Api di Bukit Menoreh Chapter 3

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Api di Bukit Menoreh Book 01 – Chapter 03

Untara suddenly lifted his head, he murmured. " Why dont you going with me." But he was himself in doubt. What if in the road there is danger and his little brother get an injury, then the whole family will put blame on him, especially his uncle and aunt in Banyu Asri.

Agung sedayu look at his brother gloomy face. He dont understand why his brother, in the dark of night and dense rain, forced himself to go to Sangkal Putung. When he thinking about it, his brother said ” what about it Sedayu, you stay at home or leave with me? ”

” Both of them is bad choice. ” answer Sedayu.

” You must must make a choice.”  reply Untara who finaly cannot find another way. because the safety of the Widura troops weighed in his mind, and that is his reponspilty.

” What if on the journey we meet them? ”  inqure Sedayu.

” The same possibility with they come in here. ” answer his brother.

Agung Sedayu not asking anymore. When his brother stand up and take his keris from glodog beside his bed, he also got up. He corrected his clothing, and then he drank a water sere from bambo bowl with trembeling lips. And yett his heart cannot be relaxed.

” Take your keris” command his brother.

Sedayu became more uneasy, still with his s.h.i.+vering hand he insert his keris in his left waist.


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