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BANC, _a bank or raised place_--bank, banker, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bench, embankment.
BEACNIAN, _to beckon_--beck, beckon, beacon.
BELLAN, _to roar_--bawl, bellow.
BEORGAN, _to protect_--borough, borrow, burgh, burglar, burrow, harbinger, harbor, berth.
BEORHT, _bright_--bright.
BERAN, _to bear, to bring forth_--barrow, bear, bier, birth.
BIDAN, _to wait_--abide.
BIDDAN, _to pray_, _to bid_--bid, bidding, bead, beadsman, beadle, forbid, unbidden.
BINDAN, _to bind_--band, bond, bondage, bundle.
BLaeC, _pale_--bleach, bleacher, bleak, bleakness.
BLAWAN, _to blow_--blade, bladder, blast, blaze, blazon, blister, blossom, blow, blush, bl.u.s.ter.
BLETSIAN, _to bless_--bless, blessing.
BRaD, _broad_--broad, breadth, board, aboard.
BReCAN, _to break_--bray (_to pound_), breach, breaker, breakfast, brink, broken.
BREOST, _the breast_--breast, breastplate, breastwork, abreast.
BREoWAN, _to brew_--brew, brewer, brewery.
BRUCAN, _to use_--broker, brokerage, brook (_to endure_).
BUAN, _to cultivate_--boor, boorish, neighbor, neighborhood.
BUGAN, _to bow or bend_--bay, bight, bough, bow, buxom, elbow.
BYLDAN, _to design_, _to make_--build, builder, building.
BYRNAN, _to burn_--brand, brandish, brandy, brimstone, brown, brunt, auburn, firebrand.
CaeLAN, _to cool_--chill, chilblain.
CEAPIAN, _to buy_--cheap, cheapen, cheapness, chaffer, chapman.
CeNNAN, _to produce_--kin, kind, kindness, kindred, akin, mankind.
CEORL, _a churl_--carle, churlish.
CLaeNE, _clean_--clean, cleanly, cleanliness, cleanse, unclean.
CLaTH, _cloth_--clothe, clothier, clothing, clad, unclad.
CLEoFAN, _to cleave_; CLIFIAN, _to adhere_--cleaver, cliff, clover, club.
CNAFA, _a boy_--knave, knavery.
CNaWAN, _to know_--knowledge, acknowledge, foreknow, unknown.
CNYLL, _a loud noise_--knell.
CNYTTAN, _to knit_--knitting, knot, knotty, net, network.
CRACIAN, _to crack_; CEARCIAN, _to creak_--crack, crackle, creak, cricket, croak, screech, shriek.
c.u.mAN, _to come_--comely, comeliness, become, overcome, welcome.
CUNNAN, _to know_, _to be powerful_--can, con, cunning, keen.
CWELLAN, _to slay_--kill, quell.
DaeG, _a day_--dawn, daylight, day-star, daisy = day's eye.
D?L, _a part_--deal, dole, ordeal.
DeMAN, _to think_--deem.
DEOR, _a wild animal_--deer.
DEORE, _dusky or black_--dark, darken, darkly, darkness.
DIC, _a d.y.k.e_--dig, ditch, ditcher.
DISC, _a plate_--desk, disc, dish.
DoM, _judgment_--doom, doomsday.
DoN, _to do_--doer, deed, undo.
DRAGAN, _to draw_--drag, draggle, drain, draught, draughtsman, draw, dray.
DRIFAN, _to drive_--drift, driver, drove.
DRIGAN, _to dry_--drysalter, drought, drug (originally _dried plants_), druggist.
DRINCAN, _to suck in_--drench, drink, drunk, drunkard, drunken.
DRYPAN, _to drip or drop_--drip, drop, droop, dribble, drivel.
DWINAN, _to pine_--dwindle, dwine.
DYN, _a noise_--din, dun.
EAGE, _the eye_--eye, eyeball, eye-bright, eyelid.
EALD, _old_--alderman, earl.
EFEN, _just_--even, evenness.
ERIAN, _to plough_, _to ear_--earth, earthy, earthquake.
FAEGER, _bright_--fair, fairness.
FaER, _fear_--fearful, fearless.
FARAN, _to go_--fare, farewell, ferry, ford, seafaring, wayfarer.
FEDAN, _to feed_--feed, feeder, fodder, food, father, fatherly.
FEOND, _an enemy_--fiend, fiendish.
FLEoGAN, _to fly_--flag, flake, fledge, flee, flicker, flight.
FLEoTAN, _to float_--float, fleet.
FLoWAN, _to flow_--flood, flow.
FOLGIAN, _to go after_--follow.
FoN, _to seize _--fang, finger.
FoT, _the foot_--foot, fetter, fetlock.
FREoN, _to love_--free, freedom, friend, friends.h.i.+p.
FRETAN, _to gnaw_--fret, fretful.
FUGEL, _a bird_--fowl, fowler, fowling-piece.
FuL, _unclean_--filth, filthy, foul, fulsome.
FULLIAN, _to whiten_--full (_to scour and thicken cloth in a mill_), fuller, fuller's-earth.
FR, _fire_--fiery, fireworks, bonfire.
GABBAN, _to mock_--gabble, gibe, gibberish, jabber.
GALAN, _to sing_--nightingale.
GANGAN, _to go_--gang, gangway.
GaST, _a ghost_--gas, ghastly, ghost, ghostly, aghast.
GEARD, _an enclosure _--garden, orchard, yard.
GEOTAN, _to pour_--gush, gut.
GEREFA, _a governor_--grieve (_an overseer_), sheriff, sheriffdom.
GETAN, _to get_--get, beget, begotten, forget, forgetful.
GIFAN, _to give_--give, gift, forgive, forgiveness, misgive, unforgiven.
GLOWAN, _to glow_--glow, glowing.
G.o.d, _good_--gospel, gossip.
GRaeS, _gra.s.s_--gra.s.s, graze, grazier.
GRAFAN, _to dig_--grave, graver, graft, groove, grove, grub, engrave.
GRAPIAN, _to grapple_; GRiPAN, _to gripe_; GROPIAN, _to grope_--grapple, grapnel, gripe, grope, group, grovel.
GREOT, _dust_--gritty, groats.
GRoWAN, _to grow_--grow, growth.
GRuND, _the ground_--ground, groundless, groundsel, groundwork.
HABBAN, _to have_--have, haft, behave, behavior, misbehave.
HaeGE, _a hedge_--haw, hawthorn.
HaeL, _sound_, _whole_--hail, hale, heal, health, healthful, healthy, holy, holiness, whole, wholesome.
HaM, _a dwelling_--hamlet, home, homely, homeliness.