Squash Tennis Part 2

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and the Heights Casino.

In 1911 the National Squash Tennis a.s.sociation was founded and organized by the banker, John W. Prentiss, Harvard Club of New York. The following year inter-club league compet.i.tion was started in New York City--56 years ago! The sport also gained popularity and some limited play in other cities such as Buffalo, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, but the real nucleus of activity was pretty much confined to "The Big City."

The halcyon days of Squash Tennis were the 1920s and 1930s. Such names as Fillmore Van S. Hyde, Rowland B. Haines, Thomas R. Coward, William Rand, Jr., and R. Earl Fink dominated the amateur ranks during the Golden Twenties. New York Athletic Club's Harry F. Wolf reigned alone and supreme as the amateur champion during the ensuing decade.

The professionals, however, "owned" the best of the amateurs. Walter Kinsella, Robert L. Cahill, Tommy Iannicelli, Johnny Jacobs, Frank Lafforgue, Rowland Dufton, were the outstanding "play for pay"

performers. And, the unquestioned king of the Squash Tennis courts was the legendary Frank Ward, who never lost a match in tournament compet.i.tion.

Because of the desire by the expert Squash Tennis players for more and more speed and a higher pressurized ball, a novice quickly became discouraged with his initial efforts at playing the game. For many crucial years, therefore, the game was not adopted by new players and there was no broad base of tyros. Plainly and simply the avid duffers, which every sport must have if it is to survive and retain its popularity, took up a less frustrating, easier to master sport for their exercise.

World War II saw the demise of this lightning fast webbed ball because of the shortage of rubber and the game all but died. Simultaneously Squash Racquets thrived during the War. Organized play and compet.i.tion were established at service bases, colleges, schools and YMCAs. A new breed of young, active Americans became enamored with Squash Racquets and the pendulum swung away from Squash Tennis. After all, what is a racquet game without an appropriate ball? The now aging professionals saw the wave of interest in Squash Racquets and climbed aboard.

After the war Frank Lafforgue, of the Yale Club, attempted to renew interest in Squash Tennis by utilizing a standard Lawn Tennis ball.

While it was a far easier game for the novice to learn and a marvelous form of indoor exercise for the otherwise sedentary businessman, the "old timers," remembering the Golden Age of the 1920s and 1930s, became completely disenchanted with the slow, heavy, "make s.h.i.+ft" orb. They left their love and were contented to talk wistfully about the "good old days."

Compet.i.tion, though comparatively limited, continued. Some of the outstanding players who competed right after the War in a dwindling number of tourneys were eight times national champion H. Robert Reeve, Barry Ryan, Frank Hanson, Joseph Sullivan, Howard Rose, (still very active in his sixties) J. Lennox Porter, and John Powers.

Norman F. Torrance, Harvard Club, Secretary of the a.s.sociation in 1919-1934 and the NSTA's President up until 1954, despite his love for the game and his efforts to rejuvenate it during the 1950s, was a voice in the wilderness.

(The following was extracted from an article written by Robert H. Lehman, Editor of the 1966-7 edition of the NSTA Yearbook.)

"The present starts its story less than two years ago. For many years, well known, long known figures had tried to revive the game, revamp the ball, attract new players. Still active in administration and compet.i.tion were Willard Rice, Howard Rose, Larry Pratt, Rodney Fiske, Frank Wadelton, Dave Smith and others.

"Suddenly after protracted doldrums dominated mostly by conversation, a spark was fired. Back to his old Eastern haunts came volatile, enthusiastic d.i.c.k Squires, a National Junior Davis Cupper while at school in Bronxville, a nationally ranked Squash Racquets player 10 years ago, now in mid-thirties and still a 'natural.' Exposed to our game at the Rye Squash Barn in early 1965, he went whole hog for his new love, roamed around crying, 'How long has this been going on?' Mr. Torrance must have known something when, way back in 1951, he said the game would come back.

"The ebullient red-head lit a fire under everyone. He talked a 'Rejuvenation Committee' into existence, headed it, and started the ball rocketing. Fund-raising letters to Patrons, members.h.i.+p solicitations to clubs and individuals, colorful posters broadcasting the game's delights on squash bulletin boards all over, letters to pros outlining advantages and opportunities, revision and updating of Official Rules and a.s.sociation By-Laws, publicity releases to papers and magazines--all were dreamed up and implemented by Squires and his now famous 'NSTA-RC,' a dedicated, hard working bunch.

"One of the most imaginative programs, instigated during the winter of 1965-6, was the running of exhibitions (over 22!), which dramatically exposed the game to the uninitiated, attracted sizable galleries and converts. d.i.c.k's buddy, Bill Moncrieff, conducted running commentaries, stopping play to explain fine points, while such as d.i.c.k, John Powers, Gavin Murphy, Dave Smith, Jim Prigoff and Henry Stanton roamed the East to such spots as Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Was.h.i.+ngton and Rochester to spread the word.

