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MOUNT: mount, n. _a high hill_; v. _to rise or ascend_; moun'tain (-eer, -ous); mount'ebank (It. n. _banco_, a bench); amount'; dismount'; par'amount (Fr. _par_ = Lat. _per_, exceedingly), _of the highest importance_; prom'ontory (literally, the _fore_-part or projecting part of a mountain); remount'; surmount' (-able); tan'tamount (Lat. adj. _tan'tus_, so much); ultramon'tane (literally, beyond the Alps; i. e. on the Italian side).
133. MONSTRA'RE: mon'stro, monstra'tum, _to point out, to show_.
MONSTR: mon'ster; mon'strous; monstros'ity; mus'ter, literally, _to show up_, _to display_.
MONSTRAT: dem'onstrate (-able, -ion, -ive); remon'strate; remon'strance.
134. MORDE'RE: mor'deo, mor'sum, _to bite_.
MORD: mor'dant, _biting_, _serving to fix colors_; morda'cious (Lat. adj.
_mor'dax_, _morda'cis_, biting), _severe_, _sarcastic_.
MORS: mor'sel, literally, _a little bite_; remorse', _the biting of conscience_ (-ful, -less).
MORS. (See page 44.)
135. MOS, mo'ris, _manner, custom_; _pl._ Mo'res, _manners or morals_.
MOR: mor'al (ist, -ity, -ize); immor'al (-ity); demor'alize (-ation).
136. MOVE'RE: mo'veo, mo'tum, _to move_.
MOV: move (-able, -er, -ment); remove' (-able, -al).
MOT: (-ive, -or); commo'tion; emo'tion (-al); locomo'tion (Lat. n.
_lo'cus_; a place); promote' (-er, -ion); remote' (-ness).
Mob (Lat. adj. _mob'ilis_, easily moved); mo'bile (-ity); momen'tum, _the force of a moving body_, _impetus_.
137. MUL'TUS, multi, _many, much_.
MULTI: mul't.i.tude; mult.i.tu'dinous; multifa'rious; mul'tiform; mul'tiple (Lat. adj. _mul'tiplus_ for _mul'tiplex_, manifold); mul'tiply (Lat. adj.
_mul'tiplex_); mul'tiplicate (-ion); multiplic'ity.
138. MU'NUS, mu'neris, _a gift, a service_.
MUN. munic'ipal (Lat. n. _municip'ium_, a free town), _pertaining to a corporation_;'ity; munif'icent; munif'icence; com'mon (Lat. adj.
_commu'nis_ = _con_ + _munus_; literally, ready to be of service); commune', _v._ literally, _to share (discourse) in common_; commun'ion, commu'nity; com'munism; com'munist; commun'icate (-ion, -ive); commu'nicant; excommu'nicate; immu'nity (_in_ + _munus_; literally, absence of service).
MUNER: remunerate (-ion, -ive).
139. MUTA'RE: mu'to, muta'tum, _to change_.
MUT: mu'table (-ity); immu'table; commute'; trans.m.u.te' (-able).
MUTAT: muta'tion; commutation; trans.m.u.ta'tion.
140. NAS'CI: nas'cor, _na'tus, to be born, to grow_; Natu'ra, _nature_.
NASC: nas'cent, _growing_; renaissance' (a style of decorative art _revived_ by Raphael).
NAT: na'tal; na'tion, originally, _a distinct race or stock_ (-al, -ality, -ize); interna'tional; na'tive (-ity); cog'nate; in'nate.
NATUR: nat'ural (-ist, -ize, -ization); preternat'ural; supernat'ural.
141. NA'VIS, _a s.h.i.+p_.
NAV: nave, _the middle or body of a church_; na'val; na'vy; nau'tical (Lat.
adj. _nau'ticus_, from _nauta_ or _nav'ita_, a sailor); nav'igate (Lat. v.
_naviga're_ = _na'vis_ + _ag'ere_); nav'igable; naviga'tion; nav'igator; circ.u.mnavigate.
142. NEC'TERE: nec'to, nex'um, _to tie or bind_.
NECT: connect' (-ion, -ive); disconnect' (-ion).
NEX: annex'; annexation.
The _administration_ of affairs is in the hands of her _majesty's ministers_. A _miscellaneous collection_ of goods was sold on _commission_.
The _merchant remitted_ the money called for in the _emergency_. The _suggestion_ to _modify_ the plan was _tantamount_ to its _rejection_. Do you _admire_ Bunker Hill _Monument_? A _miser_ is an object of _commiseration_ to all who know him. _Remuneration_ will be allowed according to the _amount_ of labor. The _major_ has been _promoted_ to the rank of colonel. All who were _connected_ with the _movement_ were _excommunicated_. As the _annexed_ territory is chiefly _maritime_ it will greatly _increase_ the _commerce_ of the _nation_. The _monitor admonished_ the pupils with great _gentleness_. The _committee_ said the _master_ had done his work in an _admirable_ manner. The _Pilgrim_ Fathers _emigrated_ to this country in 1620. A _minute missile moved_ towards us. What is the _subjunctive mood_ or _mode_? A _mult.i.tude_ of _communists_ appeared in Paris.
143. NEGA'RE: ne'go, nega'tum, _to deny_.
NEGAT: nega'tion; neg'ative; ab'negate (-ion); ren'egade, _an apostate_.
Deny' (Fr. v. _denier_ = Lat. _de_ + _nega're_, to contradict); deni'al; undeni'able.
144. NEU'TER, neu'trum, _neither of the two_.
NEUTR: neu'ter; neu'tral (-ity, -ize).
145. NOCE'RE: no'ceo, no'citum, _to hurt_.
NOC: no'cent, _hurtful_; in'nocent; in'nocence; innoc'uous.