International Language Part 25

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_-an_ denotes an inhabitant, member, or partisan: _urbano_ = a town-dweller; _Kristano_ = a Christian.

_-ar_ denotes a collection: _vortaro_ = a dictionary; _arbaro_ = a forest; _homaro_ = mankind.

_-cj_ denotes masculine affectionate diminutives: _pacjo_ = daddy; _Arcjo_ = Archie.

_-ebl_ denotes possibility: _kredebla_ = credible.

_-ec_ denotes abstract quality: _boneco_ = goodness.

_-eg_ denotes great size or intensity: _grandega_ = enormous; _varmega_ = intensely hot.

_-ej_ denotes place: _lernejo_ = a learn-place, a school.

_-em_ denotes propensity to: _lernema_ = studious; _kredema_ = credulous.

_-er_ denotes one out of many, or a unit of a ma.s.s: _sablero_ = a grain of sand; _fajrero_ = a spark.

_-estr_ denotes a chief or leader: _lernejestro_ = a head master.

_-et_ denotes diminution: _infaneto_ = a little child; _varmeta_ = warmish.

_-id_ denotes the young of, descendant of: _bovido_ = a calf.

_-ig_ denotes causation: _bonigi_, _plibonigi_ = to make good, to improve; _mortigi_ = to kill; _venigi_ = to cause to come, to send for.

_-ig_ denotes becoming, and has a pa.s.sive signification: _sanigi_, _resanigi_ = to get well (again); _paligi_ = to grow pale; _trovigi_ = to be found, occur.

_-il_ denotes an instrument: _razilo_ = a razor.

_-in_ denotes feminine: _patrino_ = mother; _bovino_ = cow.

_-ind_ denotes worthiness: _laudinda_ = laudable, praiseworthy.

_-ing_ denotes a holder: _kandelingo_ = a candlestick; _glavingo_ = scabbard.

_-ist_ denotes profession or occupation; _maristo_ = a sailor; _bonfaristo_ = a benefactor.

_-nj_ denotes feminine affectionate diminutives: _Manjo_ = Polly; _patrinjo_ (or _panjo_) = mamma.

_-uj_ denotes containing or producing: _inkujo_ = inkpot; _Anglujo_ = England.

_-ul_ denotes characteristic: _timulo_ = a coward: _avarulo_ = a miser.

[The suffix _-ac_ (not in the _Fundamento_) is coming into use as a pejorative (= Italian _-accio_): _ridi_ = to laugh; _ridaci_ = to grin, sneer.]





PERSON* tiu kiu neniu ciu iu that who, no one every, all, some, which every one some one

THING* tio kio nenio cio io that what, nothing everything something (thing) which

QUALITY tia kia nenia cia ia that kind what kind no, each, every any, some of a of a no kind of kind of kind of

TIME tiam kiam neniam ciam iam then when never always ever, at some time

PLACE tie kie nenie cie ie there where nowhere everywhere somewhere

MANNER tiel kiel neniel ciel iel thus, so how in no way in every way in some way, somehow

MOTIVE tial kial nenial cial ial therefore why for no for all for some reason reasons reasons

QUANt.i.tY tiom kiom neniom ciom iom so/as much how much none the whole somewhat, so/as many how many amount a certain amount

POSSESSION ties kies nenies cies ies of that whose, n.o.body's everybody's somebody's of which

In the demonstrative column, to express "this" instead of "that,"

add _ci_.

*N.B.-_Tiu_, _kiu_, etc., are used in agreement with a noun expressed, even when it does not represent a person.

Ex. _Tiu libro, kiun mi legis_ = that book which I read. _Tiuj ci floroj_ = these flowers.

_Tio_, _kio_, etc., are used when there is no noun, so that they stand alone.

Ex. _Tio estas vera_ = that is true; _kion vi diris?_ = what did you say? _Tio ci estas pli granda ol tio_ = this is bigger than that.

N.B.-In memorizing the above, it is well to remember that _t_ = demonstrative, _k_ = relative-interrogative, _c_ = distributive, _i_ = indefinite, _nen_ = negative.



= A =

-a = termination of adjectives.

acet-i = to buy.

-ad = suffix denoting continued action.

aer-o = air.

ag-i = to act.

-aj = suffix denoting concrete substance.

ajn = (what)ever; _kiu ajn_, whoever.

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