Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 17

Ancient Blood: Deep Red -

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"Oh boy," Matthew uttered a sarcastic laugh. "I don't believe this. I was just doing my job, oh ancient Immaculate. Thank you for allowing this child to practice on one such as you."

Matthew stood and headed for the door.


The doctor paused in the doorway but didn't turn back.

"I can't train you." Seraphim repeated.

Slowly, Matthew glanced over his shoulder, his eyes holding Seraphim's for a long moment before leaving him alone.

Sighing, Seraphim sank onto his pillow and gazed at the ceiling. Hannah's face floated across his mind. He missed having her with him. What was she doing? She'd be free soon, and after that he'd probably never see her again. When he and Vincent had fought in the desert, the memories of Nenet had struck him with the same deadly accuracy as the platinum bullet. He wouldn't risk another one, especially not Hannah. Until he'd met her, he'd never imagined loving a woman so much again. She constantly lingered in the back of his mind, and when he closed his eyes she was all he could see. He wouldn't drag another woman into his twisted life, yet it would be a torment knowing she existed and not approaching her. She'd mentioned becoming a hybrid, but that in itself was a risk. Maybe her body would accept the change, but maybe it wouldn't. Could they risk ending her life for the possibility of a longer one? Even if she became a vampire, was there any guarantee that she'd have a long life? The world was a horrible place for vampires and humans alike.

How could he have lived so many years and still be so confused? He closed his eyes. Maybe that was the problem. The longer he lived, the more mystifying was existence itself.

Bed rest for the following two days wasn't nearly as difficult as Seraphim might have thought. He still felt weak and tired easily in spite of the ma.s.sive amounts of blood Jules and Matthew forced into him. On the third day, he began to feel like himself again. If he hadn't been so worried about Hannah and the approaching meeting with the Jury, he might have felt even better.

It was just after sunset on the third night, and he'd gotten out of bed with plans to leave his room for the first time since his injury when the door opened and Vincent stepped inside.

"Yo." The burly Immaculate wore a cla.s.sic suit, his hair and beard trimmed to perfection. Seraphim could only guess he was about to return to Sir Edward's. "I'm taking off. See you at the meeting."

"You're going back to the mansion?"

"Yeah, and by the way, Brett and Mercedes already took care of those guys Sir Edward had tailing Hannah's family. In a couple of days, she'll be outta there for good."

Seraphim nodded.

"You okay?"

"Fine," Seraphim told him.

"Want me to give Hannah a message?"


"How about a big tonguey kiss?"

Seraphim's teeth clenched and he growled, causing Vincent to laugh and hold up his hands in mock defense. "Yo, just a joke."

"As always your humor eludes me."

"Holy s.h.i.+t. Between you and Matthew it's so a.n.a.l around here even a diarrhea fart wouldn't have a chance of escaping. See ya around."

"Is that a threat?" Seraphim muttered.

"Yo." Vincent wore his most mockingly sorrowful expression before he left Seraphim alone.

At least Hannah's family would be safe, and soon she'd be reunited with them. He wished he could see her one last time. If he closed his eyes, he could almost feel her in his arms. Perhaps there was a way.

From the few times his thoughts had touched hers, he felt she had psychic potential. Though he'd never attempted a mental union with a mortal from such a distance, he sensed it might work.

Privacy. He'd need privacy.

Seraphim left his room and approached Jules' office. He caught the scent of the small hybrid as well as the twins. Perfect.

Matthew opened the door before Seraphim lifted his hand to knock. "How are you?" Matthew asked.

"Much better, thanks." He turned to Adam. "Am I free to go for the evening, or am I being guarded?"

The First Father's eyes held his. "No guards. I know you won't run away. Whatever you're protecting here is too valuable to you."

Seraphim nodded and continued down the hall.

"You should be careful," Matthew called. "You're not fully recovered. LA hybrid gangs aren't too fond of Immaculates."

"Thanks for the concern, doctor." Seraphim glanced at Matthew over his shoulder before stepping onto the elevator.

