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157. PA'TI: pa'tior, pas'sus, _to bear, to suffer_.
PATI: pa'tient; pa'tience; impa'tient; compat'ible, _consistent with_; compat'ibility; incompat'ible.
Pa.s.s: pas'sion, _strong agitation of the mind_; pas'sive; impas'sive, _insensible_; compas'sion, _sympathy_; compas'sionate.
158. PEL'LERE; pel'lo, pul'sum, _to drive_.
PEL (com-, dis-, ex-, im-, pro-, re-).
PULS: pulse, _the beating of an artery as blood is driven through it_; pul'sate; pulsa'tion; compul'sion; compul'sory; expul'sion; propul'sion; repulse'; repul'sive.
159. PENDE'RE; pen'deo, pen'sum, _to hang_.
PEND: pen'dant, _a long, narrow flag_; pend'ing, _not decided, during_; append'; append'age; depend' (-ant, -ent, -ence); independ'ent; independ'ence; suspend'.
PENS: pen'sile, _hanging_; suspense'(-ion).
Pen'dulous (Lat. adj. _pen'dulus_, hanging); pen'dulum (Lat. adj.
_pen'dulus)_; appen'dix (Lat. n. _appen'dix_, an addition).
160. PEN'DERE: pen'do, pen'sum, _to weigh, to pay_.
PEND: com'pend (contraction of compendium); compen'dium (Lat. n.
_compen'dium_, that which is weighed, saved, shortened); compen'dious (Lat. adj. _compendio'sus_, brief, succinct); expend'; expen'diture; sti'pend (Lat. n. _stipen'dium_, literally, the pay of soldiers); stipendiary.
PENS: pen'sive, _thoughtful_; pen'sion, _an allowance for past services_ (-eer); com'pensate (-ion); dispense', _to deal out_ (-ary); dispensa'tion; indispen'sable; expense' (-ive); rec'ompense.
PES. (See page 47.)
161. PET'ERE: pe'to, peti'tum, _to attack, to seek_.
PET: centrip'etal (Lat. n. _cen'trum_, center); compete'; com'petent, _fit, suitable_; com'petence, _sufficiency_; incom'petent.
PEt.i.t: peti'tion, _a request_ (-er); compet'itor; compet'itive; repeti'tion.
Pet'ulant (Fr. adj. _petulant_, fretful); ap'pet.i.te (Fr. n. _appet.i.t_), _a seeking for hunger_; impet'uous (Lat. adj. _impetuo'sus_, vehement); impetuos'ity; im'petus (Lat. n. _im'petus_, a shock); repeat' (Fr. v.
_repeter_ = Lat. _repet'ere_).
_Numerous objections_ were _submitted_ against the _innovations_ about to be _introduced_. The _obnoxious_ articles have been _removed_. The _nominee_ by his _ludicrous_ speech _neutralized_ all that his friends did for him. _Part_ of the _apparatus prepared_ for the _occasion_ was damaged in _transmission_. The _patronage_ of the _n.o.bility_ and _gentry connected_ with the neighborhood was asked. Many _parts_ of the _edifice_ are highly _ornate_. Christ had _compa.s.sion_ on the _mult.i.tude_, for they had been a long time without food. The _pet.i.tioner's application_ for a _pension_ was not _repeated_. How can an _acid_ be _neutralized_? The _renegade_ was brought to _ignominy_. The _prince_ was travelling _incognito_. The young lady seems _pensive_ rather than _petulant_. Here is a new _edition_ of the _novel_, with _annotations_ by the _author_. The _opera_ seems to be well _patronized_ this winter. Webster had a _compendious mode_ of stating great truths. What is meant by _centripetal motion_? What is the _difference_ between the _numerator_ and the _denominator_?
162. PLEC'TERE: plec'to, plex'um, _to twist_; PLICA'RE: pli'co, plica'tum, _and_ plic'itum, _to fold_.
PLEX: com'plex (literally, twisted together); complex'ion; complex'ity; perplex' (literally, to twist thoroughly--_per_: hence, to puzzle or embarra.s.s); perplex'ity.
PLIC: ap'plicable (-ity); ap'plicant; ex'plicable.
PLICAT: applica'tion; com'plicate (-ion); du'plicate; im'plicate (-ion); replica'tion, _an answer in law_; sup'plicate, _to entreat earnestly_; supplica'tion.
PLICIT: explic'it (literally, out-folded; hence, distinctly stated); implic'it, _implied_.
