Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 20

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Long, slow thrusts edged both of them towards o.r.g.a.s.m, providing exquisite waves of pleasure while keeping the end at bay. Vincent felt Trixie's teeth slip into his shoulder, and he resisted the urge to come. Instead he continued the frustratingly slow movements, speeding up to drive her to climax, then slowing again, pumping her towards another. He played for as long as he could endure before his own fangs pierced her throat and his hips pounded into her as he came hard. The sensations subsided and were replaced by others, ones that wound their way into his heart and made him realize that no matter what, he needed this woman.

The words "I love you" were on his tongue and thoughts, but he bit back one and shut out the other. Love. Vincent Dilorenzo in love? He'd known for a while, but he had to figure out the best time to come out and say it.

Trixie stirred beneath him, her fingers stroking his back. "That was really nice."

"I'll say." He lifted his head and kissed her, brus.h.i.+ng wisps of hair from her forehead. "I'll leave in the morning to prepare a special surprise for our wedding anniversary."

For a moment Trixie appeared confused. Then she realized he was making up their excuse for leaving to report to the Network about their findings as well as appear at Seraphim's questioning by the Jury.

"I'll stick around for one more day," she said. "I want to talk with Hannah and there's something she and I need to do."

"What?" He wasn't sure he liked the look in her eyes. She smiled and kissed his lips. "Girl stuff. Nothing you'd be interested in." "Just don't do anything stupid. We're close, baby. Real close." "Darling, I'm a professional," she whispered.

Not that it matters much what we do. Sir Edward's on to us, Vincent thought. But at least if we leave now and make it look like we're reporting to the Network about the Flower, he'll really think he's thrown us off the case. What's really going to f.u.c.k him up is when Brett and Mercedes get here.

Brett and Mercedes?

Adam a.s.signed them here to investigate Edward's "entertainment," and make sure there's no more extortion going on like with Hannah.

Trixie grinned. That will really f.u.c.k him up. He'll have blatant Network representatives walking around as well as the ones he suspects of snooping.

One way or the other the little p.r.i.c.k will get what he deserves. That's for sure.

Again Vincent wondered about the look in Trixie's eyes, but before he could grill her, she straddled him, her black hair sweeping his chest as she guided his c.o.c.k into the warmth of her c.u.n.t.

Chapter Eleven.

Hannah awoke to soft tapping on her door. She rubbed her eyes and shoved her disheveled hair over her shoulder.

She'd been dreaming of Seraphim and wasn't ready to face reality. Their mental bond of the day before had left her with the most wonderful feelings, yet it had disturbed her as well. She'd sensed something was troubling him, yet she couldn't decide what. She'd also been sleeping better since the Baroness' husband, Vikenti, had arrived and reported her family was safe and would be accompanying two of Seraphim's friends to LA. In less than two days-if these vampires had actually told her the truth-she would be reunited with her mother and sisters again. Part of her had a bad feeling these vampires who had supposedly rescued her family had done something terrible. Where was Seraphim? Did he really have business? Was he toying with her? Had he truly kept his word? Of course he had. She'd felt his affection for her when their thoughts had mingled.

The tapping sounded again, breaking Hannah's thoughts, and she approached the door. "Who is it?"

"Katrina, darling." The Baroness. Hannah opened the door to the Baroness' smile. "I thought we could spend more time together during your last days here. And besides, I miss Vikenti. He didn't want me to go to the city with him since he's planning some kind of surprise for our anniversary."

Hannah nodded, skeptical thoughts still running in her mind. The previous evening when the Baroness had invited her to dinner with her and Vikenti in their room, she'd been certain all her fears were coming true again. However, the couple had treated her as a friend and again a.s.sured her of her family's safety. Still, she felt skeptical.

"What's wrong?" The Baroness' smile faded.

"I just can't believe everything is really working out."

"It is." The Baroness touched Hannah's chin with her fingertip. "You have a loyal companion in Seraphim. Most of us aren't so lucky."

