New Word-Analysis Part 35

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living in _both_ land and water.

ana- = _back_, ana-logy reasoning _back_.

_throughout_ ana-lysis loosening _throughout_.

anti- = _against_; anti-pathy a feeling _against_.

ant- _opposite_ ant-arctic _opposite_ the Arctic.

apo- = _away_; apo-stle one sent _out_.

ap- _out_ ap-helion _away_ from the sun.

cata- = _down_ or cata-ract a rus.h.i.+ng _down_.

cat- _against_ cat-arrh a flowing _down_.

dia- = _through_ or dia-meter measure _through_ the _across_ dia-logue center.

speaking _across_ (from one another).

dis- = _two_, dis-syllable word of _two_ syllables.

di- _double_ di-lemma a _double_ a.s.sumption.

dys- = _ill_ dys-pepsia _ill_ digestion.

ec- = _out of_ ec-centric _out of_ the center.

ex- ex-odies an _outgoing_.

Note--EX- is used before a root beginning with a vowel.

en- = _in_ or en-ergy power _in_ one.

em- _on_ em-phasis stress _on_.

epi- = _upon_; epi-dermis skin _upon_ skin.

ep- _for_ ep-hemeral lasting _for_ a day.

Note--EP- is used before a root beginning with a vowel or a _h_ aspirate

eu- = _well_ or eu-phonic sounding _well_.

ev- _good_ ev-angel _good_ news.

hemi- = _half_ hemi-sphere _half_ a sphere

hyper- = _over_ or hyper-critical _over_-critical.

_beyond_ hyper-borean _beyond_ the North.

hypo- = _under_ hypo-thesis a placing _under_ (= Lat.


meta- = _beyond_; meta-physics science _beyond_ physics.

met- _transference_ met-onymy _transference_ of name.

para- = _by the_ par-helion mock sun _by the side of_ par- _side of_ the real.

peri- = around peri-meter the measure _around_ anything.

pro- = before pro-gramme something written _before_.

pros- = to pros-elyte one coming _to_ a new religion.

syn- _with_ syn-thesis placing _together_.

sy- = or sy-stem part _with_ part.

syl- _together_ syl-lable letters taken _together_.

sym- sym-pathy feeling _together_.

NOTE.--The form SY- is used before _s_; SYL- before _l_, SYM- before _b, p_ or _m_.


? a a _Alpha._ ? * b _Beta._ G ? g _Gamma._ ? d d _Delta._ ? e e as in _met_ _Epsilon._ ? ? z _Zeta._ ? ? e as in _me_ _Eta._ T ? * th _Theta._ ? ? i _Iota_ ? ? k _Kappa._ ? ? l _Lambda._ ? m _Mu._ ? ? n _Nu._ ? ? x _Xi._ ? ? o as in _not_ _Omicron._ ? p * p _Pi_ ? ? r _Rho._ S ?, ? final s _Sigma._ ? t t _Tau._ ? ? u, or y _Upsilon._ F f ph _Phi._ ? ? ch _Chi._ ? ? ps _Psi._ O ? o as in _no_ _Omega._

p.r.o.nunciation of Greek Words.

_Gamma_ has always the hard sound of _g_, as in _give_.

_Kappa_ is represented by _c_ in English words, although in Greek it has but one sound, that of our _k_.

_Upsilon_ is represented by _y_ in English words; in Greek it has always the sound of _u_ in mute.

_Chi_ is represented in English by _ch_ having the sound of _k_; as in _chronic_.

In Greek words, as in Latin, there are always as many syllables as there are vowels and diphthongs.

An inverted comma placed over a letter denotes that the sound of our _h_ precedes that letter.



1. A'ER (a??), _the air_.

A'ERATE, _to combine with air; to mix with carbonic acid_.

A-E'RIAL, _belonging to the air_.

A'ERIFORM, _having the form of air_.

A'EROLITE (Gr. n. _lith'os_, a stone), _a meteoric stone_.

A'ERONAUT (Gr. n. _nau'tes_, a sailor), _a balloonist_.

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