Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 18

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Yet you stood by us. We should have ended our own existence long ago, for many reasons, but it is our nature to survive.

And we were never the most courageous of our kind. Sheb looked sadly resigned. You know this, but you remained faithful. You deserve happiness, Sera.

You belong with Them. Seraphim's voice was scarcely a whisper as tears blocked his throat. He refused to shed them. Now was not the time. Someone should tell Them what's happened here, let Them know what you learned. You don't belong living in this hole. You should be free in a world where you needn't hide.

And you should have been free to live your own life.

Do any of us truly live our own lives, or do we live for each other? Seraphim was about to stand, but Sheb grasped his arm and he didn't want to struggle. Instead, he dropped his head to her lap and allowed her to stroke his hair.

What will please you, Sera? she asked. The woman? Yes. I can feel that. The truth? How much you want the truth to be known. You've hidden so much for so long. Most others would have surrendered to the temptation by now.

Seraphim told her, I'm afraid I must confess to members of the New Network. The time is almost here, and I don't think I can do this alone. Not with Sir Edward and his greedy dogs watching along with Vincent, Adam, and their suspicions.

Then you do what you feel you must, Herm said. You have nothing to hide, son. You keep their history and you know them.

There are some you can trust, Sheb said as Seraphim stood. I can see the ones you trust: the ones who destroyed Luci.

Luci. The evil First Father-the one who ruled from the time of Atlantis until Adam Lindsay destroyed him and took his place.

The daughter of Atlantis, Herm added.

He meant Marina, a member of the Jury and one of the oldest living hybrids. She'd known Seraphim as a child, long before he'd reached vampiric p.u.b.erty, which explained why she hadn't recognized him by sight or scent when he'd been evaluated and initiated into the new Network. He hadn't bothered to reveal his ident.i.ty to her. His philosophy had always been the less people knew, the safer he and the Originals were.

And there are others who you would like to look on as friends, Sheb said. You have denied yourself companions.h.i.+p for too long -and I don't mean feeding the carnal needs felt so deeply in our kind.

Those I love end up destroyed, Seraphim said.

It isn't you, she said. It is the way of this world as well as the legacy left by Luci. Not all of that legacy is evil. What about the son he left? Herm nodded. The boy raised by Matthew Winter's parents.

Seraphim had kept Them informed of the happenings of their kind. They knew one other Original existed on Earth. Sage, the child of the First Father and his mate who had been rescued by Matthew Winter and raised by his parents, Brett and Mercedes-the same couple who had recently saved the lives of Hannah's family. Because of them, she would soon be free. Even free of me, he thought sadly.

Only if you choose to let her go , Sheb interrupted his thoughts. If you love each other, she belongs with you.

I must go, Seraphim said, bowing his head to the Originals. I will do my best to continue serving you.

Serve yourself as well, Sheb said. Remember, do what you must...

Her voice faded. When Seraphim opened his eyes, he found himself on his knees in the middle of the floor.

Standing, he tried to shake life back into his numb hands and feet. A look at the watch he'd left on the nightstand told him it was almost three in the morning. He stretched, feeling as strong as before his injury. They had facilitated his healing while they'd shared their mental bond. It felt good to be strong again. The doctors would be astounded. He didn't want to think about the grilling questions Matthew would fire at him.

Speaking of Matthew, it was time to return to his "keepers." Had his entire life not been so frustrating, he would have smiled at the thought.

Chapter Ten.

It was still evening when Vincent arrived back at Sir Edward's. He hadn't been separated from Trixie long, but for some reason it felt like they'd been apart for centuries. Once this case was over, he had to ensure they wouldn't be apart. Ever. Lately he found himself wondering how he'd been able stand being without her since last Christmas.

Glancing at himself in the rear view mirror, he ran a hand through his dark hair and stroked his beard before stepping out of his sports car and striding up the walk. A hybrid servant opened the door.

Vincent lifted his chin and discreetly sniffed the air, seeking Trixie. Upstairs. The Casino.