Hannah nodded, her thoughts drifting to several days ago when the Baroness had returned without Seraphim or her husband. Even more shocking, was when the Baroness had asked to speak with Hannah in private and told her she knew all about Sir Edward blackmailing her. Hannah's first thought had been pure rage and terror that Seraphim could have broken her trust at the cost of her family's life. Then Katrina told her of the steps Seraphim had taken to ensure her family's safety. He had powerful friends and had called upon them to remedy Hannah's problem. Less than two days later, her family had supposedly been rescued and Hannah would soon be free. It was like a dream come true-almost like everything else since meeting Seraphim. The man wasn't just a fire angel, but her guardian angel. Now if she could convince him to make her a vampire so she would no longer need protecting.

"Would you like to talk about it?" the Baroness asked.

"I don't know.. .Yes. I would." Hannah had spent too long afraid to communicate. She was sick and tired of being fearful of everyone and everything. The Baroness swept into the room and Hannah closed the door. She sat on the bed with her back against the headboard while the Baroness kicked off her shoes and lounged at the foot of the bed.

"I've heard it's difficult to make a human into a vampire?"

The Baroness lifted a groomed black eyebrow. "It can be."

"Have you ever done it?"

"Such personal questions, darling." The Baroness gazed at her through her lashes.

"Is it? I'm sorry, I didn't know. It's not something I've heard many vampires discuss, so I wasn't sure."

"It's all right. I have made children by bite, though they are few." "I wonder what it feels like?"

"They told me there was some initial discomfort, but most of them preferred their vampiric const.i.tution over their human one. There are many benefits, but I'm sure you know that." The Baroness offered a slow smile. "You would like to be changed?"

"Yes. I think I would."

"No, no, darling. You must be sure. There is no think. Once the decision is made, it is almost impossible to revert. You actually have to die to become human again. Before you change, you must be sure."

"I envy your strength, your power. If I had been able to fight Sir Edward and his men, my family wouldn't have been in danger in the first place."

"Becoming a vampire can't ensure safety. Hannah, there's always a stronger force out there. Though most of us wish to live in harmony, there are many vicious strains among us."

"I know that all too well. I still would have had a better chance than with the body I have now."

"Fear and vengeance shouldn't be the only reason you want to change. Don't you have any good reasons?"

"Those are good to me. How could I expect you to understand. You're an Immaculate and you're a great fighter. I've seen you in the gym practicing with Vikenti. Anyone would be a fool to threaten you."

"Then there have been many fools in this world," the Baroness murmured. "If you want to learn to fight, I would be glad to teach you."

"All right. At least that's something."

"Doesn't anything else appeal to you about vampirism besides our physical strength?"

Hannah smiled, imagining making love with Seraphim. She knew how much he restrained himself for her sake. She wondered what it would be like to accept the full brunt of his pa.s.sion? The idea of spending centuries with him was also a plus.

"Seraphim might be another reason," she whispered.

"Might be?"

"All right, he is one of the best reasons."

"Ahh!" The Baroness grinned. "Love is one of the best reasons to make the change."

"Would he want me to change? When I brought it up, he didn't want to discuss it."

"Seraphim has a great deal of business on his mind right now. Give him time. I know he cares for you very deeply."

"I care for him, too."

"I know you do. You're a wonderful couple and would be beautiful together in immortality. Work on convincing him."

"I will, but I don't know if he'll go through with it."

"Keep hope. And if he doesn't, you can be tested for compatibility with others, though I have the feeling he wouldn't be happy about it."

"If he refuses, then I'm not sure I care what he thinks."

"A great deal of responsibility accompanies our power, Hannah. Think your decision through carefully, and if you are changed, use you gifts well."

"I will. That I can promise. I won't ever do to someone else what Sir Edward has done to me."

"Yes, Sir Edward." The Baroness folded her hands behind her back and paced the room. "We'll have to devise some form of personal revenge for you before you leave the mansion."

"How do you mean?" Hannah didn't try to hide her excitement. The idea of giving Sir Edward a little of what he dished out was almost like a dream come true.

"Your eyes are glowing so much they almost look vampiric." The Baroness grinned, pausing in front of Hannah and touching her cheek. "I don't blame you. Don't worry. I'll think of a plan. One thing I can't abide is a man who takes advantage of a woman."

"I'll bet that's never happened to you."

