New Word-Analysis Part 17

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ANTIQU: -ary, -arian, -ated, -ity; antique' (Fr. adj. _antique_), _old, ancient_.

9. AP'TUS, _fit, suitable_.

APT: apt, -itude, -ly, -ness; adapt' (-able, -ation, -or).

10. A'QUA, _water_.

AQUE: -duct (_du'cere_, to lead); a'queous; suba'queous; terra'queous (Lat.

n. _terra_, land); aquat'ic (Lat. adj. _aquat'icus_, relating to water); aqua'rium (Lat. n. _aqua'rium_, a reservoir of water), _a tank for water-plants and animals_.

11. AR'BITER, ar'bitri, _a judge or umpire_.

ARBITER: ar'biter, _a judge or umpire_.

ARBITR: -ary, -ate, -ation, -ator; arbit'rament (Lat. n. _arbitramen'tum_, decision).

12. AR'BOR, ar'boris, _a tree_.

ARBOR: ar'bor, _a lattice-work covered with vines, etc., a bower_; -et, _a little tree_; -ist, -escent, -(e)ous; arbore'tum, _a place where specimens of trees are cultivated_; arboricult'ure (-ist).

13. AR'MA, _arms, weapons_.

ARM: arm (n. and v.); arms, _weapons_; -or, _defensive weapons_; ar'morer; ar'mory; armo'rial, _belonging to the escutcheon or coat of arms of a family_; ar'mistice (_sis'tere_, to cause to stand still); disarm'; unarmed'.

Arma'da (Span, n.), _a naval warlike force_; ar'my (Fr. n _armee_); ar'mament (Lat. n. _armamen'ta_, utensils); armadil'lo (Span, n.), _an animal armed with a bony sh.e.l.l_.

ARS. (See page 28.)

14. ARTIC'ULUS, _a little joint_.

ARTICUL: -ate (v., to utter in distinctly _jointed_ syllables), -ate (adj.

formed with joints), -ation; inartic'ulate; ar'ticle (Fr. n. _article_).

15. AS'PER, _rough_.

ASPER: -ate, -ity; exas'perate; exas'peration.

AUDIRE. (See page 29.)

16. AUGE'RE: au'geo, auc'tum, _to increase_.

AUG: augment' (v.); augmentation.

AUCT: -ion, _a sale in which the price is increased by bidders_; -ioneer.

Author (Lat. n. _auc'tor_, one who increases knowledge); author'ity; au'thorize; auxil'iary (Lat. n. _auxil'ium_, help).

17. A'VIS, _a bird_; Au'gur, Aus'pex, aus'picis, _a soothsayer_.

AUGUR: au'gur (n.), _one who foretells future events by observing the_ _flight of birds_, (v.) _to foretell_; au'gury, _an omen_; inau'gurate, _to invest with an office by solemn rites_; inaugura'tion; inau'gural.

AUSPICI: -ous, _favorable_; inauspi'cious; aus'pices.

18. BAR'BARUS, _savage, uncivilized_.

BARBAR: -ian (n. and adj.), -ic, -ism, -ity, -ize, -ous.

19. BIS, _twice or two_.

BI: bi'ennial (Lat. n. _an'nus_, a year); big'amy (Greek n. _gamos_, marriage); bil'lion (Lat. n. _mil'lio_, a million; literally, twice a million); bipar't.i.te (Lat. n. _pars, par'tis_, a part); bi'ped (Lat. n.

_pes, pe'dis_, foot); bis'cuit (Fr. v. _cuit_, cooked); bisect' (Lat. v.

_sec'tum_, cut); bi'valve (Lat. n. _val'vae_, folding-doors); bi'nary (Lat.

adj. _bi'ni_, two by two); binoc'ular (Lat. n. _oc'ulus_, the eye); combine'; combina'tion.

20. BO'NIS, _good_; Be'ne, _well_.

BONUS: bonus (something to the _good_ of a person in addition to compensation), bounty (Fr. n. _bonte_, kindness); boun'teous; boun'tiful.

BENE: ben'efice (Lat. v. _fac'ere, fac'tum_, to do), literally, _a benefit, an ecclesiastical living_; benef'icence; benef'icent; benefi'cial; ben'efit; benefac'tion; benefac'tor; benedic'tion (Lat. v. _dic'ere, dic'tum_, to say); benev'olence (Lat. v. _vel'le_, to will).


_In this and the following exercises, tell the roots of the words printed in italic_: The _equator_ divides the globe into two _equal_ parts. Good _agriculturists_ read _agricultural_ papers. In the _primeval_ ages the _longevity_ of man was very great. The _pilgrims_ have gone on a _pilgrimage_ to the Holy Land. The _subaltern_ had no _alternative_ but to obey. To remove the stain a powerful _acid_ must be used. The _alimony_ which had hitherto been allowed was no longer considered _adequate_. The discourse, though learned, was not _edifying_. G.o.d is an _eternal_ and unchangeable being. The handsome _edifice_ was burned to the ground. The plants and animals in the _aquarium_ were brought from abroad. Though the style is _antiquated_, it is not inelegant. The _arbitrary_ proceedings of the British Parliament _exasperated_ the Americans. G.o.d is the _bountiful_ Giver of all good. The President made a short _inaugural_ address. By _combined_ effort success is sure. One of Scott's novels is called The _Antiquary_. It is _barbarous_ needlessly to destroy life. George Peabody was noted for his _benevolence_. The Romans were famous for their great _aqueducts_.

21. CAD'ERE: ca'do, ca'sum, _to fall_.

CAD: -ence, _a falling of the voice_; cascade' (Fr. n.); deca'dence.

CIDE: ac'cident; coincide' (con + in); coin'cidence; decid'uous; in'cident; oc'cident, _the place of the falling or setting sun, the west_.

CASE: case, _the state in which a thing happens or falls to be_; casual (Lat. n. _ca'sus_, a fall); cas'ualty; cas'uist, _one who studies cases of conscience_; cas'uistry; occa'sion.

Chance (Fr. v. _choir_, to fall), _something that befalls without apparent cause_; decay (Fr. v. _dechoir_, to fall away).

22. CaeD'ERE: cae'do, cae'sum, _to cut, to kill_.

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