He hurried up the red carpeted steps until he reached the fourth floor casino. Stepping into the dimly lit room, he glanced past slot machines, card tables, and mingling couples to where Trixie sat at the bar. Seated on a stool, her long legs exposed in a short black dress, her long, dark hair spilling over her creamy shoulders, she was easily the most beautiful broad in the joint.

Her eyes met his, and she winked, beckoning him with a finger.

"G.o.dd.a.m.n," he growled, slipping his arm around her as he took the stool beside her. "You look s.e.xy as h.e.l.l."

"Mmm," she purred, her lips against his.

Good news for Seraphim's little girl, Trix. Brett and Mercedes have taken care of her family's problem and are flying in with her mother and sisters.

Great! She'll be so happy! How's Seraphim? Doing better.

"I've missed you so much, darling," Trixie said aloud to Vincent as the bartender approached.

"You as well, my dear." Vincent stroked her bare upper arm. "What can I get you?" the barkeep asked.

"Nothing, thank you," Vincent said, guiding Trixie off the stool. "The Baroness and I are retiring."

"Of course, sir," replied the bartender and went to serve another guest. "Are we really?" Trixie raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely. I'm so happy to see you I can hardly contain myself." Vincent pressed her hand to his crotch.

She squeezed his erection through the fabric and said, "Poor baby. We'll see what we can do about such a hard problem."

"I'm sure you can fix it, mama." Vincent nipped her earlobe before grasping her hand as they hurried out of the casino.

No sooner had they reached the room when Vincent kicked the door shut and ripped her dress off with one swipe of his claws.

"Hey! That was one of my favorites!" Trixie snarled.

"I'll make it up to you." Vincent picked her up and flung her on the bed. His body covered hers as his mouth fastened on one of her nipples, licking and nipping it to a stiff peak.

"d.a.m.n!" Trixie gasped, clutching his head closer to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Vincent licked from one nipple to the other, using his teeth and tongue until Trixie was panting, her body tingling with desire. He kissed his way to her hips where he used his teeth to rip off her panties.

His mouth covered her c.l.i.t, his tongue stroking and fangs p.r.i.c.king until she dissolved into o.r.g.a.s.m. Vincent grinned against her soft mound as he continued his relentless attack.

The sound of her heartbeat and frenzied breath combined with the delicious taste of her plump c.l.i.t and slick c.u.n.t made him rock hard. He reached down to adjust himself as he drove her to yet another climax.

"You're going to kill me, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" she panted.

Laughter rumbled in his chest as he lifted his head, using his fingers to extend her o.r.g.a.s.m.

"Get over here!" Trixie's hands clutched his shoulders, her claws sinking into his flesh as she shoved him onto his back.

Vincent tried to control his breathing as she licked and kissed her way down to his crotch. Her tongue traced the joining of his hips and thighs while her fist clutched his stiff c.o.c.k. When her lips covered the head, her teeth grazing the tip, Vincent nearly flew off the bed. Trixie held him fast by the hips, sucking and laving the head with her tongue until he came long and hard.

"s.h.i.+t," he panted, dragging her beside him and rolling her onto her stomach. He caressed her firm a.s.s. "Are you ready for me, you s.e.xy b.i.t.c.h?"

"Lay it on me, baby!"

Vincent needed no further invitation. He thrust into her, her smooth back pressed against his chest, her wrists locked in his fists and stretched above her head. He drove into her fast as he sank his teeth into her shoulder. The wetness of her c.u.n.t and the sweetness of her blood was enough to make him growl in ultimate pleasure.

Her p.u.s.s.y clenched his c.o.c.k in rolling waves, dragging him to a climax. As the pulsations subsided, Vincent relaxed, her body still pinned beneath his.

I can't get enough of you, Trix.

You either, Dilorenzo. Tapping sounded at the door. "Yeah?" Vincent growled.

"Sir Edward would like to know if you would join him in his private room." A servant's voice called from the hall.


"I believe so, sir."

"Tell him to give us a half an hour and we'll be there."

"Yes, sir."

The hybrid's scent faded as he left their door.