The Baroness' smile faded and she looked far off for a moment. "Believe me. It has. I swore I'd never let that happen again. I'd die first."

"Would...Would you like to talk about it?" Hannah asked.

"It was a long time ago. I was a slave to an Immaculate male. The son of a b.i.t.c.h..." The Baroness' voice faded as she shook her head, as if trying to clear the memory.

"I can sympathize." Hannah reached for the Baroness' hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right. It was a long time ago." "Did you get back at him?" "No, but I'm still waiting."

Hannah nodded, watching her friend's eyes gleam with fury. She couldn't imagine the Baroness being anyone's slave.

"I hope Seraphim comes back before I go, or else I'll have to leave the name of my hotel with you so I can make sure he knows where I am."

The Baroness looked about to speak, then seemed to change her mind. "Why don't we go to dinner?"

"Yes, just let me dress," Hannah said as she walked to the bathroom to wash up while the Baroness stretched out on the bed. "You must miss your husband."

"Very much. Vikenti excites me like no man I've ever known."

"That's a terrific feeling." Hannah spoke from experience. That was exactly how she felt about Seraphim.

Moments later, the women were on their way to the dining room. Halfway down the stairs, the Baroness' cell phone rang and she paused to answer it. She conversed in Spanish, and though Hannah didn't speak the language, she guessed by the expression on her friend's face the news was good.

As the Baroness switched off the phone and slipped it back into her purse, she glanced at Hannah and asked, "Are you up to a little revenge tonight? Your mother and sisters have just arrived and are on their way to a hotel in LA where you'll meet them in the morning."

"Can I talk with them?" Hannah asked, not wis.h.i.+ng to give in to her desire for revenge before she was certain her family was safe. Though she didn't doubt the Baroness' sincerity, she wasn't prepared to risk her mother and sisters-not after all she'd already gone through to protect them.

"Of course. Let's go back to my room and you can talk with them. I wouldn't advise too long a conversation, though, and keep it quiet. You don't know who might be listening around here. I don't trust Sir Edward."

Hannah had gathered that from the way the Baroness spoke about-and acted around-Sir Edward. "Then why have you and your husband come here? I'm sorry, Katrina, but you're not like the others guests."

"Don't be sorry for giving me such a compliment, darling." The Baroness opened the door to her room and she and Hannah stepped inside. Hannah waited for a more detailed reply to her question, but the Baroness supplied none. She dialed a phone number and said, "Hola, Mercedes. Hannah would like to speak with her kin...Of course."

The Baroness pa.s.sed Hannah the phone. "h.e.l.lo?" she asked tentatively. "Hannah! Oh G.o.d, are you all right?"

When Hannah spoke, she tried to keep tears from her voice. "I'm fine, Ma. How are you? I've missed you so much. You're really okay?"

"We're fine. I've been so worried about you. Those men were so horrible! If it hadn't been for these two agents I don't know what we'd have done. You'll be with us tomorrow?"

"Yes. In the morning."

"I can't wait to see you. I love you, Hannah."

"I love you, too, Ma. Can I talk to Maria and Irene?"

For the next few moments, Hannah spoke with her sisters, then the Baroness murmured for her to hang up, which Hannah did without question.

Katrina strode to the door and flung it open. A servant nearly fell in.

"Yes?" The Baroness glowered at the hybrid, using her height advantage to intimidate the smaller woman.

"S.. .Sir Edward wanted to know if you're coming to dinner."

"Tell him we'll be right down."

"Yes, mam." The maid scurried away.

"Lying b.i.t.c.h," the Baroness muttered. "He sent her to listen in on us."

"Why? Do you think he suspects something? Are we in danger?"

"The only one in danger is that sc.u.m sucker. Before you leave, darling, we're going to give him a night to remember."

"What do you plan on doing?"

"Would you be terribly opposed to seducing the son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h?"

Hannah felt her stomach turn. Still, she'd endured enough pawing, disgusting men while in Sir Edward's "employment." She nodded. "I think I can take it as long is it harms him in some way."

"Don't worry, you won't really have to sleep with him. When we're finished, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d won't know what hit him-nor will he be able to blame us for anything."

Hannah's curiosity was piqued. "What are you suggesting?"

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