Seraphim had no intention of wandering to the parts of the city the hybrid gangs frequented. The last thing he needed was more trouble. No, he wanted a nice, clean hotel room where he could have a couple of hours of peace and quiet.

Outside, he inhaled the smoggy air and decided to walk to a hotel he knew several blocks away. As his long legs swallowed the sidewalk, he resisted the urge to pick up his pace. Strength rapidly returning to his Immaculate body made it long for exercise, but if all went well, he'd get at least some physical release tonight.

Seraphim checked into a hotel several blocks from Jules' office. Once in his room, he undressed and took a long, hot shower, all the while allowing his thoughts to focus on Hannah. Afterward, he tugged the comforter off the bed and stretched out on the sheets, closing his eyes. Simply thinking of Hannah had given him a sustained semi-erection. A smile touched his lips before he cleared his mind enough for him to feel as if his soul was slipping from his body and mingling with the spirit of the universe.

He visualized floating across time and s.p.a.ce to touch her. There. Soft. Young. Determined.


Her surprise and a hint of fear reached him. He'd need to be gentle. Though she'd experienced him in her mind while they stood in the same room, it would naturally frighten a mortal with no psychic experience to feel her lover in her head.

Hannah, don't be afraid. Think to me. You needn't speak aloud. Suddenly her thoughts jerked from his.

He relaxed deeper, his mind flowing like part of the air in an attempt to find her again. He wasn't sure how long it took. Time meant nothing anymore, not in such a perfect state of meditation.

Hannah. Seraphim?

In the utter darkness, he saw the glow of a polished marble doork.n.o.b. His shadowed hand came into view as he reached out and turned the k.n.o.b, opening the door to a room lit by dozens of candles. Though windowless, there was no smoke, only the comforting yet sensual aroma of the ginger scented candles. No furnis.h.i.+ngs cluttered the room. Several large, red satin pillows were strewn across the floor covered in a thick black carpet that felt incredibly soft beneath Seraphim's bare feet. A slight breeze caressed his nude body and the candles flickered as Hannah appeared in the doorway, her beautiful body naked to his starving eyes.

"Seraphim?" Her voice filled him, and he closed his eyes, burying his face in her hair as he held her close.

"Have you been well?" he asked.

"Yes. The Baroness told me you've freed my family. She said I'll be with them soon. Thank you so much." Her arms tightened around him and he felt a rush of love and grat.i.tude that for a moment made swallowing difficult.

Finally he said, "It wasn't only me. I asked for help."

"If it wasn't for you, we never would have been helped. I wouldn't have known where to look. The Baroness said you have powerful connections."

"Yes. Powerful," he murmured.

"When will you be returning to the mansion?"

"I'm not sure yet. I have business to attend. That's why I hoped to reach you through meditation."

"It took me by surprise." She smiled, tilting her face up to his, her chin resting on his chest. He brushed wisps of hair from her forehead before kissing it. "The Baroness explained what you were trying to do. I was in the middle of the dining room when I felt you. I almost caused a scene."

"I'm glad she realized."

"I'm not sure how long this connection will hold," he said. Psychic exploration on his own was often more relaxing than tiring, but due to her inexperience, he was supporting her completely on the journey. Not having yet recovered his full strength, he wasn't sure if he could endure for a length of time, but he wanted to be with her so badly...

"I miss you, Seraphim." She slid her hands over his chest, trailing her fingertip over the dark hairs curling across his breastbone. My fire angel. Her thoughts cried out to him, and he smiled. Fire angel. He liked that.

"I've missed you, too." He kissed her, taking her lower lip gently between his teeth and caressing it with his tongue.

Small fingers curled in the hair at his nape and stroked upwards, ma.s.saging his scalp. A contented growl rumbled in his chest. Palms splayed against her back, he moved his hands lower until he cupped her b.u.t.tocks, squeezing the smooth, firm globes and lifting her enough to trap his stiffening c.o.c.k between them and mingle their pubic hair.

