Leaves of Life Part 61

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Leave off, ye simple ones, and live; And walk in the way of understanding.

--Proverbs 9. 6.

G.o.d of love, may I come quickly to thee, when I am in need of protection and sympathy. Guard me against sorrow that is drawn from the imagination. May I not allow grief to drag me into misery, but with strength and courage may I find happiness in thy daily will.



John Conybeare died 1775.

John Ericsson born 1803.

Paul B. Du Chaillu born 1835.

Phoebe Cary died 1871.

Be wise to-day; 'tis madness to defer; Next day the fatal precedent will plead; Thus on, till wisdom is pushed out of life.

Procrastination is the thief of time; Year after year it steals, till all are fled, And to the mercies of a moment leaves The vast concerns of an eternal scene.

--Dr. Edward Young.

O, my friend, rise up and follow Where the hand of G.o.d shall lead; He has brought thee through affliction, But to fit thee for his need.

--Mary Howitt.

For he is our G.o.d, And we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.

To-day, O that ye would hear his voice!

Harden not your heart.

--Psalm 95. 7, 8.

Lord G.o.d, I come to thee for help, that I may make more of my life.

Steady me, that I may know its value without wavering, and the loss it sustains from wasted days. I pray that I may live more in thy commandments, and with my work accept the joy of thy love. Amen.


Flame-like, the long midday, With not so much of sweet air as hath stirred The down upon the spray, Where nests the panting bird, Dozing away the hot and tedious noon, With fitful twitter, sadly out of tune.

Pleasantly comest thou, Dew of the evening, to the crisped-up gra.s.s; And the curled corn-blades bow, As the light breezes pa.s.s, That their parched lips may feel thee, and expand, Thou sweet reviver of the fevered land.

So, to the thirsting soul, Cometh the dew of the Almighty's love; And the scathed heart, made whole, Turneth in joy above, To where the spirit freely may expand, And rove, untrammeled, in that "better land."

--William D. Gallagher.


Andrew Melville born 1545.

Richard Henry Dana, Jr., born 1815.

Maria Mitch.e.l.l born 1818.

Am I wrong to be always so happy? This world is full of grief; Yet there is laughter of suns.h.i.+ne, to see the crisp green on the leaf, Daylight is ringing with song-birds, and brooklets are crooning at night; And why should I make a shadow when G.o.d makes all so bright?

Earth may be wicked and weary, yet cannot I help being glad!

There is suns.h.i.+ne without and within me, and how should I mope or be sad?

G.o.d would not flood me with blessings, meaning me only to pine Amid all the bounties and beauties he pours upon me and mine; Therefore I will be grateful, and therefore will I rejoice; My heart is singing within me; sing on, O heart and voice.

--Walter C. Smith.

Rejoice always.

--1 Thessalonians 5. 16.

Gracious Father, my soul floods with joy for the blessings of life.

May it be my privilege to be happy in them. Help me not to ask thee for anything which will cause loss to another; may I not delight in a lonely view, but as I see thy glory bring others to the vision also.



Thomas Gainsborough died 1788.

Elisha Gray born 1835.

Marion Crawford born 1854.

William Watson born 1859.

The Holy Supper is kept, indeed, In whatso we share with another's need; Not what we give, but what we share, For the gift without the giver is bare; Who gives himself with his alms feeds three, Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me.

--James Russell Lowell.

And when o'er storm and jar I climb, Beyond life's atmosphere, I shall behold the lord of time And s.p.a.ce--of world and year.

O vain, far quest! not thus my heart Shall ever find its goal!

I turn me home--and there thou art, My Father, in my soul.

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