while bound, stomach-down. The Baroness caught the flailing limbs and managed to snap shackles around each ankle.

"Relax." Her deep voice soothed as she chained his feet to the bedposts. "The fun is just starting."

Sir Edward stopped struggling, his eyes panicked, blood soaking his s.h.i.+rtsleeves where he'd struggled against his bonds.

"You, little b.i.t.c.h, do as I command!" The Baroness turned to Hannah and winked. She'd said Sir Edward would have no way of blaming her, and Hannah nearly laughed aloud. Katrina was a brilliant, wicked woman.

"Bottom drawer!" The Baroness pointed to the dresser.

Hannah knelt, opening the drawer, and removed a leather flogger. She s.h.i.+vered. Could she go through with this? As she thought of the rapes she'd endured, both of her blood and her body, she suddenly felt justified in what she was about to do. She glanced at Katrina from the corner of her eye, still a bit surprised her friend owned such a thing as the flogger.

As Hannah approached the bed, the Baroness sat on the edge beside Sir Edward and exposed her claws. She slashed off his clothes and grasped his b.a.l.l.s with her fingers, squeezing hard. He jerked in his bonds and whimpered-a combination of pleasure and pain.

The Baroness stepped aside and pointed from Hannah to Sir Edward. "Begin, darling."

"But..." Hannah mewled, playing the part of the innocent. How she was going to love this!

"I said begin!"

Without further hesitation, Hannah raised the flogger and let it fall hard across Sir Edward's b.u.t.tocks. He bucked and Hannah jumped. She relaxed when his bonds held and began striking his b.u.t.tocks and thighs. He struggled hard, panting, his lips drawn back over his glistening fangs.

Her pulse throbbed as she landed a particularly hard blow across his hip, raising a fierce red welt on his pale flesh.

She paused, panting with rage and the exertion of wielding the flogger. Gazing at Sir Edward's writhing body, she shook her head before turning to the Baroness. No matter how much she beat him, it wouldn't erase those months of torture, though she had to admit making him suffer, even a little, relieved some of the frustration she'd felt for so long.

As Hannah stepped aside and dropped the flogger in the drawer, the Baroness covered Sir Edward's body with her own and licked his shoulder.

"Now for the pleasure part," Katrina whispered. "It will be the best you ever had. I promise."

She sank her fangs deep into his shoulder and sucked until he lost consciousness.

Finally Katrina pulled back, licking blood from her mouth. "Ahh, I've tasted worse. That was a beautiful performance, Hannah. How did it feel?"

"Kind of good." Hannah shrugged. "Okay, very good. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"When he wakes up, he'll think we f.u.c.ked all night. Of course, he'll be too humiliated to say he invited our games, so he won't complain. Besides, before you know it, you'll be out of this house and reunited with your family."

"Thank you, Katrina. I don't think even Seraphim would have given me this kind of revenge."

"No. I think he planned on killing him outright, but that's how males think. This was so much better, don't you agree?"

"Yes, I do."

The Baroness placed her hands on Hannah's shoulders and whispered in her ear, "Darling, you're going to make a marvelous vampire."

Hannah couldn't resist the slightest smile.

Dawn was breaking when Brett Jiminez and Mercedes Machado arrived at Sir Edward's manor. The Baroness1 descriptions of the couple were so detailed she would have known them even without the servant's introduction when they stepped into the sitting room. Both were tall with black hair, Brett's bound at his nape, Mercedes' hanging loose over her shoulders. Both wore black from head to foot.

Hannah and the Baroness were seated on a couch by the faux fireplace while Sir Edward pretended not to notice their mischievous glances as he mingled with his other guests. Since last night, their host had seemed far less arrogant than usual, though Hannah doubted his tameness would last.

"Sir Edward, I present Ms. Mercedes..."

"No formality necessary." Brett held up his hand as he and his partner approached Sir Edward and flashed what appeared to be a police officer's silver badge. "Edward Race, we represent the Network."

"The Network?" Sir Edward's eyes took on a nervous glow. "But my mansion is Network-approved. I've broken no laws, vampire or human-"

"Since when is extortion legal?"

"Extortion?" The b.a.s.t.a.r.d had the nerve to look shocked.

Mercedes approached the couch, her eyes penetrating. "Hannah Reed?"

"Yes?" Hannah's heart pounded so hard she knew every vampire in the room heard it.

"You're free to go. I've come to escort you to ensure no further problems regarding Sir Edward."

Hannah nodded, thinking it wise to say little.

"Has this woman been a.s.saulting you?" Mercedes glanced at the Baroness, pretending not to know her. In order for such a lie to convince vampires, both Mercedes and the Baroness must have been quite experienced in mind control.

"No. She's a friend," Hannah said.

"Prepare yourself and we'll leave within the hour," Mercedes told her.

"This woman was not here against her will!" Sir Edward said. "I asked her to come!"

"Under the threat of murdering her family," Brett stated. "Arguments won't help your situation. By order of the Network, I'm to remain here for investigation and to interview your guests and servants. The Network wants to ensure you're not abusing your freedom as an approved entertainment provider."

"Of course. Jamie!" Sir Edward barked at the servant who stood in a corner. "Prepare one of our best rooms for Mr. Jiminez."

"Right this way, Sir," the servant said.

"I don't believe you'll find any problems," Sir Edward said.

Brett's piercing blue eyes fixed on Sir Edward, and by their expression, Hannah found it difficult to remember the Baroness had said both Brett and Mercedes were hybrids rather than Immaculates. "I'll judge that, Race, and report my findings."

"Of course." Sir Edward offered a little bow as Brett turned to follow the servant out of the room.

"I'll help you pack your things," Mercedes said to Hannah. "Would you like to come, Baroness?" Hannah turned to her friend.