"Mindful of the age-old cry, 'What about the ball?' a committee was formed to pursue all possibilities with determination and with primary view to drastic reduction of breakage--a long-time bugaboo. If the action could be improved, so much the better. . . .

"Great strides were made, and recently Norman Forster, after carrying on lengthy, exploratory discussions with the loyal Spalding outfit (which had been keeping the game going with the best they had been able to produce for this specialized and heretofore limited field, developed an excellent ball--one that can withstand the tremendous beating a Squash Tennis ball takes as it rebounds about the walls."

In 1966 as evidence that Squash Tennis was, indeed, on the "comeback trail" the august governing body of the National Squash Tennis a.s.sociation elected five-time national champion, Jim Prigoff, as their new President. They pledged their support both verbally and financially.

The most active season in over 25 years was instigated and many new faces were seen chasing the fast green covered ball about the court.

Innumerable converts came over from Squash Racquets and new life and vitality was breathed into the "grand old game."

Momentum continues. A "new look" was adopted in 1967 with the complete reorganization of the a.s.sociation. Functioning committees were formed to create and implement workable plans in the various important areas of activity as Tournament and Ranking, Exhibitions and Clinics, Promotions and Publicity, Finance, National Development, Members.h.i.+p, Referees and Rules, etc. A broad base of energetic lovers of the game, with due respect for tradition, began to think in the present what could be done now to enhance the popularity of the sport, and to plan for the future.

The day of the "one man show," the one athlete-dominated sport was over.

Squash Tennis can and should be played and enjoyed by everyone. And we, of the revitalized National Squash Tennis a.s.sociation plan to do everything necessary to provide you, the present or potential player, the "hacker" or expert, with the kind of organized programs that will encourage you to play Squash Tennis as long as you physically can. Keep in mind that the venerable Mr. Torrance won a tournament match at the age of 82!


Court--Basically the Squash Tennis court is identical in specifications to Squash Racquets; namely 18 1/2 feet wide, 32 feet long, and 16 feet high at the front wall: The ceiling should be at least 18 feet 6 inches high in order to allow for lights. Running along the front wall, 17 inches in height, is the "telltale" made of sheet metal. Hitting the "telltale" is tantamount to hitting a Lawn Tennis ball into the net. The front wall also has the front service line, which is 6 1/2 feet above the floor. On the floor, 10 feet from the backwall, is the floor service line extending parallel to the backwall and across the entire width of the court. A line drawn from the floor service line to the backwall divides the back court into two equal halves. Ideally (but not an absolute necessity) the service line should also extend all the way up to the front wall in order to divide the forecourt in two for service placement. In other words, the service must land in the opponent's half of the court in front of the floor service line and divided by the extension of the center line to the front wall. The service court in Squash Tennis, therefore, is actually 22 feet long, and bounded by the center line, floor service line, side wall and front wall (rather than back wall).

The backwall "out" line is 4 feet 6 inches above the floor, or 2 feet below the present Squash Racquets' backwall out line.

Otherwise the rules in scoring are identical to Squash Racquets, even though the style of play is, as you have noted, quite different. (For a schematic drawing of a Squash Tennis court, see Figure 25 [Dimensional drawing of a Squash Tennis court.].)

Equipment--The green felt covered ball is approximately 2 3/8 inches in diameter, slightly smaller than a standard Lawn Tennis ball but containing higher pressure. It is, therefore, lighter and faster. These Squash Tennis b.a.l.l.s are manufactured for the a.s.sociation by A. G.

Spalding & Bros. They can be bought from any Squash Professional or directly from the National Squash Tennis a.s.sociation for $1.25 each.

Recent manufacturing improvements have extended the length of time you can play with a ball without it wearing out or breaking.

The racquet has the identical size head to a regulation Lawn Tennis frame, but the length, including the handle, should not exceed 26 inches, which is 1 inch shorter and, therefore, somewhat lighter and more wieldable than a standard Tennis racquet. Regular gut or nylon is used for the string. A strong Squash Tennis racquet sells at a compet.i.tive price to a Squash Racquet bat.


1. COURTS The court dimensions, lines, telltale, material, construction, and lights shall be in accordance with the specifications approved by the Executive Committee of the National Squash Tennis a.s.sociation. Existing [American (hardball)] Squash Racquets courts are recognized by the National Squash Tennis a.s.sociation, but a court boundary line across the back wall, 4'6" [1372mm] from the floor, is essential, and a line from the center of the service line forward to the front wall is highly desirable.

2. RACQUET AND BALL The racquet or bat shall have a frame similar in shape to that of a lawn tennis racquet, the length including the handle not to exceed 27 inches [686mm]. The stringing shall be of gut, nylon or other kindred substance, but neither the frame nor the stringing may be of metal.

The ball shall be in accordance with the specification approved by the Executive Committee of the National Squash Tennis a.s.sociation.