"Oh, Seraphim," she whispered against his shoulder. She licked and nipped gently with her flat, human teeth, the sensation oddly arousing. He imagined what it would feel like if she was a vampire, if her fangs could penetrate...

"Oh, yes," she breathed, her hard little nipples rubbing his chest. "Yes, I've thought about it, too, becoming a vampire. Would you -"

"Don't talk about it." He kissed her brow and cheeks before speaking against her lips. "Not now."


"I can't think of it now. Please."

She was about to protest, he could sense it, but he also sensed her resignation. He'd helped her family. The least she could do would be to fulfill this one small request. Little did she realize it wasn't so small to him. It was the most serious question in the world. Would he share his potentially long life with her? He wasn't even sure if he could. They would need to take Matthew's compatibility test, and...No use getting ahead of himself. If he started thinking too much, he'd lose the meditation, and already he ached for her so much if they didn't finish what they'd started, he'd need to spend the remainder of the night masturbating in the hotel bathroom. Not a pleasant thought when compared to the alternative.

He swept her into his arms and kicked the door shut. The slam resonated almost painfully in his mind, reminding him that yes, he was shutting the door to the physical world. Anyone finding their mortal bodies at that moment would think them dead. Far more dangerous for him than her at the moment. He needed to remember to awaken before his hotel time ran out and a maid stepped in and panicked at the sight of a dead man covered in sperm lying on top of the sheets. At least Hannah was at the mansion surrounded by vampires who might have-if they were skilled enough-enjoyed similar pleasures at one time or another.

Seraphim lowered himself to his knees and placed Hannah on the carpet, resting her head on the edge of an oversized pillow. Stretching out beside her, he kissed her mouth. Their tongues stroked and tasted as he loomed over her. Reluctantly, he left her mouth and kissed his way down her neck to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He took a nipple between his lips and flicked his tongue across it. Sighing, she arched closer, her arms wrapping around his neck. He sucked her nipple until it became so sensitive the pleasure was almost pain, then he moved to the other. The sound of her heartbeat echoed in his ears, and his own quickened as he licked beneath both b.r.e.a.s.t.s and left a damp trail with his tongue down the center of her stomach. He traced the pale flesh just above her pubic hairline while his fingers sifted through the rough, dark blond curls. His palm covered her mons while the tip of his long, slim index finger slipped inside her. Soaked with her juices, the same finger rubbed her c.l.i.t in a slow, circular motion that soon had her writhing beneath him. When he sensed her approaching o.r.g.a.s.m, he removed his hand and gazed at her face. Her eyes opened, foggy with l.u.s.t. He knew his own must have been gleaming with vampiric desire. His c.o.c.k felt hard enough to fence with.

Seraphim slipped down her body and parted her thighs, his hands ma.s.saging the solid muscles beneath baby soft skin. His head dipped low and he caressed her c.l.i.t with his tongue. She moaned, her pulse racing. Unwilling to control his l.u.s.t any further, he allowed his fangs to emerge from their flesh sheaths, though he was careful not to pierce her sensitive flesh. While vampire women enjoyed having their c.l.i.ts nipped, the sensations would be far too much for a mortal. Instead he continued using his tongue on her until she shattered with ecstasy, then he swirled it inside her, feeling her flesh throb around it. Only when the spasms began to subside did he begin licking again with a vengeance, driving her to three perfect before he loomed above her. Carrying most of his weight on his arms, he eased his steely c.o.c.k inside her.

"Oh, Seraphim!" Her voice rose with pa.s.sion as he inched his way deeper, then pulled out almost to the tip before sliding back in. Her legs locked around his waist and her fingers sank into his back as she clung to him with all her mortal strength.

G.o.d, she thrilled him! Giving her up was going to be...No! He wouldn't think of it! Not now!

Hannah thrust her hips upward hard, meeting him motion for motion. She tilted her head, exposing her beautiful pink-tinged throat. Her invitation almost made him come in an unrestrained rush of pa.s.sion.