"Of course. You'll be missed, darling." The Baroness brushed Hannah's lips with a soft kiss.

As she followed the two vampiresses out of the room, Hannah felt Sir Edward's eyes burning her back.

Once in her room, Hannah opened her mouth to speak, but the Baroness held up her hand, and all three women remained silent until the vampires were sure no one was listening at the walls or door.

"I still can't believe my mother and sisters are really all right," Hannah said. In the back of her mind she felt she was again being used for the fool. How could she trust anyone, especially vampires? Why would they want to help her? Why had Seraphim?

"Hurry up and get packed." The Baroness began emptying her drawers while Hannah removed her suitcase from the closet and flung it on the bed.

"Where's my family now?" Hannah asked. "Staying in the house of a friend," Mercedes told her.

"I wish I could talk to Seraphim before I go. Baroness, do you have any idea where he might be?"

The Baroness looked thoughtful for a moment, then said, "Yes, I know where he is." "I have to see him-after I see my family."

"We have plans for you to fly back to New Mexico in a day," Mercedes said. "There will be little time for you to meet with him."

"I'll take a later flight," Hannah stated. She needed to talk with Seraphim in person, not only because he'd done so much to help her, but because she missed him. Though she had no idea what might happen between them, she wanted to feel him again and hear his voice. Love existed between them, of that she was certain. As the old saying went, only time would tell where that love would lead.

The Baroness embraced Hannah at the doorway before she and Mercedes stepped into the sunlight. Agent Machado donned dark, as many vampires who walked by day chose to wear. They slipped into her stylish black sports car and began the journey to the city. In spite of Mercedes' friendly manner, Hannah couldn't help feeling this was another set-up. She wouldn't find her family at the end of it, but only be thrust into a situation even worse than what she'd been enduring.

It wasn't until she actually stepped through the front door of the suburban house and was dragged into the arms of her mother and sisters that she knew the Baroness and Mercedes had told the truth. And Seraphim! How could she have doubted a man with whom she shared a mental bond?

"G.o.d, Hannah, I never thought I'd see you again!" Her mother sobbed, squeezing her tightly.

Hannah smiled, gazing at her family. They were as she remembered them, her mother, an attractive older woman, slightly taller than Hannah and her sisters, had the same dark blond hair and pale eyes as her daughters. Hannah's youngest sister, Maria, was slim, while Irene was plump. Both possessed impish faces similar to Hannah's.

"Tell us everything that happened," Maria said, leading the way to the kitchen from which the scent of lunch floated on the air.

"If it hadn't been for these FBI agents, I don't know what would have happened to us," her mother continued, glancing at Mercedes. "I owe you everything. You saved my daughters' lives. We thought we'd never see Hannah again and were sure those.. .men.. .would kill us. It was like a nightmare."

How true that was! Hannah squeezed her mother's hand. "I have so much to tell you, Mom."

"I want to hear it all."

"Mercedes, aren't you joining us?" Hannah's mother glanced at the agent who stepped outside.

The vampiress smiled. "Family reunions deserve privacy. I'll return later to drive you to the airport and bring you to Seraphim, Hannah."

"Seraphim?" Her mother glanced at her in question as Mercedes closed the door behind her, leaving the family to themselves.

"Yes. Mom, I'm sorry, but I can't leave with you on the next flight." Her mother's face paled. "Why? Mercedes and Brett said you're free."

Hannah drew a deep breath. Her stomach warmed just from thinking about Seraphim. "Someone tipped off the agents." She decided it was best to go along with the vampires' FBI tale. Though she didn't care about the safety of most of their race, there were some to whom she was indebted enough to protect, including one she loved deeply. "I've met a man, Mom. He's wonderful. He really did save me in more ways than I can explain."

Her mother's brow furrowed, then she smiled. "Tell me about him. I want to know everything."

Everything. Well, maybe Hannah wouldn't tell her everything .

Hannah's stomach fluttered as she followed the Baroness into the elevator that would bring them to Dr. Jules Kane's office. She'd been surprised when the Baroness had showed up at their hotel early that morning and offered to accompany Hannah to meet Seraphim while Mercedes drove her mother and sisters to the airport. She and Vikenti had planned to celebrate their anniversary in the city. He had a business meeting for a few hours, and the Baroness decided to visit with Hannah and see how she and her family fared.

"Thank you for coming-and thank you for taking the test with me, in case Seraphim can't-or won't-give me what I want," Hannah said as the elevator rose.

"If you and he are compatible, chances are slim he won't make the change. Between lovers, it's the most marvelous experience."

"I'm almost nervous. I don't know why. I just got the oddest feeling from Seraphim the last time we spoke. Or should I say when we met in that dream thing. I still don't understand that completely."

The Baroness smiled and squeezed Hannah's hand. "One day it will make perfect sense to you."

Hannah nodded, willing herself not to fidget as the elevator dragged to a stop and the women stepped off.

"This way." The Baroness, her tall body clad in a black and white pants suit, strolled down the corridor.

Hannah smoothed her flowing, ankle-length dress of pastel flowers as she followed her friend. Seraphim suddenly appeared at the end of the hall, his eyes so intense that Hannah felt as if he'd grasped her soul.

"Seraphim," she murmured. They met in the center of the hall, and as he tugged her against his chest, her arms slipped around his neck, squeezing tightly. Eyes closed, she buried her face in his neck. "Thank you so much!"

"I did very little."

She tugged away slightly and met his eyes. "If it wasn't for you, I'd still belong to Sir Edward."

"You never belonged to Sir Edward."

"I think Sir Edward is probably glad to get rid of her." The Baroness twirled the string of pearls around her neck.

Seraphim's eyes narrowed in question.

"It doesn't matter," Hannah said, feeling herself blush with the memories of her revenge.

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