Ply (Fr. v. _plier_ = Lat. _plica're_), _to work diligently_; pli'able, _easily bent_; pli'ant; pli'ancy; accom'plice, _an a.s.sociate in crime_; apply' (Old Fr. _applier_ = Lat. _applica're_); appli'ance, _the thing applied_; comply' (Fr. v. _plier_), _to fold with_: hence, _to conform or a.s.sent_; compli'ance; display' (Old Fr. v. _desployer_, to unfold); doub'le (Fr. adj. _double_ = Lat. _du'plex_, twofold); du'plex; duplic'ity (Lat. n.
_duplic'itas_, from _du'plex_, double); employ' (Fr. v. _employer_ = Lat.
_implica're_), _to keep at work_; employe; employ'er; employ'ment; exploit'
(Fr. n. _exploit_ = Lat. _explic'itum_, literally, something unfolded, set forth: hence, a deed, an achievement); imply', literally, _to infold_: hence _to involve_, _to signify_; mul'tiply (Fr. v. _multiplier_ = Lat.
_mul'tus_ much, many); quad'ruple (Lat. _qua'tuor_, four); reply' (Old Fr.
v. _replier_ = Lat. _replica're_, to answer); sim'ple (Lat. _simplex_, gen.
_simplicis_), _not compounded_, _artless_; sim'pleton (compare It.
_simplicione_, a silly person); simplic'ity (Lat. n. _simplic'itas_); sim'plify; sup'ple (Fr. adj. _souple_ = Lat. _sup'plex_, bending the knee, from _sub_ and _plica're_); sup'pliant (literally, bending the knees under, kneeling down); treb'le (Old Fr. adj. _treble_ = Lat. _tri'plex_, threefold); trip'le (Lat. _tri'plex_); trip'let, _three lines rhyming alternately_.
163. PON'ERE: po'no, pos'itum, _to place_.
PON: compo'nent, _forming a compound_; depone', _to bear testimony_; depo'nent; oppo'nent; postpone' (-ment).
POSIT: posi'tion; pos'itive; pos'itivism, _a system of philosophy_; pos'itivist, _a believer in the positive philosophy_; ap'posite, _adapted to_; compos'ite, _compound_; composi'tion; compos'itor; decomposi'tion; depos'it (-ary, -ion, -ory); deposi'tion, _the giving testimony under oath_; exposi'tion; expos'itor; imposi'tion; interposi'tion; juxtaposi'tion; op'posite (-ion); preposi'tion; proposi'tion; supposi'tion; suppositi'tious; transposi'tion.
Pose (Fr. v. _poser_ = Lat. _pon'ere_), _to bring to a stand by questions_; post; post'age; post'ure (Fr. n. _posture_ = Lat. _positu'ra_, position); compose' (Fr. v. _composer_ = Lat. _compon'ere_); compos'ure; com'pound (Lat. v. _compon'ere_); com'post, _a mixture_, _a manure_; depot' (Fr. n.
_depot_ = Lat. _depos'itum_); dispose' (Fr. v. _disposer_); dispo'sal; expose' (Fr. v. _exposer_); expos'ure; impose' (Fr. v. _imposer_); im'post, _a tax placed on imported goods_; impos'tor, _one guilty of fraud_; impost'ure; interpose'; oppose'; propose'; prov'ost (Old Fr. _provost_, from Lat _praepos'itus_, placed before, a chief), _the of a college_; pur'pose (Old Fr. n. _purpos_, _propos_ = Lat. _propos'itum_), _an end set before one_; repose' (Fr. v. _reposer_); suppose' (Fr. v.
_supposer_); transpose' (Fr. v. _transposer_).
164. PORTA'RE: por'to, porta'tum, _to carry_.
PORT: port'able; por'ter (-age); deport'ment; export' (-ation, -er); im'port (-ance, -ant, -er); pur'port, _design_; report' (-er); support'; insupport'able; transport' (-ation).
Portfo'lio (Lat. n. _fo'lium_, a leaf); portman'teau (Fr. n. _manteau_, a cloak); importune' (Lat. adj. _importu'nus_, unseasonable); import'unate; importu'nity; op'portune (Lat. adj. _opportu'nus_, literally, at or before the port or harbor: hence, seasonable); opportu'nity; inop'portune.
165. POS'SE, _to be able_; Po'tens, poten'tis, _powerful, mighty_.
POSSE: pos'sible (Lat. adj. _possib'ilis_); possibil'ity; impos'sible.
POTENT: po'tent; po'tency; po'tentate; poten'tial; im'potent; omnip'otent (Lat. adj. _om'nis_, all); plenipoten'tiary (Lat. adj. _ple'nus_, full).
166. PREHEN'DERE: prohen'do, prehen'sum, _to lay hold of, to seize_.
PREHEND: apprehend'; comprehend'; reprehend'.
PREHENS: prehen'sile; apprehen'sion; apprehen'sive; comprehen'sible; comprehen'sion; comprehen'sive; reprehen'sible.