"Take me!" she panted, gripping him even tighter.

"Slow down," he murmured, trying not to lose control. He considered clenching his teeth, but with his exposed fangs, he'd only cut himself and even a taste of blood would be enough to push him over the edge. All the times they'd made love, he'd been careful not to hurt her. While his oversized c.o.c.k was often aesthetically pleasing to women, most-even vampires-found it too much to take comfortably into their bodies. The times he'd been buried to the hilt inside a hot, liquid p.u.s.s.y were far too few.

"I want it," Hannah panted, taking his face in her hands and staring deeply into his eyes.

He held her gaze, for the first time in his life feeling hypnotized by a mortal. She might be right. They were in almost a dream state. Like this, perhaps she would only feel the ecstasy.

"I want to feel every bit of you." She kissed him, her tongue flickering across his lips. She bucked upwards as he thrust down. His body pressed flat to hers, his hands grasping hers and pinning them, outstretched, on both sides of her head. He felt their pubic bones touch and his entire c.o.c.k was deep in her warm, wet p.u.s.s.y.

"Oh, Hannah," he panted, his lips so close to her neck that he felt her throbbing artery. The urge to bite and thrust was uncontrollable.

"Yes, Seraphim, yes!" she clung to him tightly as his body pounded into hers. Sinking his fangs into her exquisite neck, he bit and came so hard at the first taste of her blood that he would have screamed had his mouth not been filled with her sweet, beautiful life.

She did scream, and the sound of it added to his ecstasy. As their bodies relaxed, the candles flickered out.

"Seraphim?" she sounded almost panicked. "It's all right, Hannah. I have to go."

"Please come to me soon, not like this, but to the mansion." In reply, Seraphim placed a soft kiss to her fading lips.

Seraphim napped for an hour or so, and when he awoke, saw through the window that the moon still sat high in the sky. If he didn't return by morning, Lindsay and the others would go looking for him. Before he left for Jules' office, he had one more contact to make.

This one would be much easier than reaching Hannah. Once he connected, he would be carried just as he'd carried Hannah.

Seraphim settled back into bed and closed his eyes. His mind touched theirs, and he felt a familiar, comforting pull...

You've been injured. The soft voice spoke in Seraphim's mind. Sheb. Sera?

His eyes adjusted to utter blackness that brightened as he stepped toward the two seated figures in the center of a cool, round cave. He glanced from Herm to Sheb. White, silk-like hair flowed to their waists, almost blending with skin just as white. Their features were fine, almost delicate, save their enormous silver-blue eyes and slender, tusk-like fangs curling from between bowed lips.

Come . Sheb held out her slim, long-fingered hand, and Seraphim knelt before her, taking it in his own. Sheb placed her free hand to his cheek, and he closed his eyes, tilting his face closer to the cool comfort of her palm. Here he knew who he was. He could surrender himself completely to any and all emotions, because they knew everything.

You've been in danger, Sheb said. Even now, people may be looking for you.

The time draws near for us, Herm said. Seraphim glanced at him. Soon, my son, you will be free of us.

Unless you choose to come with us. Sheb lifted her hand to Seraphim's hair and stroked his dark curls.

Glancing at Seraphim, Herm smiled. Perhaps not. You've found someone. I can see her in your thoughts. She's pretty.

It's not just that, Seraphim said, allowing his thoughts to fix on Hannah. She has a beautiful spirit. She's stronger than she realizes. Giving, gentle.

And human. Sheb smiled. Does she want to change? Yes, but it might not be right, Seraphim said.

You know even if she changes, a hybrid could not endure our world for long. Sheb reminded him. As an Immaculate, you would adjust, but she would not be comfortable there.

I know.

Even so, you have yet to decide.

This is my world, Seraphim said. Hate it as I sometimes do.

You must start thinking of yourself and your future. Herm touched Seraphim's shoulder. For ten thousand years you've been our link, our protector, our hope. You could have abandoned us - Should have, Sheb said.

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