Leaves of Life Part 84

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May I reach for the highest purposes as I search for the realities, and may I not delay, but start to-day. Amen.


Dean (Jonathan) Swift died 1745.

Leigh Hunt born 1784.

Henry Kirke White died 1806.

Don't look too hard except for something agreeable; we can find all the disagreeable things we want, between our own hats and boots.

--Leigh Hunt.

Instead of a gem or a flower, cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend.

--George Macdonald.

For the want of common discretion the very end of good breeding is wholly perverted; and civility, intended to make us easy, is employed in laying chains and fetters upon us, in debarring our wishes, and in crossing our most reasonable desires and inclinations.

--Jonathan Swift.

If it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.

--Romans 12. 18.

My Lord, help me to adjust my life to what I ought to be, rather than be content in what I am. May I not spend my time in dreaming of obstacles, or searching for things that hurt, but may I be gentle and kind, and as I see the truth speak for it and follow it. Amen.


Sir Christopher Wren born 1632.

Thomas Hughes born 1823.

Charles Dudley Warner died 1900.

There has always seemed to me something impious in the neglect of health. I could not do half the good I do if it were not for the strength and activity some consider coa.r.s.e and degrading.

--Charles Kingsley.

To keep well drink often, but water; Eat not that which makes life shorter; But first, with all your might and skill, Just chain your habits to your will.


I will be lord over myself. No one who cannot master himself is worthy to rule, and only he can rule.


Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have from G.o.d?

--1 Corinthians 6. 19.

Lord G.o.d, may I not wait until I am afflicted and cannot use them to thank thee for my blessings. Guard me against infirmities that are brought on through indulgences, and help me to control my life. May I never forget that regret will not retrieve the life that is spent, even if it brings forgiveness and hope for the days to come. Amen.


Samuel Taylor Coleridge born 1772.

Alphonse Lamartine born 1790.

Samuel F. Smith born 1808.

Will Carleton born 1845.

He prayeth best who loveth best All things both great and small; For the dear G.o.d who loveth us, He made and loveth all.

--Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

We thank thee, O Father, for all that is bright-- The gleam of the day and the stars of the night, The flowers of our youth and the fruits of our prime, And the blessings that march down the pathway of time.

--Will Carleton.

Thanklessness is a parching wind, drying up the fountain of pity, the dew of mercy, the streams of grace. For doth not that rightly seem to be lost which is given to one ungrateful?

--Saint Bernard.

O give thanks unto Jehovah; for he is good; For his lovingkindness endureth for ever.

--Psalm 136. 1.

My Father, help me to understand that I cannot have self-development unless the spirit of truth drills my character. Cleanse my heart from all impurity, and strengthen me for all usefulness: help me to daily live this prayer. Amen.


Charles Martel died 741.

Franz Liszt born 1811.

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