International Language -
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al = to.
ali-a = other.
almenau = at least.
alt-a = high.
am-i = to love.
amas-o = crowd, ma.s.s.
ankau = also.
ankorau = still.
anstatau = instead of.
-ant = present participle active.
antau = before (time and place).
apart-a = special.
apud = at.
-ar = suffix denoting a collection.
arb-o = tree.
-as = ending of present tense.
aud-i = to hear.
= B =
baldau = soon.
bed-o = flower bed.
bel-a = fine, beautiful.
bezon-o = need.
blank-a = white.
bon-a = good.
bord-o = edge, sh.o.r.e.
bril-i = to s.h.i.+ne.
burgon-o = bud.
= C =
cel-o = object, aim.
cerb-o = brain.
cert-a = certain.
= C =
cagren-o = trouble.
car = for, because.
ce = at.
ces-i = to cease.
ci = added to demonstrative _tiu_, expresses nearer connexion: _tiu_ = that; _tiu ci_ = this.
ciam = always.
cie = everywhere.
cirkau = around.
ciu = all, each, every.
cu = interrogative particle.
= D =
da = used after words of quant.i.ty: Ex. _multe da vino_, much wine.
daur-i = to last, continue.
de = of, from, by (with pa.s.sive).
des = comparative particle; _ju...des_, the...the: Ex. _ju pli des pli bone_, the more the better.
dev-i = to owe, to be obliged to.
deviz-o = device, motto.
difekt-i = to spoil.
dir-i = to say.
dom-o = house.
don-i = to give.
du = two.
dub-i = to doubt.
dum = whilst.
= E =
-e = ending of adverbs.
eben-a = flat, level.
-ebl = suffix denoting possibility.
-ec = suffix denoting abstract quality: _bon-ec-o_, goodness.
ec = even.
edz-(in)-o = husband (wife).
-eg = suffix denoting great size.
-ej = suffix denoting place.
ek- = prefix denoting beginning.
ekster = outside.
el = out of.
-em = suffix denoting propensity.
en = in.
entrepren-i = to undertake.
enu-i = to weary, bore.
esper-i = to hope.
Esperant-o = Esperanto.
est-i = to be.
-et = suffix denoting little.
etend-i = to stretch.
= F =
facil-a = easy.
fajr-o = fire.
fakt-o = fact.
far-i = to do.
fenestr-o = window.
ferm-i = to shut.
fil-o = son.
fin-o = end.
flank-o = side.
fleg-i = tend.