3. GAME A game shall be fifteen points; that is, the player scoring fifteen points will win the game, except in the event both players tie (a) at "thirteen all," the player who has first reached the score of thirteen will elect one of the following before proceeding with the game: 1) "set five"--making the game eighteen points, 2) "set three"--making the game sixteen points, 3) "no set"--making the game fifteen points--or b) at "fourteen all," providing the score has not been "thirteen all,"

the player who has first reached fourteen points will elect one of the following before proceeding with the game: 1) "set three"--making the game seventeen points, 2) "no set"--making the game fifteen points.

4. MATCH Matches shall be the best three out of five games.

5. SERVER Before a match begins, it shall be decided by a spin of a racquet by the players as to which player shall serve first. Thereafter, when the server loses a point, his opponent becomes the server. The winner of a game shall serve first at the beginning of the following game.

6. SERVICE The server shall stand behind the service line with both feet on the floor and not touching or straddling the line, and serve the ball against the front wall above the front-wall service line and below the 16-ft. [4877mm] line before it touches any other part of the court, so that it shall drop directly, or off the side wall, into his opponent's court in front of the floor service line without either touching the floor service line or the center line.

If the server does not so serve, it is a fault, and if it be the first fault, the server shall serve again from the same side. If the server makes two consecutive faults, he loses that point.

The server has the option of electing the side from which he shall commence serving and thereafter, until he loses the service, he shall alternate between both sides of the court in serving. If the server serves from the wrong side of court, there shall be no penalty and if the receiver makes no attempt to return the ball the point shall be replayed from the proper court.

When one service fault has been called and play for any reason whatsoever has stopped, when play is resumed the first fault does not stand and the server is ent.i.tled to two services.

7. RETURN OF SERVICE AND SUBSEQUENT PLAY (a) To make a valid return of service the ball must be struck after the first bounce and before the second bounce, and reach the front wall on the fly above the telltale and below the 16-ft. line; in so doing it may touch any wall or walls within the court before or after reaching the front wall, except as in (e), below. A service fault may not be played. If a fair service is not so returned, it shall count as a point for the server and he shall then serve from the other side of the court.

(b) After a valid return of service, each player alternately thereafter shall strike the ball in the same manner as on the return of service, except that it may be volleyed. The player failing to so return the ball shall lose the point.

(c) A ball striking the ceiling or lights or on or above any court boundary line on the fly shall be ruled out of court; if a ball should strike the back wall on or above the 4'6" line after having bounced, it shall continue to be in play. If a ball having bounced should go into the gallery or strike any construction which alters its course, a let shall be called.

(d) If a ball before the second bounce hits the front wall above the telltale for the second time it is still in play.

(e) In an effort to return the ball to the front wall by first hitting to the back wall, the ball may not be played to the back wall unless it has first struck the back wall, and must be so struck as to hit the back wall below the 4'6" line.

(f) A player may not hit a ball twice during a stroke, but, while the ball is still in play, it may be struck at any number of times.

8. LET A "let" is the stopping of play and the playing over of the point.

(a) In all cases, a player requesting a let must make his request before or in the act of hitting the ball. If a let is requested after the ball has been hit, it shall not be granted.

(b) If a player endeavoring to make his play in proper turn is interfered with so as to prevent him from making such play as he would without such interference, or if the striker refrains from striking at the ball because of fear of hitting his opponent, there shall be a let whether the ball has been hit by him or not.

(c) A player shall not be ent.i.tled to a let because his opponent prevents him from seeing the ball, provided his stroke is not interfered with.

(d) If the ball breaks in the course of a point, there shall be a let. If a player thinks the ball has broken while play is in progress, he must nevertheless complete the point and then request a let. The referee shall grant the let only if the ball proves in fact to be broken.

(e) If in the course of a point either player should be interfered with by elements outside their control, there shall be a let.

(f) It shall be the duty of the referee to call a let if, in his opinion, the play warrants it. If a match be played without a referee, the question of a let shall be left to the sportsmans.h.i.+p of the players.

(g) A player hit by a ball still in play loses the point, except that if he be hit by a ball played by his opponent before the ball strikes the front wall above the telltale, then it is a let. If however, a player is. .h.i.t by a ball off his opponent's racquet that is clearly not going to reach the front wall above the telltale, a let will not be allowed and the point shall be given to the player who was. .h.i.t by the ball. However, a player hit by a ball still in play will not lose the point if because of interference a let is called.

9. PLAYER INTERFERENCE Each player must stay out of his opponent's way after he has struck the ball and (a) give his opponent a fair opportunity to get to and/or strike at the ball and (b) allow his opponent to play the ball from any part of the court to any part of the front wall or to either side wall.

10. LET POINT (a) A "let point" may be called by the referee if after adequate warning there is no attempt or evidence of intent on the part of a player to avoid unnecessary interference or unnecessary crowding during his opponent's playing of a point. Even though the player is not actually striking at it, the referee may call a let point. The player interfered with wins the point.

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