An Experimental Translocation of the Eastern Timber Wolf Part 4

An Experimental Translocation of the Eastern Timber Wolf -

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July 15} Bears are baited at the dump by local citizens and July 20} tourists (T51N-R27W-Sec 16) July 31} Aug. 6 } Aug. 13}

Aug. 16 Back in Huron Mountain area between Conway and Ives Lakes. 5:35 p.m. (EDT) (T52N-R28W-Sec 35)

Aug. 27 Returned to Big Bay dump, 11:10 a.m. (EDT) (T51N-R27W-Sec 16)

Aug. 30 Huron Mountain area, 8:45 a.m. (EDT) (T49N-R28W-Sec 9)

Sept. 2 Left Huron Mountain area for last time. Located on Yellow Dog Plains, 8:45 a.m. (EDT) (T50N-R28W-Sec 13)

Sept. 5 Near Silver Lake, 8:45 a.m. (EDT). Begins rambling move westward out of established range (T49N-R28W-Sec 17)

Sept. 15 Tracked on ground on Mulligan Plains, 4:45 p.m.

(EDT) (T49N-R28W-Sec 9)

Oct. 22 Farthest west, 22 miles (35.4 km) west of Silver Lake. Begins rambling return east.

Nov. 16 Killed mile (0.8 km) south of Van Riper Lake, 5.4 miles (8.4 km) north of Champion (T49N-R30W-Sec 36)

_Table 6. Significant events in history of Wolves No. 11, 12 and 13_

Date Event

March 12 Wolves released in Huron Mountain area (T52N-R28W-Sec 20)

March 18 Two wolves reported seen near Ravine River, Skanee area, the smaller one limping (T51N-R31W-Sec 2)

March 19 First aerial fix of the three wolves in the same location (T52N-R31W-Sec 36)

March 20 Wolves reported howling about 2 miles (3.2 km) east of Arvon Tower, 10 miles (16 km) south of Skanee (T50N-R31W-Sec 4)

March 22 Wolves dug up five discarded doe and fawn heads and 27 deer legs near Laws Lake (T50N-R32W-Sec 18)

March 22 Wolves reported crossing highway north of Herman, 4 miles (6.4 km) southeast of L'Anse, 8:30 a.m.

(EDT) (T50N-R33W)

March 25 Wolves reported in Pelkie area 6 miles (9.6 km) east of Baraga by DNR officer, 8:30 a.m. (EDT) (T51N-R34W-Sec 27SW)

March 25 Wolves crossed road 2.5 miles (4 km) north of Pelkie near Otter River 11:00 a.m. (EDT) 5 miles (8 km) southwest of Otter Lake (T51N-R34W-Sec 5)

March 25 Wolves reported seen crossing Highway M26, 2 miles (3.2 km) north of Twin Lakes 7:30 a.m. (EDT) (T52N-R38W-Sec 12)

March 26 Wolves reported seen by logger during most of morning 9:00-11:00 a.m. (EDT), 4 miles (6.4 km) south of Houghton, (T54N-R35W-Sec 14)

March 26 Wolves crossed Highway M26 south of Atlantic, 4:30 p.m. (EDT), (T54N-R34W-Sec 16)

March 26 Wolves sighted from aircraft, eating garbage from cutting crew, 4:20 p.m. (EDT) (T54N-R34W-Sec 9NE)

March 29 Wolves reported being chased away from house by dog, had been feeding on discarded cow head 150 feet (45.7 m) from house near Otter Lake (T52N-R33W-Sec 5)

March 31 Wolves sighted in Otter Lake area (T52N-R33W-Sec 5)

April 2 First confirmed wolf-killed deer, Arnheim area about 10 miles (16 km) north of Baraga (T52N-R33W-Sec 11)

April 5 Wolves reported seen at 9:00 a.m. (EDT) on county road 5 miles (8 km) southwest of Otter Lake, small wolf reported as appearing fat (T53N-R35W-Sec 36)

April 8 Wolves dug up old deer carca.s.s about 150 feet (45.7 m) from house near Nisula (T50N-R36W-Sec 4)

April 10 Wolves reported seen by logger in Nisula area (T50N-R36W-Sec 5)

April 13 One wolf sighted crossing Highway M28 in morning between Kenton and Sidnaw

April 15 Wolves killed deer near Kenton (T47N-R36W-Sec 8)

April 18 Observed the three wolves from the tracking aircraft swim the East Branch of Ontonagon River, southeast of Kenton (T47N-R37W-Sec 7)

May 2 No. 13 split from other two wolves; found in northwest Ontonagon County (T51N-R32W-Sec 21)

May 7 All wolves back in Iron County for the second time, not known to leave until July 15

May 7 Forest service crew reported seeing the wolves and tracking aircraft north of Gibbs City near old deer carca.s.s (T45N-R35W-Sec 26)

May 15 Loggers reported six wolves (one with collar) (T54N-R37W-Sec 33)--Probably saw the collared wolves twice

May 16 Confirmation from aerial location that the three wolves had reunited south of Mallard Lake after May 2 split

June 19 No. 13 again separated from No. 11 and 12

July 11 Wolf No. 12 found dead, killed by automobile just before July 6, north of Amasa (T45N-R33W-Sec 17)

July 15 Wolf No. 11 moved out of Iron County for the first time since May 7, found north of Kenton (T49N-R38W-Sec 31)

July 20 Wolf No. 13 found dead from gunshot, south of Sagola, last previous location (June 27) at same location where No. 12 killed by automobile (T52N-R30W-Sec 5)

Aug. 6 Wolf No. 11 located near Wisconsin border, miles (1.2 km) east of Lac Vieux Desert, 10:15 a.m. (EDT) (T43N-R38W-Sec 9)

Aug. 13 Wolf No. 11 located 1.5 miles (2.4 km) southeast of Ewen 25 miles (40.5 km) north of Lac Vieux Desert, 10:10 a.m. (EDT) (T46N-R40W-Sec 36)

Aug. 28 No locations since Aug. 13. Wolf No. 11 back in Marquette County .25 miles (0.4 km) south of Squaw Lake, a 60-mile (96.5 km) move eastward (T45N-R30W-Sec 21)

Sept. 20 No. 11 trapped and shot on Floodwood Plaine 3.1 miles (5.0 km) south of Witch Lake (T44N-R24W-Sec 11)

Habitat Use

The relative percentages of various habitats in which the translocated wolves were found during aerial locations (Table 7) did not indicate a preference for any particular habitat type. Evidently the animals chose their travel routes and ranges on some basis other than forest habitat, or at least habitat was not of any overriding importance in their movements.

_Table 7. Habitat types in which the released wolves were located_

-------------------------------------------------------- No. of Percent Percent Habitat Locations of Total Available[12]

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