New Word-Analysis Part 21

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Device' (Fr. n. _devis_, something imagined or devised); devise' (Fr. v.

_deviser_, to form a plan).

DOCERE. (See page 38.)

57. DOLE'RE: do'leo, doli'tum, _to grieve_.

Dole'ful; do'lor; dol'orous; condole'; condo'lence; in'dolent (literally, not grieving or caring), _lazy_.

DOMINUS. (See page 38.)

58. DU'CERE: du'co, duc'tum, _to lead, to bring forward_.

DUC: adduce'; conduce'; condu'cive; deduce'; educe'; ed'ucate; educa'tion; induce'; induce'ment; introduce'; produce'; reduce'; redu'cible; seduce'; superinduce'; traduce'; tradu'cer.

DUCT: abduc'tion; duc'tile (-ity); conduct' (-or); deduct' (-ion, -ive); induct' (-ion, -ive); introduc'tion; introduc'tory; prod'uct (-ion, -ive); reduc'tion; seduc'tion; seduc'tive; aq'ueduct (Lat. n. _a'qua_, water); vi'aduct (Lat. n. _vi'a_, a road); con'duit (Fr. n. _conduit_), a channel for conveying water.

59. DU'O, _two_.

DU: du'al; du'el (-ist); duet'; du'plicate (Lat. v. _plica're_, to fold); dupli'city (Lat. n. _duplic'itas_, double dealing).

Dubi'ety (Lat. n. _dubi'etas_, uncertainty); du'bious (Lat. adj. _du'bius_, uncertain); indu'bitable (Lat. v. _dubita're_, to doubt); doub'le (Fr. adj.

_double_, twofold); doubt (Fr. n. _doubt_), -ful, -less; undoubt'ed.

60. DU'RUS, _hard, lasting_; DURA'RE: du'ro, dura'tum, _to last_.

DUR: -able, -ableness, -ability, -ance, _state of being held hard and fast_; duresse, _hards.h.i.+p, constraint_; endure' (-ance); ob'duracy.

DURAT: dura'tion; in'durate, _to grow hard_; indura'tion; ob'duracy.


When the speech, was _concluded_ loud acclamation _arose_. In many parts of the _colony_ much of the waste land has been _reclaimed_, and _agricultural_ operations now _receive_ the due attention of the _colonists_. The patient declined to undergo _auscultation_. Fis.h.i.+ng is a healthful _recreation_. Many of the _crusaders_ were inspired with great courage. _Security_ was offered, but it was not _accepted_. The _inc.u.mbent_ could not stand the _crucial_ test, and hence _succ.u.mbed_. A _curious excrescence_ was cut from the tree. To Neptune with his _trident_ the Greeks ascribed _divine_ power. A French _journalist_ has been _indicted_.

The _valedictory_ was p.r.o.nounced in _December_. What is the difference between _addition_ and _division_? We may easily _predict_ the ruin of an _indolent debtor_. How many _maledictions_ are heaped on _dentists_! The _reduction_ of the public _debt_ is desirable. The prisoner was _doleful_ because he was in _duresse_ vile. An educated man is known by his _accurate_ use of language. The _dandelion_ is a _productive_ plant. The _pilgrims received_ the priest's _benediction_ before setting out on their _journey_. The _decimal_ system _conduces_ to the saving of time.

61. EM'ERE: E'MO, EMP'TUM, to buy or take.

EMPT: exempt' (-ion); per'emptory (Lat. adj. _perempto'rius_, wholly taken away), _decisive_, _final_; pre-empt'; pre-emp'tion, _the right of buying before others_; redemp'tion.

Redeem' (Lat. v. _redim'ere_, to buy back); redeem'er; prompt (Lat. adj.

_promp'tus_ = _pro-emp'tus_, taken out; hence, ready); prompt'er; prompt'itude; prompt'ness; impromp'tu (Lat. _in promp'tu_, in readiness).

62. ERRA'RE: er'ro, erra'tum, _to wander_.

ERR: err, -ant, -antry; er'ror (Lat. n. _er'ror_); erro'neous (Lat. adj.

_erro'neus_, erring).

ERRAT: errat'ic; erra'tum (pl. er'rata), _a mistake in printing_; aberra'tion.

63. ES'SE, _to be_; en, en'tis, _being_.

ENT: ab'sent (-ee); ab'sence; en't.i.ty; nonen't.i.ty; omnipres'ent (Lat. adj.

_om'nis_, all); pres'ent (-ation, -ly); represent' (-ation, -ative); misrepresent'.

Es'sence (Lat. n. _essen'tia_, being); essen'tial; quintes'sence (Lat. adj.

_quin'tus_, fifth), _the highest essence; in'terest_ (3d pers. sing. pres.

indic. of _interes'se_ = it interests or is of interest); disin'terested.

64. FA'CERE: fa'cio, fac'tum, _to do or make_; _French_ Faire.

FAC: face'tious (Lat. adj. _face'tus_, merry); fac'ile (Lat. adj.

_fa'cilis_, easily done); facil'ity; facil'itate; fac'ulty (Lat. n.

_facul'tas_, power, ability); fac-sim'ile (Lat. adj. _sim'ilis_, like), literally, _make like_, _an exact copy_; facto'tum (Lat. adj. _to'tum_, the whole; literally, do the whole), _a servant of all work_.

FIC: ben'efice (see _bene_); def'icit (literally, it is wanting), _a lack_; defi'ciency; defi'cient; dif'ficult (Lat. adj. _diffic'ilis_, arduous); ef'ficacy (Lat. adj. _ef'ficax_, _effica'cis_, powerful); effi'cient, _causing effects_; of'fice (Lat. n. _offic'ium_, a duty); of'ficer; offi'cial; offi'cious; profi'cient; suffice', literally, _to make up what is wanting_; suffi'cient.

FACT: fact; fac'tor; fac'tion, _a party acting in opposition_; fac'tious; facti'tious (Lat. adj. _facti'tius_, artificial); benefac'tor; manufacture (Lat. n. _ma'nus_, the hand).

FECT: affect' (-ation, -ion); disaffec'tion; confec'tion, literally, _made_ _with sugar_ (-er); defect' (-ion, -ive); effect' (-ive); effect'ual; infect' (-ion); infec'tious; per'fect, literally, _thoroughly made_ (-ion); imper'fect (-ion); refec'tion; refec'tory.

FAIRE (past participle _fait_): fash'ion (Fr. n. _facon_, the make or form of a thing); fea'sible (Old Fr. _faisible_, that may be done); feat; affair'; coun'terfeit, literally, _to make again_, _to imitate_; for'feit, (Fr. v. _forfaire_, to misdo), _to lose by some fault_; sur'feit, v., _to overdo in the way of eating_.

65. FAL'LERE: fal'lo, fal'sum, _to deceive_; _French_ Faillir, _to fall short or do amiss_.

FALL: fal'lacy; falla'cious; fal'lible; fallibil'ity; infal'lible.

FALS: false (-hood, -ify); falset'to (Ital. n. = a false or artificial voice).

FAIL: fail'ure; fault (Old Fr. n. _faulte_); fault'y; fal'ter; default'


66. FA'NUM, _a temple_.

FAN: fane; fanat'ic (Lat. adj. _fanat'icus_, literally, one inspired by divinity--the G.o.d of the fane), _a wild enthusiast_; fanat'ical; fanat'icism; profane', v. (literally, to be before or outside of the temple), _to desecrate_; profane', adj., _unholy_; profana'tion; profan'ity.

67. FA'RI, fa'tus, _to speak_.

FAT: fate, -al, -ality, -alism, -alist; pref'atory.

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