"Pain in the a.s.s," Vincent muttered, licking Trixie's ear.

She snuggled closer. "I can't wait until we're out of here for good."

Vincent grunted. He wanted the case over, too. What he didn't want was another separation from Trixie.

"We might as well get dressed and see what our host wants," Vincent sneered, pus.h.i.+ng himself off the bed.

Trixie rolled over and stretched, her firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s lifting sensually. When she yawned, the tips of her fangs were visible, the sight of them making Vincent stiffen with desire. He wondered if the gym would be empty later. He was about ready for another workout on the trampoline.

As they walked to the bathroom to clean up, Trixie paused suddenly, her eyes wide.

"What is it, baby?" Vincent asked.

"Just...a scent."


"Someone I knew a long time ago. I might be wrong."

Vincent's stomach twisted with jealousy. "I'm not sure I like how you said that. Is it a guy?"

"Yes, but don't worry, Vikenti." She turned to him with a nervous smile he didn't like the look of. "He's someone I'd rather not see again."

"Good." Vincent grasped her upper arms and kissed her. "Because there's no way in h.e.l.l I'm sharing you."

"Are you trying to say you're attached to me?" she teased. "f.u.c.kin' right."

Trixie smile, slipping her arms around Vincent's neck. "s.h.i.+t, you can really be a Romeo when you want to, you know that?"

"Sure, baby. It's my natural charisma."

Trixie pressed her mouth to his before tugging him towards the shower.

Less than half an hour later, Vincent and Trixie lounged on a couch in Sir Edward's room, sipping wine and watching their host stare out his window at the moonlit desert.

"I'm sure you didn't just invite us here to sample your wine, Edward," Vincent said. "Fine as it is."

"Of course not." Sir Edward turned his frozen smile to the couple. "I have something special to share with you. If I could ask for your patience for just a few moments longer?"

Trixie smiled. Vincent was impressed. Considering how much she knew she despised Sir Edward, she actually looked sincere. Since she'd learned he'd been holding Hannah as a personal slave, her dislike of the man had turned to utter hatred. One thing Trixie couldn't abide was abuse, especially when it involved a man enslaving a woman. Maybe one day she'd tell him why.

"Are you enjoying your stay with us?" Sir Edward asked.

"Very much," Vincent told him. "This wine is excellent. The blood-enhancement is unfamiliar to me, however."

"It would be, but I'll explain it -" A knock at the door interrupted Sir Edward. "Would you excuse me?"

As their host approached the door, Vincent realized Trixie's scent had grown stronger, and if he concentrated hard enough, he heard her quickening heartbeat. Her eyes fixed on the door, and Vincent narrowed his own, inhaling the scent of a stranger. Was it the same scent that had upset Trixie earlier? Who the f.u.c.k was this guy who was getting to her so much?

Sir Edward opened the door, and a tall, pale-skinned, black-haired Immaculate stepped in, carrying a leather briefcase.

The man's pale blue eyes immediately riveted to Trixie, and he grinned. "Caroline. I thought I caught your delectable aroma when I arrived."

Vincent resisted the urge to growl at the man, though he didn't try to hide the glow of his eyes.

Trixie's initial look of disgust was replaced by another easy smile. "My name is Katrina now, Rafe. Baroness Katrina Othman."

"A Baroness, no less." The man's toothy grin broadened. "Well well. Nice to see you coming up in the world."

"Yes, I'm quite different from the woman you knew." "I can see that. You have t.i.tle, power -"

"And a very jealous husband." Vincent did growl this time as he leaned back on the couch, his eyes raking the pompous b.a.s.t.a.r.d trying his best to humiliate Trixie. Nice try, but as the saying went, no cigar. She was a tough cookie, and though Vincent had no doubts she could put this man in his place, he felt oddly protective.

"Ah." Rafe's smile didn't reach his eyes. "I understand."

"Please come in," Sir Edward said to Rafe. His curious expression revealed his interest in Rafe and Trixie's relations.h.i.+p. Neither gave any more clues, however, as Sir Edward continued, "Do you remember hearing about my gardening consultant?"

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