The Diary of a Resurrectionist, 1811-1812 Part 11

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_Friday 20th._ Butler got drunk in the morning, the party except him met at Barthol{m}. Me Jack & Ben went to St T{s}. got 4 adt. sent Bill again after Tom to bring the Cart, took them to Barthol{m}. Me Jack & Ben went to Blue Lion got 1 adt. sent Bill to bring Tom with the Cart, took that to Barthol{m}. came over the water got 2 adt. Guys C{b}. & 1 at Tho{s}.

Crib. pack up 4 for Edinbro on the settled our money at home all night.

_Sunday 22nd._ Look{d}. out at St T{s}. B.--L{n}[86]--and Tott{n} at home all night.

_Monday 23rd._ Met at Barth{m}. went to St T{s}. got 3 took them to Wilson, Bill took 1 ad. to Frampton.

_Tuesday 24th._ Went & mov{d}. one of the above to Carpue, got p{d}. came home met at Jack at 5, Bill not at home, did not go out till morning. Jack sold the Canines to Mr. Thomson for 5 Guineas.

_Wednesday 25th._ Met at Jack at 2 p.m. Butler & myself went to the B.

L{n}. got 1 adt. Jack, Ben & Bill went Panc{s}. got 5 adt. & 1 small, took them to Barthol{w}. Removed 3 to Cline, got 2 sets of can{s}.[87]

_Thursday 26th._ Met at Barthol{m}, me & Jack went to Tottenh{m}. got 1 adt. Ben & Bill went to St Ths. D{o} 3 large came home me & Jack got 1 Tottenh{m} Bill & Ben 1 large 2 small.

_Friday 27th._ Met at Plough, went to St T{s}. 6 adt. 1 small. Met the man with the lanthorn[88]: took them Barthol{m}. went to Golden Lane 1 adt. 1 small gave Jack Hutton 1 as a share, took to the above place. 28th._ Met at Barthol. disposed of the above except 1 adt.

opened, 3 small, sent three to Edinboro. Drew up our Account, came home Met at Jack, did not settle, at home all night.

_Sunday 29th._ Went Look out at Blue L{n}. &c did not go out Jack Bill & Tom Drunk the reason as Ben said for not going out.

_Monday 30th._ Settled our Account up to Sat{y}. on hand 1 adt. Op{d}. & Small three; met at Barthol{n}. me Bill & Jack Hutton went to B. Lyon got 1 adt. got up at four in the morning Tuesday, Butler Bill & me brought the above to St Thos'.


_Tuesday 1st._ Met at Tottenham Court Road had a dispute in St. Ts Crib.

Came home did not do anything. came to the Rockingham Arms, got Drunk

_Wednesday 2nd._ Met at Vickers rectify{d}. our last account, the party sent out me & Ben to St Thos. C{b}. got 1 adt., Bill & Jack Guys Crib 2 adt but one of them opd. Butler look out for us, took them to St. Thos.

came home Met at St Thos., me & Jack went to Tott{m}. got 4 adts Ben & Bill got ad/6 s/1 f/1. at Pancra.s.s took Totten{m} to Wilson, Pan{s}. to Barthol.[89]

_Thursday 3rd._ Met at Wind{ll}. St. disposed of 2 of the above to Wilson, went to Barthol{w}. came home for the night.

_Friday 4th._ Met at Vickers pack{d}. up one for Shute, afterwards went to St Thos. got 6 adt. took them to Barth{m}. left Ben & Jack Hutton to pack up for Edinbro, afterwards Jack me & Bill went to Tott{m}. got 3 adt. took them to Barthol{m}. 5th._ Remain'd at Barth{m}. packing up for Edinboro, sent 12 to the wharf for the above place, at home all night.

_The following list contains some of the chief sources of information on the history of the Resurrectionists._

SMITH, SOUTHWOOD. "Use of the Dead to the Living." _Westminster Review_, ii., 1824, p. 59.

This was afterwards reprinted as a pamphlet. One of the editions was issued with the t.i.tle of _Body-s.n.a.t.c.hing_.

MACKENZIE, W. _An Appeal to the Public and to the Legislature, on the necessity of affording dead bodies to the Schools of Anatomy by legislative enactment_. 8vo. Glasgow, 1824.

GREEN, JOSEPH HENRY. _A letter to Sir Astley Cooper, on certain proceedings connected with the establishment of an Anatomical Surgical School at Guy's Hospital_. 8vo. London, 1825.

"On the Pleasures of Body-s.n.a.t.c.hing." _Monthly Mag._, iii., 1827, p. 355.

_Report from the Select Committee [House of Commons] on Anatomy_. Fol., London, 1828.

This is, perhaps, the best source of information respecting the Resurrectionists. Many important doc.u.ments are printed in this volume, in addition to the evidence and the report.

"Importance of Dissection in Anatomy." _Westminster Review_, x., 1828, p.


_An Address to the members of both Houses of Parliament, on the legislative measures necessary for providing an adequate supply of human bodies for the purpose of anatomical instruction. [By a friend of science and of man.]_ 8vo. Bath. n.d.

The debates in the Houses of Parliament on the Anatomy Bills will be found in _Hansard_.

There is also much information in the pages of the _Lancet_ for the period during which the Bills were before Parliament. Mr. Wakley, the editor, took a great interest in the question, and wrote many vigorous articles, pointing out defects in the Bills whilst they were under discussion.

"Supply of Subjects for Anatomy." _London Mag._, xxiii., 1829, p. 121.

Article in _Blackwood_ for March, 1829, by "Christopher North," on "Robert Knox."

_The Trial of Bishop, Williams, and May, at the Old Bailey, December 2nd, 1831, for the murder of the Italian Boy_. 8vo. London, 1831.

There were many Reports of this trial published, both as broadsides and as pamphlets.

"Regulation of Anatomy." _Westminster Review_, xvi., 1831, p. 482.

"Obstructions to Science of Anatomy." _Monthly Review_, cxxvii., 1831, p.


HANSON, N. _A Letter addressed to the Government and the Royal College of Surgeons, founded on the diabolical and horrible practice of Burking; setting forth the necessity of placing Anatomical Schools on a different footing_. 8vo. London, 1831.

GUTHRIE, G. J. _Remarks on the Anatomy Bill now before Parliament, in a letter addressed to the Right Hon. the Lord Althorp_. 8vo. London, 1832.

_An Act for regulating Schools of Anatomy_ (2 and 3 Guil. IV. cap. 75).

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